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You know what THAT'S like ...

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  • You know what THAT'S like ...

    When the satellite dish at the restaurant lost its signal Sunday, we were afraid that we wouldn't be able to show the Superbowl in the bar.

    One of my coworkers who knows (or thinks he knows) about that stuff was on the phone with someone trying to talk him through how to resolve the problem.

    The bartender walked up to me and said, "He's on the phone with someone in Pompeii. You know what that's like."

    "Pompeii?!! Um, no. No, I don't."

    I imagined trying to get help over-the-phone long distance from some technical support guy who sounds like he's speaking Latin, when a loud explosion (Mount Vesuvius erupting) interrupts him, and then there's a lot of yelling and screaming in the background.


    No wonder we couldn't watch the Superbowl!

    Or maybe she meant "Bombay"?

    India. Italy. Whatever.

    (Please don't post rude comments about getting - or trying to get - technical support over-the-phone from folks in Bombay. Or Pompeii.)

  • #2
    Quoth Palsgraf View Post
    (Please don't post rude comments about getting - or trying to get - technical support over-the-phone from folks in Bombay. Or Pompeii.)
    I imagine it would be easier to get service from Mumbai (Formerly Bombay) than it would be from Pompeii what with the latter being a tourist attraction/archeology dig. They probably end all their calls with "I'll have to call you back sir/madam, Vulcan is angry."
    Last edited by Soulstealer; 02-09-2010, 03:48 PM.
    How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?

