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Cat troubles :(

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  • Cat troubles :(

    Last night, one of our cats, Ash, ate part of a plastic wrapper. We found this out when he threw part of it back up. We found the original piece that he chewed it off of and tried to match up the parts he threw up to see if he got it all out of his system, and it didn't look like he did. So at about 9pm, we went rushing to the emergency vet clinic.

    They did x-rays and didn't see any obstructions, but said that he still could have had some damage done depending on how long the plastic was in his system and if it had any toxins on it that got into his system. They recommended doing bloodwork, which was hella expensive, so we decided to wait until this morning to take him to our normal vet. Ash has been acting fine ever since he threw up last night.

    My husband just left to drop him off at the vet. We're going to leave him there for the day so they can do the bloodwork, any additional x-rays if they feel it is necessary, and monitor him in case he starts acting weird later on. I just had to force him into the carrier again and he was crying the whole time. He's a very docile cat, so he didn't really fight me (unlike our other cat who fights tooth and nail when she knows she's going to the vet) but I think just the pitiful little meows were worse.

    I'm gonna miss him today! I know it probably sounds stupid, he's a cat and he's only gonna be gone one day (hopefully), but I'm home alone during the day while my husband goes to work and Ash is much more friendly than our other cat. He always sits on my lap and cuddles with me and "bothers" me when I'm trying to work. I just hope he's okay and that he can come home tonight.

  • #2
    Ugh, I feel ya

    Riley did the same thing about a year or so ago...he ate string....saw it coming out his stinky a 12am rush to the E-Vet. They did 2 X-rays, found nothing, so I took him to his regular vet the next day.

    They did the bloodwork, I forget what they found, but he was sluggish and had a fever. They cut him open, and nothing was amiss. They had to keep him for 1 week because he wouldn't poop (I think he didn't like the litter)

    He is all healthy, and I must admit looked adorable with hi pink bandage and IV and cone collar

    So *hugs* and try not to worry....I am sure Ash will be a-okay and hopefull a litter wiser.
    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


    • #3
      Plastic doesn't really show up too well on X-rays, from what I understand.

      On the plus side, animals of all sort have eaten inedibles and come out fine.



      • #4
        *Hugs* I hope everything goes well with your cat.
        Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

        Proud Air Force Mom


        • #5
          My cat is like child. I tell my daughter he is her brother

          A couple of months ago I had some family over and my cat only likes people he chooses too

          He is not fond of the family members I had over that day so he was hiding under the bed all day and finally came out for food and water. He walked really slow to the kitchen to eat and went back to my room and just sat by the door looking sad. He got up to walk to the other room and fainted. I immediately freaked out and he just lay there looking around. After about 5 minutes he got up and I held him getting ready to take him to a vet. But he seemed fine and when my family members left he was all better and himself. It was scary to see him faint as he had never done that before and has not done it since.

          When I have my friends over he likes them and lets them pet him and walks over to them.

          I hope you get your cat back in your arms soon


          • #6
            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
            On the plus side, animals of all sort have eaten inedibles and come out fine.
            Pun intended?

            Plastic - especially softer / wrapper style plastic will not show up in an x-ray and if they do it will be barely visible.

            Most likely the cat will poop out anything left in it especially if it was a softer plastic. Cats are pretty tough and he should still have at least 8 lives left.
            Quote Dalesys:
            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


            • #7
              Well, my husband got a call from the vet a couple of hours ago. Ash seems to be doing pretty good, he hasn't vomited and all of the bloodwork came back normal, except he is a little dehydrated. Of course, he also hasn't eaten anything since yesterday morning. The vet said he might also have esophagitis from the plastic going down and then coming back up. She said the best thing we can do now is to give him some Pepcid AC twice a day before he eats (we actually already have some already cut up for our other cat, who sometimes gets upset stomach too) and try to get a little extra water in him by giving him wet canned food, or a little tuna juice or something.

              When the doc did the x-rays last night, he wasn't specifically looking for plastic. He said it would show up on the x-ray as a gas buildup somewhere in his system, if there was any kind of obstruction like plastic. He didn't see any significant gas buildup so he didn't think any of the plastic got stuck anywhere. And it's a good sign that Ash has been active and acting normal ever since then.

              Edit to add: And we'll be able to bring him home tonight. I think we could bring him home right now if we wanted, except my husband is at work till about 3ish and we only have one vehicle, so I have no way to go get him.
              Last edited by MaggieTheCat; 02-11-2010, 06:45 PM.


              • #8
                That sounds like great news.
                Quote Dalesys:
                ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                • #9
                  Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                  I'm gonna miss him today! I know it probably sounds stupid, he's a cat and he's only gonna be gone one day
                  It doesn't sound stupid at all. I was nearly reduced to tears last year when I had to leave my cockatiel, Oscar, at the vet's overnight due to my work schedule. He had some feathers growing in funky and I wanted him seen right away. Oscar is very much a Mama's Boy and to hear him screaming for me when he realized I was leaving him there was tough. Luckily everything turned out ok and I'm mostly sure he's forgiven me.

                  Glad to hear your kitty is coming home. With so many furkids crossing the Rainbow Bridge lately, it's good to see one not making that journey yet.
                  I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                  • #10
                    Ash is home and he seems to be doing okay, aside from the fact that our other cat hates him at the moment! He smells funny and she doesn't like it, so she hisses and growls at him. Ash is rather intimidated at the moment, especially because right after he got home, we had to head out for a few hours for an appointment with our realtor. He's also very very hungry, but we're only supposed to feed him small amounts of food for the next day or so so he doesn't overstuff himself and throw up. We gave him a little bit of canned food before we left and he scarfed it down! He's currently walking around to all the food/water bowls in the apartment looking for some scraps.


                    • #11
                      HA-HA the post vet stink. Morg hates when Ri is all vet-stinky (well she hates him most of the time, just more so then)

                      Had a dream last night Morg ate string and had to go to the vet. I think she turned out okay in the dream

                      Very happy Ash is home where he belongs...and silly kitty for scaring you. Cats, they love making us human worry!
                      "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                      "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                      • #12
                        They're good at being trouble-makers, that's for sure. But I couldn't live without them.

                        My husband got up and fed Ash this morning but didn't give him the Pepcid AC. Ash scarfed his breakfast and promptly threw it all up. Yum. We waited about half an hour and gave him some Pepcid and some more food and I think he's okay now. He's camped out on the bed. Yume (our other cat) is still pissy with him, though. I think she's almost "jealous" of him because we've been giving him some of the canned food, which we normally reserve for her. She's just being pissy for the sake of being pissy, I think, since she gets canned food every day anyway. She hissed at Ash again this morning when she saw him eating "her" food. Hopefully she'll get better later today!

