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Seriously, Dad? This Needs To Stop. (VERY Long, venty, blood boiling)

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  • Seriously, Dad? This Needs To Stop. (VERY Long, venty, blood boiling)

    (Apologies for length, lots of semi colons, commas, dashes, parenthesis and run on sentences-I want to get this out, it's been bothering me for months.)

    I really, really wish I could throttle my dad sometimes.

    My dad has got an honestly 1950's attitude to a lot of things; he doesn't like Obama (to put it lightly; he is the most racist man I've ever met short of a KKK member); he doesn't like Asians, African-Americans, Hispanics or Russians; he doesn't like liberals/Democrats, doesn't like people having sex before marriage, doesn't like the internet, doesn't like imported cars or "socialist Europe and Canada" (which is funny since he came from Canada), doesn't like people of alternative religions, doesn't like gays (ironic since my brother is-dad's dignity still hasn't recovered from that one; but I think that he sees it as both my brother's choice and that it was his biological parents who did it to him since brother is adopted). I don't share the same attitudes, obviously. Well, when it comes to politics, I do, but I know enough to not discuss it in polite society. Whereas Dad is forever trying to save my aunts and uncles from their "evil" political views with shouting, screaming tirades that last for at least an hour on average.

    My (British) boyfriend has about six different rare medical disorders. In summary-he has little to no collagen so he's very bendy and has very stretchy skin, his nervous system and mitral valve are screwed, his heart beats twice the rate of a normal person's and he has a bit of OCD and depression because of being incurably ill and in pain all the time. But there's good news-it's all serious but it won't kill him, which means that he will live a decently long life. This is relevant for later.

    Boyfriend has been to the US twice already. Dad was nothing but sweet and kind and polite to boyfriend was here-comforted me when I was broken hearted after he left-then turned into nasty old grouch a few weeks later, bringing up small things that boyfriend did that dad didn't like. Dad didn't like boyfriend bought me a half dozen red roses for my birthday; dad didn't like I spent so much time with boyfriend, dad threw a fit when I closed the door once when boyfriend was here and screamed I'd turn into my slutty cousin who has 3 kids by 3 different fathers because most Canadians don't believe in marriage because of their evil socialist society; dad flipped his shit when he found out my mother drove me to the hotel early one morning so we could have our *ahem* "last goodbyes" in peace.

    Dad has held a hell of a grudge for a year and a half now since boyfriend last came; for what is basically a very small reason-boyfriend didn't say goodbye to him.

    At Logan, mom and dad decided to ditch us to go downstairs to get some coffee so we could be alone together. They did this half an hour before the boarding time. At 15 minutes before boarding, they still weren't back up, so we went to find them. They weren't there. Because of the POTS, boyfriend has a tendency to panic very easily-heart thudding out of his chest, sweat, blood pressure skyrocketing, the works. It took a phone call to his mum and me beside him trying to calm him down to get him calm again. Mom and dad saunter back and immediately insist they were there; we didn't look hard enough. Whatever. At a minute before boarding time, boyfriend is standing at the gated off area, we are kissing and hugging and I'm crying like a leaky faucet, boyfriend is trying not to cry and disappears before he can. Mom and dad are near the wall talking between them and a minute after boyfriend's gone through the gate, come up and demand to know why boyfriend is gone already, why couldn't he have said goodbye to them too.

    Like him standing at the gate with his bags in hand, hugging me is NOT a big enough clue that he's about to leave me and you should stop talking and come over? Maybe it was a faux pas of his, I don't know.

