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minor annoyance

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  • minor annoyance

    Without going into a huge background story - I've been having problems with my bathtub faucet leaking/running, never heard anything in response to my original "maintenance request", but the management company finally got around to doing something once it started leaking into the apartment below me.

    I was home when the maintenance guy initially showed up, but had to leave for work at the library in the middle of the whole process. And I'm not sure what all had to be done, but apparently it was not able to be finished in one day - when I got home tonight, my shower curtain rod was gone, some of my soap bars and lotions had apparently been thrown out, and a hole had been left in the wall with the pipes exposed and the replacement faucet/handle partially installed.

    The "minor annoyance" part comes into place because nobody had bothered to contact me (or leave a note) to let me know things like whether or not it was okay to run water in the bathtub, when they'd be coming back to finish the rest of the work,......etc. And of course, the rental office was closed when I got home.......although to be fair, I don't think anyone was trying to be sucky, just the usual bad communication.

  • #2
    *an update of sorts*

    I ended up spending the night at my moms last night since I didn't know if I could use the bathtub or no, and as of this writing, nothing further has been done with repairs, nor have I received any communication from office/maitenance staff. (and course, the office was closed by the time I got off work at the library)

    So, I called the office number and left a voicemail message asking to be updated on the status of the repair work.........namely because of being unsure about it being "ok" to run water in the bathtub, and because I'd like to know what happened to the soaps and lotion that was apparently thrown out. (I was polite about that, but still I'm kind of irritated because this was NOT cheap stuff)


    • #3
      They, or the contractors they hired, threw your stuff away, they have to pay for it. Don't take no for an answer.
      The High Priest is an Illusion!


      • #4
        Well, I think it may have had something to do with whatever had to be done with the pipes in the wall..........perhaps the stuff that got thrown out was ruined in the process. And I can understand that accidents do happen, (and I admittedly should've removed everything from the bathtub area before I left for work yesterday), but still, methinks I should have been told if something got ruined and had to be thrown out.


        • #5
          ^^^^ Yeah, that's what I was kind of thinking as I read your O.P.

          The stuff was probably ruined somwhow. But, it would have been nice for the maintenance guy to leave a note explaining what happened. Or, better yet, a note, along with the stuff that was ruined, (the smaller stuff maybe in a bucket, or wastebasket), for you to see for yourself what the damage was. If for no other reason, to cover his own ass. Otherwise, it could appear that he saw your stuff, and went "Ooooooh! Soaps and lowwwwshunnnnnnnssss!!" [/Homer Simpson] And took them home with him.

          I really don't know what to tell you as far as seeking compensation for the soaps and lotions. It can't hurt to ask. But, yeah, you probably should have moved them out of the way yourself.

          The shower curtain rod however, should not be your resposibility to replace. Even if the guy knew ahead of time that it needed to be removed, it shouldn't be the tenant's responsibility to do so. In fact, I would think the building owner/management co. would not want tenats messing with stuff like that.



          • #6
            I went through a plumbing nightmare with the one bathroom I had at my old apartment complex. We were leaking into the apartment below me. I ended up not being able to use my shower for a couple of days, and packing up my bathroom several times. The tub surround was replaced (along with the wall), and faucets taken down and put back. IT was a living hell. I no longer live in that apartment The one I have now is so much better, the bathrooms are in much better shape, and I have two!
            Great YouTube channel check it out!


            • #7

              I really don't know what to tell you as far as seeking compensation for the soaps and lotions. It can't hurt to ask. But, yeah, you probably should have moved them out of the way yourself.

              Oh, I'm not looking to get compensated or anything, I just feel that there is NO excuse for someone not having contacted me to let me know what was going on......especially since I'd left a note with my cell phone number on my front door. And I can understand work not being able to be completed in an entire day, but I still should've been notified that my bathtub/shower was going to be basically unuseable, so that I could make alternate arrangements. (it's not warm enough yet that I'd enjoy ice-cold water)


              • #8
                Ah! I didn't even think about the possibility of your cell number being available! I don't have one (well, actually I do have a second hand one a relative gave me over a year ago when they upgraded, just haven't set-up a pre-pay thingy for it yet).

                So yeah, he should have had the common courtesy to call you up and say "Hey, sorry, some of your soaps and stuff got damaged, and I'm unable to complete the job today because........."

                So, give him hell, I say! Give him hell!!


