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Sick Behaviour On Internet

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  • #31
    Quoth TelephoneAngel View Post
    "what does it matter, you must be sad to be following this poor girl around and looking into her personal life, why don't you get a life of your own and leave her alone!"
    They're probably pissed that this person duped them so well and for so long and they're just taking it out on the messenger. I dunno. I think you did the right thing and I would have done the same thing if I had been in your position.


    • #32
      Just ignore them; they're probably morons who still believe this girl's lies.
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #33
        Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
        Just ignore them; they're probably morons who still believe this girl's lies.
        There's also the possibility that admitting that they were lies means that they admit they were fooled. Not pleasant to do that, and a comfortable fiction may be preferable to them.



        • #34
          True enough. It's difficult to do an about face and admit that you were wrong about someone like that.
          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
          My DeviantArt.


          • #35
            Quoth Pedersen View Post
            I try very hard not to have a persona. In other words, if you meet me offline, I'll be fairly close to what you see online. At least, I think I am that way. I'm not aware of me actually hiding much about myself, mainly because there's not much point in doing so.
            I try to be that was as well, but in real life, I tend to be more withdrawn. I was always a wallflower.

            Eric the Grey
            In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


            • #36
              Quoth Ree View Post
              Hey, even this place isn't immune.

              We have had our share of fictional characters and drama queens who prey on the kind hearted members here for a bit of attention.
              I still remember Technobill's story...not to mention I think you came up with a name for it here..."VBS" or "Vinegar Boy Syndrome."

              Quoth cinema guy View Post
              Someone on this forum once said, 'The internet - where men are men, women are men and children are FBI plants.'
              I've heard "the men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents." or replacing FBI with SAPOL or AFP (SA Police or Australian Federal Police)
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • #37
                and we have an update, not only a liar but deranged and dangerous as well.

                Last night a number of our (first) group including myself recieved private emails from this loon threatening various leg breaking, bricks through windows, etc, she has obviously been attempting to track us down for some time, claiming she knows where we all live.(As it is a local community site, this is entirely possible)

                But the idiot sent all these emails from her own email address which gives her REAL name and so all the members of our group called the police and reported threatening behaviour, as she has often said where she lives, so it would not be too difficult for the police to apprehend her and prove she made these threats.

                Most of us have shrugged the threats off as most of us have boyfriends who would soon defend us if she did turn up on the doorstep, but what a deranged person she must be, which is why we informed the police anyway.

                As for our little group we are slowly but surely bonding back together some appear to have left, but those who are still around are now cracking jokes and tlking about personal issues just like we used to.

                i have no idea what the second group are doing, we have not heard from them again, and after the last time i am certainly not going to conatct them again to warn them of this woman's behaviour last night.
                Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"


                • #38
                  I had someone (who has since been banned) from here...try to "threaten" me because I stood up for someone on the boards. Seems he was making some comments to one of the ladies (who is also local), and didn't like it when I told him to knock it off. Needless to say, he threatened to kick my ass, and I told him to "bring it on." 12 years later, I'm still waiting

                  One of my friends from here did a little detective work with his IP, and got his name, photo, and address. Now, I *could* have gone over there, and dealt with him personally. However, I didn't want an assault or harassment charge, nor did I want to get shit on my best shirt I felt it would be more effective to call him out via email--I'm sure he shit his pants when I referred to him by his real name, and pointed out that he didn't live in the nice neighborhood he'd claimed..but in the crappy one down the road!

                  No folks, even though I could have kicked his ass, I wouldn't have gone over there. Instead, I chose to turn the tables on him. Scare the shit out of him, in other words.
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #39
                    This is the only forum I have ever joined or posted to.. so don'cha all feel special now? The reason I joined? Because I knew that trolling, flaming, and lying wasn't going to be tolerated. I feel free to share, to cry, laugh, act silly - just be myself and know that everyone on here will respect each other even when you don't agree. That is a real community.

                    So anything else on the internet, I don't believe 90% of what is posted. Because people want to pretend to be someone other than who they really are, and no matter how 'anonymous' you want to be, someone, somewhere can find things out about you. Why lie about piddlin' stuff, it takes too much effort to keep up that illusion.