    Mum has forgiven him, but dad? Oh no. He's chosen to make this a major drama. He has screamed at both my mother for forgiving boyfriend and me for loving him in the first place. I was told that boyfriend is a pedophile ala Neil Entwhistle (oh did I get a nice scathing note the day after that story broke out that said that boyfriend is cut from the same cloth; if anyone wants me to scan it I'll try to find it), boyfriend is a mama's boy, his family is a bunch of uneducated backwater hillbillies and boyfriend is an utter loser for not going to university, boyfriend will never live in the US, he will drag me back to the UK kicking and screaming and I will be so unhappy there because of their awful socialist/communist society and I will rot there because I will have no freedom, I will own no car nor own my own house or even have the right to breathe without being taxed and god help me if I talk with my American accent because I'll attract anti-American idiots by the dozens who will kidnap me, torture me, rape me and leave me for dead the minute I get off the plane; I will have no job, no hope of advancement and will hate everything about the weather and the food and the Queen and how eventually boyfriend will drop me for another piece of ass because I'm now "ruined" and therefore unmarriageable and I will be full of nothing but regret, regret, regret; or if boyfriend does marry me, I will be full of despair living in the UK tied to my brick. If I go to the UK alone, I will have "dire consequences", whatever those are, because I'm a little, vulnerable girl who will be preyed on; but if I bring Best Friend to the UK, it's somehow OK to dump her in a country where she will know no one and will be left alone for however many days the vacation will last because she's "stronger" since she's about a foot taller than me. Dad is refusing to come pick up boyfriend when he's coming back in a couple weeks, refuses to pay for anything, refuses to feed him on "my dime", which includes mum's cooking, refuses to look at him, talk to him or say anything but curse words and insults. Dad has planned a "talk" with boyfriend. A "talk" that I will make sure I am invited to.

    Mom has worked on him, his sisters have worked on him his brothers have worked on him, his sisters-and brothers-in-law have worked on him, telling him to reconsider, to stop being so controlling, to make him realize that I have my own choices and I need freedom to make my own choices. Haha, nope. My family has been warning him that this will turn out exactly like it is with my uncle (dad's brother), that I will be cut out of his life completely, my children ignored, insulted and cursed for being devil spawn or some other bullshit, just as it is with my uncle and one of his daughters. Poor daughter didn't marry a guy my uncle approved of; as a result he has cursed that side of the family and even forbidden my poor aunt from ever seeing her daughter or grandchildren.

    Boyfriend's family is beyond appalled; they're insulted that dad would even think such a thing. I asked dad what he would say if boyfriend's dad tried the same thing; he responded to the effect "he can do what he likes, but I'm still not going to change my mind". I'm just baffled at this complete bumfuckery. Dad knows I love boyfriend, dad knows that I want this asshattery to stop so boyfriend can enjoy being with me in peace but dad refuses to stop. Boyfriend suspects dad is yanking my chain; I know he isn't because dad is not this deadly serious or stubborn when he's teasing.

    Dad is currently flipping his shit over the fact boyfriend plans to buy an iPad for himself and an iPod classic for me as a graduation/birthday/anniversary present when he comes here and that mom is taking us and Best Friend to Foxwoods because us "kids" have never been; this just proves that boyfriend is irresponsible with his money; (boyfriend just bought a Nexus One last month) and he spends his hard earned pay on "fucking gadgets" and I will painfully divorce him a year after we married because we'll fight about money. Well, because of boyfriend's EDS, it makes it harder and harder for him to use a regular mouse and keyboard without dislocating something, so an iPad is a godsend. So is the Nexus One with the touchscreen. This is for boyfriend's comfort plus boyfriend likes shiny new toys.

    I really want dad to stop being an asshat in the end and that he tolerates boyfriend, if not loving him. I want dad to get it through his head that I will probably not move to the UK, I want to get my master's in a few years and work in the publishing industry in a recognized publishing house here in the US, but I want to visit the UK before I make any decisions. It's just a constant barrage of "I hate, I don't want, you will regret, your boyfriend, his father, his mother, his brother is/are <insert negative adjective here>", etc, etc, etc.

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    I hate to say this, but it's not going to stop. This is who your dad is. All you can do is accept it and work around it best you can. If that means minimizing contact with him and refusing to discuss touchy topics with him, so be it. You are not going to change him.

    At least he was honest and self aware about that point.


    • #3
      .... Wow. Damn. That really sucks.

      Look, I doubt there's anyway he'll ever change his mind. Sorry about that. I know you love your dad, and I know you love your boyfriend. Will you two last? Nobody knows that. Point is, you gotta go with your heart. You already know you want to get your Masters first, and don't have plans moving there, nor does your boyfriend want to move to USA. Doesn't mean it can't work. My manager and assistant manager's wives lives in Egypt whilethey lives here, and they still love each other. Its difficult, but it works.

