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gaming burnout?

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  • gaming burnout?

    It seems lately that my nerdier hobbies are getting to be not much fun for me right now. Warhammer, 40k , Mordhiem, Necromunda and Blood Bowl all seem to find me not wanting to paint or play right now. The D+D campaign is currently stalemated. Pathfinder I am enjoying, though I'm finding it a little easy. WOW it seems like i go through phases of absolutely loving it or feeling like it's more of a chore than a game. Am i starting to suffer burnout? or is it just the winter blaghs?
    They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.

  • #2
    I go through that quite often, especially with WoW. My husband and I started playing it about 2 years ago and I think we've taken at least 3 breaks in that period. We just started playing again in December and I'm already starting to feel sick of it.

    Maybe try a different game for your tabletop pen and paper RPG. Or a different type of campaign using the D&D/Pathfinder system. We're currently playing a d20 based Cthulhu game, which I love compared to the normal D&D dungeon crawl let's go kill some baddies and grab some loot game that we used to play every week.


    • #3
      I vary between being a WOW addict, killing a zillion people in an online Xbox shooter (right now, Modern Warfare 2), and knitting. I will get very involved in one of those for a few weeks/months and do it constantly, then it gets boring and one of the others catches my interest , and the cycle repeats.

      I don't know if it's burnout, but I don't think it's unusual to get bored of things we spend a lot of time doing. If you're bored by something and it's not fun, take a break. Pick up another hobby, then go back to the games in a few weeks or months or whenever they sound interesting again.


      • #4
        You're just bored because you aren't playing one of the following!
        1. Borderlands (Xbox 360, PC, PS3)
        2. Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360, PC)
        3. Dragon Age: Origins (Xbox 360, PC)
        "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


        • #5
          Could try the serenity role playing game for something new in your D&D friends and I have started a star wars game, and I'm gonna run a serenity game sometime next month after my friend leaves.

          heck your D&D game getting boring? pull out munchkin cards.

          Getting tired of wow? play D&D online.

          There's always things to do differently when things get to common place.
          It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


          • #6
            I go through phases like that as well, and in fact, WoW is getting like that for me, thus, my post from yesterday. Generally, in my case, all I need to do is move to another game for a little while, or even part-time and I'll be better.

            The suggestions above are very good. Try to mix things up a bit.

            Eric the Grey
            In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


            • #7
              I get the same way, every so often I just can't do the computer at all and bury myself into something completely different and then I'm golden again.

