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Getting another $350 in tax refunds!!!

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  • Getting another $350 in tax refunds!!!

    I know Taxguykarl will probably cringe at this, but I was sorting out a pile of papers on my desk and stumbed across a form 1098-E, which lists the amount of student loan interest that I'd paid in 2009. I'd completely forgotten about this, and because I've been sending large (as in several thousand dollar) payments every one or two years instead of making the individual monthly payments, I forgotten that a payment WAS made this past year.

    Well, $970 in interest was paid, and when I amended my taxes, that amounted to $352 in additional refund money for me!!! WOOT!!

    (The majority of that comes from getting a health care penalty back from the state, since that deduction drops me into a different bracket).

    So yes, it's a bit of a pain to refile, and yes, it's costing me a few bucks in processing fees, but for $350, it's worth it.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    FYI - contributing to a 401K also gives a HUGE tax refund. Last year it was almost $1 back for evert $1 I put into it.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      Sweet! Spend it on something good...and maybe..tasty..


      • #4
        Nice! Spend it on something awesome and worthwhile!
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          Quoth Dave1982 View Post
          I know Taxguykarl will probably cringe at this, but I was sorting out a pile of papers on my desk and stumbed across a form 1098-E, which lists the amount of student loan interest that I'd paid in 2009. I'd completely forgotten about this...
          Guess again, pal. I've done a lot more amendeds this year because of people like you jumping the gun.
          Quoth Dave1982 View Post
          Well, $970 in interest was paid, and when I amended my taxes, that amounted to $352 in additional refund money for me!!! WOOT!!

          So yes, it's a bit of a pain to refile, and yes, it's costing me a few bucks in processing fees, but for $350, it's worth it. :
          Just be patient as amended returns are all paper and take at least as long as a retail rebate.
          Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
          Nice! Spend it on something awesome and worthwhile!
          Like say, the rest of that debt--you'll be better off in the long run.
          I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

          Who is John Galt?
          -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

