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Kinda mean but kinda funny.

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  • Kinda mean but kinda funny.

    So last night I was out and about with my friend Little Red, barhopping and checking out some bands. There were some amusing things that happened, but this is the one I remember with an evil grin.

    I was sitting at the bar. Little Red was standing kind of next to me. She had just been talking with a member of the band (they were on break), and he had left to get back on stage. And another guy swooped in started trying to pick her up, both very obviously and very badly. "So do you think you would go out with me tomorrow night?" That kind of stuff. And I was chuckling inside, especially when she started looking at me, pleading with her eyes for help. I waited for the right spot, or until she got desperate.

    All this time I was facing them, obviously listening to what the dork was saying, not knowing if he would react to that or how. It was fairly obvious from our posture that Little Red and I knew each other, but Captain Obvious couldn't know how, as in what our relationship was. This entire time, I have said nothing, just quietly sipped my beer. Finally he says some other lame thing to her, and turns to me for "help."

    "Dude, are you gonna help me out here?" As if to say, "Come on, man, help me pick up this chick. Give a brother a hand." Looking for Stranger Aid, I guess.

    I just looked at him and quietly said, "Not with my baby sister I'm not."

    The look on his face was classic. To quote Charlie Daniels, he "bowed his head because he knew that 'he'd been beat." Little Red played right along with it, and the guy had no chance. I mean, seriously, there is not too much you can say to a guy when he tells you he is not going to help you get in the pants of his sister. Some guys with game might have come up with something, but this poor schlub had less game than the exit sign.

    I am suck a good friend, and so very very EVIL.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Quoth Jester View Post
    I am suck a good friend, and so very very EVIL.
    SUCH a good friend you let a little Freudian slip out?

    In all seriousness - that was probably the best thing you could have said and goes up on the hall of fame.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      Every girl needs a friend like you Jester. Bonus points when you're able to come up with something witty.
      How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


      • #4
        XD Wow. And I thought I was bad. At least I don't do stupid pick up lines. And can take the first hint that girls give they aren't intrested.
        Military Spouse Support.
        Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


        • #5
          Quoth Plaidman View Post
          XD Wow. And I thought I was bad. At least I don't do stupid pick up lines. And can take the first hint that girls give they aren't intrested.
          Ya know, sometimes we ARE interested, but need a little time. As in, be our friend instead of using lame pickup lines. This guy didn't have a chance. The band member may have.
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            Quoth Food Lady View Post
            Ya know, sometimes we ARE interested, but need a little time. As in, be our friend instead of using lame pickup lines. This guy didn't have a chance. The band member may have.
            I do like friends. I care alot for the female friends I do got. I really do hate to ruin those. However, yeah. That guy was an idiot. Its not cool to keep pushing a girl. I made that mistake once before a very very long time ago. It was a lesson I'd never forgotten.
            Military Spouse Support.
            Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


            • #7
              Quoth Plaidman View Post
              At least I don't do stupid pick up lines.
              I have to slightly defend the guy here. He was lame, but he wasn't trying lame pickup lines. He at least had the balls to step up, put himself on the line, and just flat out ask her out.

              Well, technically he was practically begging, not asking, but you get the idea. But no stupid pickup "lines."

              And I found out today when talking to Little Red that at one point he even said to her, "I really have no social skills at all, so I'm just going to put it all out there."

              He gets credit for courage, but his execution was a major failure.

              Quoth Food Lady View Post
              The band member may have.
              Not "may." He definitely did. Still does.

              I found it amusing that at one point, LR told me she was trying to get his number, and I had to tell her, "Don't ask for it. Just say, "Give me your number." Shit works." She did. It did.

              So let this be a lesson to you kids. If you want to pick up a girl,

              1. Have some small semblance of game or social skills. Begging only works on girls if you are a cute puppy.
              2. Don't ask complete strangers for help picking her up. For all you know, that stranger is her big brother. Or hell, he could be her boyfriend or husband.
              3. If you want her number, don't ask for it. Tell her to give it to her. Not ordering her, mind you...that's lame. Just, "Hey, give me your number." Simple, straightforward, and to the point. For me, once I figured this out, it has never failed me. (Getting the girls to return the calls or answer is another matter, though.)
              4. If all of the above is too tough, just play in a band. Never fails.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."