                    Then there is just the really crazy people.
                    Make a list of important things to do today.
                    At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
                    Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


                    • #40
                      Telephone Angel, you've done your best to inform these people... if they don't want to believe it, don't feel bad. You did your bit. The rest is up to them. *hug* Sorry this happened to you. I've been burned before (most importantly by a guy I dated for THREE YEARS - lived 800 miles away, we saw each other every month or two, and after three years of that, I discovered he was keeping at least one girlfriend where he lived - no wonder his mom didn't like me... she thought he was cheating on his "girlfriend" with ME, even though I'd been dating him a year longer LOL).

                      All you can do is tell yourself that there are rotten apples in every barrel, and you can either go hungry for fear of finding one, or you can reach in and take your chances.
                      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                      • #41
                        I imagine just about anyone who spends much time on some sort of "community" online is going to run into issues like this. I remember my "first". I was a freshman in college and had met this girl in a yahoo chat room. We hit it off and IM'd off and on for about a week. So then she tells me she has this exboyfriend who was stalking her and showing up around the house. One day while chatting she says he's outside and trying to get into the house saying he's going to kick her ass and rape her. I'm legitimately concerned. So then he supposedly get's into the house and get's on the IM and begins to taunt me and what not. Besides being fairly outlandish a few things should have tipped me off. The most obvious being that the font size got larger while this "guy" was on and then changed back when she got back on. I was naive and kind of new to the internet scene so I bought into it. The kicker though was when she got online a week or so later and went into this whole story about how she was now pregnant from being raped and she knew because she could feel the baby kicking (after just a week or so mind you) and she had been hoping that I would step up to be the dad and help her take of this child. By this point I new she was full of it and pointed out that there is no way she would feel a baby kicking after a week or so. She stood by her story though. She blocked me though after that so I didn't have to deal her further. That was my awakening though and I realized you just can't get attached to anyone online since there is no way to know who they are. They are just words on a screen to me. On the flip side though I have met one of my best friends online. We still keep in tough even though life tends to get in the way more then not. So like many have said, you kind of have to be suspicious of everyone unless you know them personally and even then people lie.


                        • #42
                          Back in the BBS days, one sysop (now one of my closest friends) figured "yeah, right" when he saw what I put for my real name and how it fit with the "handle" I had chosen (he didn't care so long as the callback validator found you at the phone number you gave). Of course, when he created an enhanced access category at $20/year, the name on my cheque matched the "real name" field from my user record - I'd chosen a "handle" that fit with my name, rather than putting in a fake name that fit with my "handle".
                          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                          • #43
                            I tend to believe people till they give me reason not to do so. It is disappointing to find out that someone you trusted was lying, but that is how real life works too.

                            I have been accused of making things up. At first, it did bother me that someone would think that I am lying, but now I am at the point that if they don't want to believe me that is up to them. I can't make people believe me.

                            I know my life was and is very unusual and the things I have gone through some will never go through in their lifetime. That is fine, there are things I have gone through that I hope no one has to ever deal with.

                            I am 100% truthful in what I am saying, but if a person thinks I'm lying there will never be enough proof for them that I'm not.
                            Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                            If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                            Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                            • #44
                              While I echo the sentiments of everyone saying to be careful around those who you do not know except as a name on a discussion forum/game etc. I have to add that you should not be put off making friends with these people entirely. There are a lot of nice, pleasant, honest, wonderful people on the internet too, and it would be a shame to not get to know them on account of some people using the internet to be jerks.

                              I myself met my girlfriend on the internet (internet radio, actually) nearly 4 years ago, and we have been a couple for the past 3 years.

                              Nothing in this world will ever be truly idiot-proof as long as they keep making more effective idiots... -EricKei


                              • #45
                                Quoth wolfie View Post
                                Back in the BBS days, one sysop (now one of my closest friends) figured "yeah, right" when he saw what I put for my real name and how it fit with the "handle" I had chosen (he didn't care so long as the callback validator found you at the phone number you gave). Of course, when he created an enhanced access category at $20/year, the name on my cheque matched the "real name" field from my user record - I'd chosen a "handle" that fit with my name, rather than putting in a fake name that fit with my "handle".
                                Someone on another forum thought my net handle was my real name. O_o He threatened to look my name up in the phone book. Good luck, arsehole; firstly, my name isn't Lace Neil Singer; secondly, I'm not even IN the phone book.
                                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                                My DeviantArt.

