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ME2 SPOILER thread (warning, spoilers ahead!)

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  • ME2 SPOILER thread (warning, spoilers ahead!)

    This thread is for those who have beaten at least one ME2 playthrough, or for those who don’t mind spoilers. And spoilers there will be

    Ok, first just let me say…how AWESOME was that?? I spent the last hour of the game on the edge of my seat, including yelling ‘no no no!’ when I thought Tali would die.

    For those who mentioned the romances and how Ash/Kaiden smacks you down or how Liara has changed, let me say this.


    Ash/Kaiden relationship can be salvaged, I’m pretty sure. If you tell them you were in a coma for the two years, and that you are not WITH Cerberus but only being funded by them for the moment, they will later send you an ‘apology’ letter. Their whole point of view is that first they find out you’ve been alive for two years and haven’t contacted them (which has to hurt, they had no idea you were actually unconscious for the whole while. For all they know you just cast them aside), and that you are suddenly working for the ‘enemy’. Yeah, like anyone, they’re having a major ‘wtf’ anger issue. From everything I’ve gleaned from the Bioware production team, the original romances CAN be carried over into ME3 if you play your cards right.

    As for Liara, if you do her quests and then choose the ‘why so much anger’ option after she mentions stuffing the Shadow Broker into a coffee cup, she will break down and explain some things to you. This option only appears ONCE and you don’t get it again. Don’t read below if you don’t want to know what it triggers:


    Basically, the gist of my understanding is, she found out it was the Shadow Broker who told the Collectors where to find you. So she blames the Shadow Broker for your death. Also, her friend that was helping her try and find you (find out if you were alive or not) ended up being captured and killed/tortured by the Shadow Broker. So she’s got a real hate on for him/her now.

    She incurred a massive amount of personal debt trying to find you. From what I understand, she’s the one that finally locates your dead body. Whether she actually sees it or not is unclear but she ends up ‘making a deal with the devil’ with Cerberus and turns your body over to them on the desperate chance they’ll be able to save you. She was afraid this would make you hate her when you found out what she’d done.

    My FemShep didn’t end up romancing anyone else so I can hold off and see what comes of this in ME3. My MaleShep I’m playing through now will also hold on after his confrontation with Ash to see what is resolved in ME3. The rest of my Sheps are free to pursue new romances in the second game, so that’ll be interesting as well (no Kaiden romances. I didn't like him at all).

    And finally, I lost Legion. Not entirely sure how as his loyalty was up and I had all upgrades. Anyone have any ideas on what I should have done different to get everyone out alive?
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  • #2
    I miss Liara, honestly and weirdly enough. Don't get me wrong the new 3 romances for MaleShep are all incredibly well done. But I found none of them really replaced Liara for me and MaleShep just doesn't click with me as well as FemShep ( My alternate future life self apparently has a vagina ) . Not even Tali. She's too cute and kid sisterish. I was railroaded into that one frankly. Court martial, her dad's dead and now she's asking me out? Saying no would probably make her blow herself out an airlock at that point. But I do like Tali from ME1 so I just sacrificed my MaleShep on her altar. Her, he's yours now, be happy. I'll make another Shep later. >.>

    I picked Vanguard too which was meh. I couldn't find my FemShep saved game to import so I imported the only one I could find and he was my 2nd or 3rd playthrough and a Vanguard ( I vastly perfer Infiltrator ) for a change of pace.

    I was going to replay as FemShep regardless but no Liara really kills the idea for me. Although I suspect they might DLC in Ash/Liara since it allows freeplay after the end and both of them had temporary reasons to not join you ( At least one of which is resolved by the completion of the final mission since you can break your allegiance to Cerberus ). There's no way they'll leave it till ME3. 4 years for the romance resolutions? Fans would riot.

    As for the ending. Everyone survived. My checklist is thus:

    All Squad affecting Upgrades you can find ( Seems to up survival )
    All Ship Upgrades ( Or people die in the ship battle beforehand )
    Everyone loyal AND in their unlocked alternate costumes ( Weirdly it seems to matter )
    Do not wait to go through the Omega 4 Relay once it becomes available. Waiting will start to kill off your non-squadmate crew.

    In the final mission I did:

    Vents: Legion
    Round #1 Fireteam Leader: Miranda
    Barrier: Samara
    Round #2 Fireteam Leader: Miranda again
    Escort crew back to ship: Thane ( figured he was the sneakiest )
    Final Battle: Jack + Tali

    At the end I told them we needed to hurry rather then someone had to hold the door. Miranda took a shot in the gut ( giving me a near heart attack ) but lived. Everyone survived, no causalities.

    Now imma wait for some Liara DLC before I revive my FemShep self. Or a DLC for a Samara romance subplot. She's probably my favourite out of the cast to be honest. Sucker for a spiritual side. The fact there's a bittersweet romantic moment in there with her makes it all the worse.

    Also, go to the AI Core and just stand there and watch Legion for a minute or two for one of the best easter eggs ever ;p
    Last edited by Gravekeeper; 02-03-2010, 05:13 PM.


