It's the weekend, hooray! And it's a HOLIDAY Weekend! You know what that means! SAMPLES AT SAM'S CLUB! Good ham, good sausages, fantastic cranberry relish, and a guy offering samples of various wines with a valid ID.
But, see, I'm in Corpus Christi for the duration and since they only have one Sam's Club, that's the one I go to (No fair! Albuquerque has three!). The guy giving the samples refuses to give me one despite the fact that I'm 23. It's not a corporate thing, he says it's a personal decision.
I can understand that. But it still bothers me. Had no problems walking into any liquor store (aside from the initial death-glare because I still look like a kid) here. Nor did I have any problems testing wine in New Mexico. It's just this one guy.
And the wine I wanted to try is a Sam's Club exclusive and since Dad had eaten something sweet before he tried it he couldn't give me a review on it. *Shakes fist at Dad*
Guess this means I have to wait until we head back to New Mexico before I can try the bloody wine, despite being age-appropriate.
Just wanted to ask someone, anyone, why this bothers me so much.
But, see, I'm in Corpus Christi for the duration and since they only have one Sam's Club, that's the one I go to (No fair! Albuquerque has three!). The guy giving the samples refuses to give me one despite the fact that I'm 23. It's not a corporate thing, he says it's a personal decision.
I can understand that. But it still bothers me. Had no problems walking into any liquor store (aside from the initial death-glare because I still look like a kid) here. Nor did I have any problems testing wine in New Mexico. It's just this one guy.
And the wine I wanted to try is a Sam's Club exclusive and since Dad had eaten something sweet before he tried it he couldn't give me a review on it. *Shakes fist at Dad*
Guess this means I have to wait until we head back to New Mexico before I can try the bloody wine, despite being age-appropriate.
Just wanted to ask someone, anyone, why this bothers me so much.