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Ugggggghhhhhhh..leave me alone!!!11!!!!b*family rantyness*

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  • Ugggggghhhhhhh..leave me alone!!!11!!!!b*family rantyness*

    Hi all! I dont mean you all, you guys can bother me all you want.

    My sister is swinging like a monkey on my last viable nerve right now.

    I just get so tired of her neediness, whininess, bitchiness, alcoholicness that I just wanna smack her.

    I asked her to watch my home/dog from saturday to sunday so that my husband and I could spend a night @ my friends cabin in the Poconos. My mom had the kids so that wasnt an issue . She has watched my home in the past with various results, but almost always ends with her trashed (weed and booze) but miraculously not ever my house. She usually is the one who watches my house when we go on vacay each year, but this past year I got my cousin to watch my house for 2 weeks. Needless to say, she was pissed about that.(whole 'nother story)

    Anywho, so we get back last night, and as fuckin usualy, her and her BF are sitting on my couch arguing. IF my sister is not with him, he's convinced that shes cheating on him. Even though, hes the one that disappears for hours and no one can find him. So hes asking her what happened last night for the parts that he wasnt there for , and shes not being "detailed" enough from him, so he keeps repeating his question. And seriously, thats all they fight.

    SO i walk in to that bullshit and I immediately get into a bad mood. I let them go for like 10 minutes, and send my husband to tell them to STFU (he's much nicer than I am). He does so, and nicely I might add, so they get the idea. But I come to find out, her Saturday night consisted of shots (alcoholic ones) from 4p - 8p and her throwing up and going to bed @ 8pm....leaving various unknown people in my house. She wakes up @ 2am to her BF next to her in bed (my bed..ugh). And someones dad (yeah...a wtf) passed out on my couch.

    So seriously, I'm pissed. She passed out and left people in my home,.who the fuck KNOWS what happened. She doesnt know who else may have been in and who the hell let her boyfriend in (not like he has a key to here.) and that guy on the couch.

    Im done. She will never watch my home again. I took stock of all my items (nothing was missing). Flipped my mattress and changed the bed sheet and had a talk with the husband.

    It sucks for us b/c shes the only person whos available 24/7 to watch the house and the dog on short notice...but what the shitty job shes been doing, it might as well watch itself.

    So, Im sitting on my couch and about 10 minutes ago today, she calls me. She says "I know youre going to work tonight, but I was wondering if I could just hang out at your house.


    Sis: Oh, these kids are getting on my nerves..its just boring over here *note, these are MY kids that are over there. My mother watches them when I work in the evenings*

    Me: Is "J" coming over too then?

    Sis: Uh, yeah..

    Me: Look, Im not feeling well today, and I might get called off of work. i dont feel like entertaining today, I know that may sound ignorant, but I dont care at this point. Im tired and I hurt.* I honestly dont feel well.*

    sis: O..ok..

    Me:*other various topics, conversation ends*

    But seriously, LEAVE ME ALONE. Im sure she was excited at the possibility of banging the crap out of her asshole, cheating, weed dealing boyfriend in my house tonight but stop it!. Im done with this.

    I wonder when she'll figure out shes worn out her fuckin welcome.
    Last edited by Amina516; 01-11-2010, 10:13 PM.

  • #2
    Oh, absolutely do not allow her in your home when you aren't there. Even if she's doing you a favor for free, and nothing has bad has happened to the house, it's contents, and the pup, there's always that risk, especially when she invites other people over.

    And with the pot smoking going on, no matter if that in itself didn't bother you, if a party is going on and gets too loud/out of hand, there's always a chance the Police would be called, and you and Hubby might be in trouble legally, depending on your local laws.

    It sounds like you've definitely made up your mind on this, but don't second guess yourself, and don't let her, or anyone else she might run and whine to, guilt you into backing down. Your home and peace of mind are much more important.

    Good luck in continuing to deal with this, and hopefully she won't give you any grief over it.