    • #3
      Ok, I DID wait for a tad after the Omega 4 opened because I had to mine a bit more to finally upgrade my ship armor plating. But there was no bloody way I was going through without it.

      My final combinations:

      Vents: Legion
      Round #1 Fireteam Leader: Samara
      Barrier: Samara again
      Round #2 Fireteam Leader: Miranda
      Escort crew back to ship: Zaeed ( figured he was the one I cared about least if he died)
      Final Battle: Jack + Tali

      Legion got shot in the face trying to help me close the doors. Miranda also got shot in mine as you described, and survived.

      Liara DLC would ROCK. I really hope your right or _I_ will be one of those rioting.

      As for romances...for males Miranda, Jack and Tali are obvious. Females it's clear that it's Jacob and Thane GARRUS really the third one?? I tried to avoid any kind of 'flirty' or seemingly romantic options for everyone because I was saving my Shep for Liara but...

      Really? Garrus??
      My dollhouse blog.

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      • #4
        There's Morinth and Kelly too, though she doesn't count as a "Real" romance despite having most the same options. Morinth on the other hand ends in a game over if you romance her since luring her into bed is a Bad Idea(tm). You can recruit Morinth over Samara if you want ( you need enough Renegade, or enough Paragon to resist Morinth's charms which seems to trigger the option too ).

        But yeah longer you take before going through the more of your crew gets liquefied. I dunno if it affects your squad though, but it might. Just a tip, the Omega 4 mission activates exactly 2 missions after you get Legion and the IFF. Doesn't matter what 2 missions. So that's your window to mine and upgrade without being under the thumb of a time limit.

        Garrus's is hilarious. Was watching snippets on Youtube. Mordin's sex advice is comedy gold too. Especially for Tali and Thane ( Apparently Thane's like certain species of frog. "Prolonged oral contact" will cause hallucinations. )

        Jack's suppose to be a real emotional gutpunch if you go Paragon on her. Which is what I'm up too now as Jack is fun to tease and her snippy responses crack me up ( "You didn't have to answer that so fast, fucker." ). But not much motivation. I need Liara or Samara DLC. Samara was definitely my favourite in ME2, enjoyed the conversation, the romantic tease was evil of Bioware. She probably opens up in ME3 but christ another 2 years? They should have made both at the same time like LOTR or made ME3 an expansion ala Throne of Bhaal. Or an intervening expansion before ME3. ME2 doesn't feel like it ended story wise and indeed it doesn't play wise either.

        Jack is striking me a bit like Tali. "Here, I made a Shepard for you because you need a hug."

        Not touching Miranda. I'm sure she's a lovely person but she's too attractive to be attractive. If that makes any sense.


        • #5
          Well, I have enough Shepards and Shepardesses to romance everyone and see how they all turn out. I didn't know you could actually get Morinth in bed. She was just starting to turn on her charms when Samara strode in. Though I can see how it would be an Uber Bad Idea (tm).

          For Mordin, I didn't get the 'sex advice' talk...prob because I didn't pursue any romances. But him bursting out in song had me and my room-mates rolling on the floor. Shepard's whole 'i'm sure that was all important but hang sing?' comment and expression was classic. As well as his little belief that I must be 'interested' in him because I came to talk to him so much.

          All told, Samara and Grunt were my two favorites. I had an attachment to Tali and Garrus as well because they were 'old crew'. I do like Miranda but she's a bit too distant. Jack was good. The rest I could more or less take or leave. Tali definately had much more character appeal here than in the first game where I tended to just ignore her. Legion was interesting...I guess I didn't really have him long enough to really form a connection though.
          My dollhouse blog.

          Blog about life


          • #6
            If you stand besie Legion long enough, he starts dancing.

            I'm rerunning my main MaleShep, the one that romanced Ash before. I'll have him romance Tali, I think just so I can see teh DRAMA in ME3. Or I'll run through again and keep him faithful.

            Since Liara didn't give me a OMG TRAITORZ speech, My FemShep will remain faithful to her. My renegade...well....who knows?

            The reason I feel like I failed when I had 3 die is when Samara died, she told me her shield couldn't hold up.
            I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


            • #7
              Speaking of dancing, did you guys have your Sheps dance? Geez, they look like pre-teens awkwardly bopping along to music at their first official dance. LAME! *ROFL*
              My dollhouse blog.

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              • #8
                If i can find it in my local Game store, I might just rebuy ME1 so i can play through it and then play through ME2 again with it.
                I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                • #9
                  Shouldn't be hard to find. It was very popular. I think it's down to 20 dollars.
                  I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


                  • #10
                    Goddamnit, I have to stop playing the game because the objective marker is going mental like it was before and it's so annoying, thought it was due to me having dual screen as setting it to one screen sorted it but now it's back.
                    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                    • #11
                      Dancin' Legion <3

                      Legion is fascinating, its honestly a real shame and a weakness in the game that he comes into it so late and that getting him triggers the count down so its impossible to get to know him until after you beat the game.

