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More "COPS" Live from the porch . . .

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  • More "COPS" Live from the porch . . .

    I would've posted last night after this happened, but I was simply too tired. So pull up a drink and kick back . . . it's a doozie.

    I had been resting and watching tv in the bedroom for a spell, heating pad under my sore right shoulder (damn tendonitis) and heard my Mom come back up the ramp (she'd been gone on a drugstore run) and then one of our neighbors pulled up outside.

    No sooner do I start to get up and turn off the pad, I see blue lights. Oh boy . . . did the neighborhood get a show.

    By the time I made it outside, Mom and Neighbor were on the front porch, watching as 2 police officers pulled up behind a large black SUV. First officer out was a petite female who was approaching the driver's door from the side while her backup, a male officer, was approaching the rear of the vehicle, hand on gun and walked around to the driver's side of the SUV.

    Female officer starts talking to the driver, and before we knew it we could hear a loud female voice all over the 'hood yelling about how she'd been to court already and the matter was already settled.

    So what we can guess here is that female officer did a random license plate check (as they do around here periodically) and lo and behold, this one came up as having outstanding warrants.

    What's the smart thing to do here?

    a) politely leave with the officer and go downtown to straighten out the matter at hand

    b) argue with the officer and refuse to go

    Which do you think this driver (we soon discovered to be a large woman who could have easily turned the female officer into mincemeat had she responded alone without backup?)

    As you've already guessed, much mouthing ensued as she (the driver) came out of the vehicle. Male officer was also trying to reason with her and the female officer was still trying to get the woman to calm down while the other passenger (another woman) came out of the vehicle and started running her mouth.

    So the passenger was quickly told by female officer that she needed to stay quiet and out of the way or she'd be going for a ride downtown as well.

    Driver tried to hit the female officer . . .wrong move, Sister. Before she knew it, she got spun around and slapped face first against the side of the SUV and cuffed. Passenger stood off to the side watching and trying to say something, but again was warned by one of the officers to butt out.

    It didn't end there . . .driver was still trying (while cuffed) to avoid being shoved into the back of the car, which was already open and waiting for her and STILL MOUTHING.

    Both officers were warning her that if she didn't calm down and cooperate, they'd make her. Driver didn't listen, so driver got a taste of the taser.

    Male officer opened the other rear door, climbed inside and the driver disappared inside the back of the car, but then fought her way back out, yelling "THAT HURT."

    Gee, ya think? What'd ya expect, a tickle?

    Needless to say, one more short tase later and she was bagged in the back of the female officer's car and the doors were shut. Then as quick as it started, the female officer was leaving with her suspect, the male officer also left following in the same direction and the passenger was allowed to leave in the SUV.

    Now this woman not only has an outstanding warrant, but now she can add resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer and creating a disturbance (to say the least.)

    Final score:

    Police - 1
    Irate woman - 0

    This was even better than last week's car wreck at the intersection (last Thursday - two idiots from different directions tried to beat the red light and one t-boned the other. Both drivers were okay, but both vehicles were totaled and had to be hauled away on a flatbed.)

    We have morons in our neighborhood.
    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

  • #2
    Oh, what "fun."

    Reminds me of an incident we witnessed some time back while we were still taking the bus to and from work.

    We were on our way home, and there is a bar across the major street just before where we turn to get to our building in the apartment complex.

    A woman who looked like she was often rode hard and put away wet was in her SUV in the parking lot, the window rolled down, the engine running, and having a screaming fit with a guy who was standing not too far away.

    We figure the guy had to be the owner or manager of the little bar because nobody was telling him to get out and he was telling the woman to get off the property repeatedly.

    So they have a few exchanges when she guns her motor and makes a move like she's going to run the guy over in her car! It jumps forward onto the concrete strip betwen the parking space she's in and the storefront of another shop. She doesn't go far enough to actually run into the building or hit the guy, who moved out of the way pretty quick.

    We have stopped, at this point, and had called the police on the situation, because we're both fairly certain that the barfly in the car is not entirely sober and shouldn't be behind the wheel to begin with.

    So there's a bit more yelling back and forth when the woman finally decides that she's not winning the shouting match, so she guns it to make a dramatic exit.

    Alas for her and the owner of the nice little black muscle car parked at the curb, there isn't actually a driveway behind where she had parked her SUV, and she hits said little black muscle car hard enough to do some pretty notable damage.

    She makes like she's going to drive off (we'd already given her plate number to the cops), when the owner of said black car comes over from the barber shop where he and his "homies" hung out to see what the hell had just happened to his car.

    She's now stopped her SUV, left it running, and gotten out and is crying and gesticulating and it looks like she's managed to use up all of her rage and anger and is now just hysterical.

    That's the point where we decided that there likely weren't going to be any more entertainment value out of the show, so we got a move on and got home.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      What a stupid lady. If people would just keep their mouths shut around police, they wouldn't get into so much trouble.

      I have my own "COPS" episode to post about, but not sure if I want to type all that drama out. Happened early this morning--two calls to the cops and the first time, six patrol cars showed up.

