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Personal Food & Drink Records

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  • #16
    That's one thing about having an overactive pancreas. While I usually don't eat more than anyone else, and frequently eat quite a bit less, I do have the ability to put away a staggering amount of food.

    I can't always do it...I think it depends on blood sugar levels. If I drink a bit of booze with my meal, yeah. I'll eat the sofa.


    • #17
      I haven't tried since my university days but I used to be able to down 4 pints of guinness in approximately 1 minute.
      Good customers are as rare as Latinum. Treasure them. ~ The 57th Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition.


      • #18
        Not sure if it's all that impressive or funny, or even appropriate, but I once slammed 4 oz of hard liquor in probably about one second, after a misunderstanding on the size of 'standard' and 'double' of a certain shot.
        Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

        Canadians Unite !


        • #19
          Quoth Jester View Post
 should have gone for the name change!
          I would have, only after that many Napalm-grade wings, my brain decided to take a vacation and not show up until around 4 hours later.


          • #20
            I went through 5 lbs of crawdads in one sitting... and made the wait staff laugh at how I arranged the heads in a spiraling pyramid. My friend was impressed. I was hungry.

            Then there was the time I got out of the hospital and wanted shrimp, so my friend took me to Red Lobster for their all you can eat shrimp. I kept getting mad at the waiter for bringing me small servings for like 5 shrimp at a time. I think I had to ask for more shrimp 7 times before I was full. The waiter had a disbelieving look on his face every time I asked for more after the 3rd time.


            • #21
              Quoth Boggles View Post
              I haven't tried since my university days but I used to be able to down 4 pints of guinness in approximately 1 minute.
              And with that, you've just shamed Guinness's advertising campaign.

              My only drink record, spread over something like 3 hours, 10 shots of vodka, 2 shots of Ouzo, one shot of Raki, 3 and a half pints of lager and a shot of peach schnapps, the kiciker? I got all of those for free and even after all that, I was nowhere near drunk or even tipsy.

              It's funny when the bar owner themselves threatens to hold you hostage if you don't down a (free) shot every time you walk past the place
              I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


              • #22
                Quoth Akasa View Post
       friend took me to Red Lobster for their all you can eat shrimp. I kept getting mad at the waiter for bringing me small servings for like 5 shrimp at a time.
                Unless they were jumbo prawns, five at a time on an all you can eat is somewhat ridiculous.

                I still remember from my college days visits with my female friend JR to a local joint that did "10 Cent Shrimp Night" on popcorn shrimp. We would start out with no less than 50 of those fuckers, and go from there. Actually, JR often advised friends who would come with us to not put their hands between the shrimp and my mouth until I had had at least 30.

                She wasn't joking around. Her advise was wise. Very, very wise. As I was hungry. Very, very hungry.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #23
                  The people on my Senior Trip went to a steakhouse the last day of school. All of the guys did the challenge of eating...oh man how many ounces? 72? I would say a 72 oz steak, a potato, a salad, and bread in less than an hour.

                  And they completed it. It was nuts, even though I had seen them eat on the Senior trip. They are crazy ridiculous eaters.

                  As for my record,when I was about eleven, I ate five helpings of my grandma's spaghetti. I was just so hungry.
                  "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

                  I belly dance with tall Goblins!


                  • #24
                    I once drank a liter of orange juice in just a few minutes, when I was experiencing a raging thirst. I was very uncomfortable afterwards, with all that liquid sloshing around.