                      With enough Renegade or what have you, you can choose to help Morinth in the fight with Samara. Which results in Samara being killed instead. Morinth takes her place and her identity on your crew. No one else knows of the switch cept you. Romancing her from there will get you black widow'd though. ;p

                      The only real total throw away is Jacob. He's just...there. Just a vacant placeholder. Everyone else I either really liked or they at least had their moments. Cept Jacob. I didn't get too close to Miranda either. Saw a bit beneath the surface during her loyalty mission but her sudden flirtiness had me running screaming from her office.

                      The other criticism I'll level is the ME1 love interests being so tossed aside with stupid reasons. There really has to be DLC or something planned there as it was uncharacteristically shallow of Bioware yet at the same time you can't officially end the ME1 LIs as far as the game is concerned regardless of how bad the reunions go. The first time I was just thrashed by Ash and didn't exactly feel any remorse for going with Tali. The second time I played it different annnd actually got thrashed even more but managed to crack Ash and see her emotions. Niether encounter "broke" the relationship apparently ( there's no way to get closure with Ash short of acting like Captain Douche for every dialogue option but even then I imagine it sticks ).

                      Much to my surprise the second time when the argument turned even more vicious actually didn't give me any options when talking to Kelly to say that it was over. Then I go talk to TIM and hit something I missed the first time through: That the fucker just orchestrated all of that specifically too break me up with Ash. Then I felt really bad. And vengeful. Very vengeful.

                      Still, her reasons for not joining you are BS honestly. Tali and Garrus when hearing about your situation with Cerberus react as "Oh shi- you're in trouble I better come with you to watch your back and protect you from them.". Ash is "Hey I know I love you and all but my reputation in the Alliance is more important but you're still an asshole for dying.". Which is what really killed the romance for me regardless.

                      Liara on the other hand has an even more BS reason frankly. At least Ash is operating within her confines as an Alliance soldier and her personality. Liara just has this entire intervening subplot and personality overhaul ( which was off putting honestly ) that was made up for ME2 specifically to keep her off your crew. Where ironically you could help her with it. TIM is kind of a duh for the Shadow Broker in many ways and you do get the option to hijack an entire Cerberus database at one point. You can't tell me there's nothing in there she couldn't use. Plus TIM's info network has gotta be beyond Liara's.

                      But nooo.

                      Sigh, just me and Samara now. ;p


                      • #12
                        With Liara I backed away from my screen going "Wai-...what?"

                        As for TIM, Hell I don't trust the guy, in my mind he set up the attack on the Normandy, afterall what a coincidence they he has Ressurection technology at his disposal at the same time the ship gets attacked and Shep killed. Plus the SR2, that thing has got to have taken well more than a couple of years to build. And the beggining conversation makes me suspect it even more, when he's saying that they shouldn't let themselves lose him (not to combat related death or injury but lose him in regards to the Alliance always sending him on missions and th elike)

                        You'd think your LI would cut you some slack, afterall, you know, you did save the freaking gaxlaxy.

                        Hell, it wouldn't suprise me if TIM was connected to the reapers and working as an agent for them, progessing humans place amongst the galaxy? Yeah, right, hell farmers want to make sure they have a good quality crop before harvesting them.

                        I kinda laughed at miranda's loyalty mission, namely because she's such a cocky cow, hah, you didn't see your friend betraying you did you little miss perfect!
                        I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                        • #13
                          Quoth RayvenQ View Post
                          I kinda laughed at miranda's loyalty mission, namely because she's such a cocky cow, hah, you didn't see your friend betraying you did you little miss perfect!
                          She does make it a tad hard to like her at first with the attitude. But I was happy for her and her sister. Till she started getting flirting with me afterwards and ManShep apparently thinks with his penis and cannot execute any available dialogue option without checking up Miranda's ass.

                          I dislike ManShep, the voice actor and his line delivery are typically cringe worthy in romantic scenes.

                          But FemShep has no Liara, qq.


                          • #14
                            I wish what you chose as your birth affected your voice, Renegade voiced by Steve Blum (Grunt and the Traitor scientist guy at the beggining) or Michael Wincott would be awesome as long as he did it in his Cyrus voice (Hell I named my Infiltrator Shep Cyrus cause he was such a bad ass in that game). Though I have found myself wishing Michael Dobson had done some of the voices, reminds me of my childhood in a good way.

                            I love one of the mini missions on the Citadel, where you can buy a fish from a gift shop and convince a Krogan that there are fish in the Presidium lake.
                            Last edited by RayvenQ; 02-04-2010, 03:14 AM.
                            I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                            • #15
                              well I FINALLY beat the game...3 deaths.

                              I really had NO clue what I was doing, and I now wonder if I took to long going through the omega 4 relay...

                              got the geth dude, ran a few more missions, mined some minerals to get my final ship upgrade, and THEN went through the relay....

                              be honest...did I wait to long or does it reeally matter?
                              It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

