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Did I just step....

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  • Did I just step....

    ..into the twilight zone?

    I was leaving work this AM and as soon as I step outside, I can hear crows squawking...very loudly.

    I take about two steps and all the lights on my left turn OFF, including a hospital sign.

    I keep walking towards the sidewalk, as Im walking I think i see a car coming down the street. As I get to the curb, I see that there is no car all.

    Slightly freaked at this point.

    I cross the street and hit the sidewalk and do a doubletake b/c it looks like someones staring at me through a door. But it was just an autmnish wreath.

    It was at this point that I kinda so i skipped/ran all the way home. I was alone on the streets, there were no cars or people so I was kinda freaked! Thought maybe the zombie apocalypse was upon us...and me...with no shot gun!

    I think i need sleep. Lol. G' nite all!

  • #2
    EEE! Zooooombiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeesss!!

    <hides under bed>

    Don't worry, Amina. We've all had days like that...


    • #3
      Good news is i woke up later that afternoon and the world seemed to be zombie free...for another day at least.


      • #4
        Quoth Amina516 View Post
        Good news is i woke up later that afternoon and the world seemed to be zombie free...for another day at least.
        Only because you've never seen me at any time from 'awake' to 'asleep'

