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Student puts the money where her mouth is...

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  • Student puts the money where her mouth is...

    First off: I got a compliment today from a really cute peer. She said I was pretty quick witted on alot of stuff, usually from my retorts that tend to make the class laugh. So that made my day.


    There is a small coffee area in one of my class. The previous teacher use to have it there out of his own pocket, but he retired. So now its all donation. A slimy, gooy mug sits there next to the coffee pots and paper cups. On the mug itself is PLEASE DONATE FOR COFFEE. Its been there since the start of the term. You put coins or money it in, etc etc.

    Well, one of the students, who is.... well. She's nice, but very annoying and tends to talk about stuff that has nothing to do with the lecture. Teacher no longer calls on her, and even tried talking to her at one point about staying on subject (alone).

    Well, this girl decided to take that mug, fill it with coffee and just start to drink. A teacher (or lab person, she always in the room next door where the /medicene candy/ is kept. She saw it, and proceded to tell us about the donation thing, and t hat we kept money in that mug. Its never been clean. This student just shrugged and kept drinking from the mug. We all told her that it had money in it. She just said ok.

    After class she left that mug, and I mentioned to the aide I can't belive she just kept drinking from it. lab person replied that she wanted to know where that girl put the money that was in it at.

    She didn't go out and say she stole the money, or took the money. But did mention to the class that there was money in it. We all kinda... well... knew that if money was in it (And there normally is. I put in a two quarters when I take coffee) but she never said where she put the money. Likely took it.
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