      When it comes right down to it, if you two do remind together, that's all you can do. Lean on each other for strength. Maybe one day he'll get over it. Maybe he won't. You love each other. Cherish that strength. Love is the most powerful thing in the entire universe. It can overcome anything.
      Military Spouse Support.
      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


      • #4
        Quoth Plaidman View Post
        You love each other. Cherish that strength. Love is the most powerful thing in the entire universe. It can overcome anything.

        However I didn't say that boyfriend will not move here-it's just Dad saying that he probably will not. Who can say? I might end up loving the UK and moving there; I might end up hating it and he will move here. I already know what I don't want; that is to have an arrangement like your managers have with their wives apart from them. I've done it for almost five years and I don't want it to continue-I want to be with him, anywhere in the world.
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


        • #5
          Belive me. There's isn't by choice. Some stupid law or something wont' let them.

          Do what you feel is right. Your dad may never ever love, or even like your boyfriend. That just something you might have to accept. Tell dad the truth even. You love your boyfriend. You love your father (Sometimes ...). But you won't let his stupid views destroy that.

          On the bright side of things, it seems your mother at least approves of it. So that just one less battle to deal with, and one more ally to help support.
          Military Spouse Support.

          Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


          • #6
            Mum does, yeah, which is a good thing; so does Best Friend and my aunts and uncles who met boyfriend. I just want this asshattery to stop at least temporarily, and for dad and boyfriend to reach a peace, however uneasy it is.
            Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


            • #7
              I don't think your dad will be convinced by anything you say unfortunately he's just one of those people. Ignore his behaviour as best as you can and minimize his contact with your boyfriend.
              My mum's the same way towards my husband, outright says that he's abusive (he's not, I have BJHS so I bruise and injure myself really easily, and he's very supportive). The only way that I've stayed on polite terms is by living over 6 hours away and rarely talking to her.
              Good luck! You're a really wonderful person for being so understanding of your boyfriend's condition!
              Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

              Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


              • #8
                Its sad but as others have said but you'll just have to let dad know that you & BF are going to be together so he takes it or leaves it; & if he leaves it, then its his loss. Also as said above, nothing to stop you still seeing dad, but definitely keep BF contact to a minimum
                My father had a similar temperament, although from what I've read, not as severe... I think a lot of his was down to insecurity. Why I don't know & never will find out now.

                You sound like you have lots of support from other family members so cherish that Your BF sounds to be coping fantastically with his conditions, from experience I know the hypermobility disorders are a pain to live with so living with the rest too... well, all I can say is he must be one hell of a guy
                Arp happens!

                Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.


                • #9
                  Is your dad healthy?

                  My dad used to be a really angry person, not as bad as your dad but I remember being yelled at because I didn't like his music. He didn't take care of himself and smoked, he had a heart attack and eventually a triple bypass. He's mellowed a great deal since then he still gets stubborn over stupid crap now and then but he's a lot easier to get along with now.

                  As for your dad, without knowing him he may be scared of losing you, you could try to convince him that all he's doing is pushing you away. Try to find out what your mom's dad thought of him and see if you could compare the two. Then there is the last option, stand up to him and say that BF is not like that and has no right to say it and you don't want to hear it anymore.
                  Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
                  Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


                  • #10
                    My parents wouldn't accept my bf either. Then I moved out and had no contact with them for a long time and eventually married him. Never looked back. It's my life. I'm the one who has to live with the decisions. I come from a very conservative family like yours, only it was Mom who would lose her shit about stuff. I had to come to the place in my approval seeking personality that I didn't care what my parents thought and I couldn't let them run my life. I was the one who had to live with my husband, not them. So what does it matter that they don't approve? Theire objections were just as unfounded as your dad's.

                    Now that I've come to that place and made my own call on the matter, I'm happier, more confident, and healthier than I have ever been. Literally healthier. My suicidal depression went away.

                    Be strong. Know that YOU can make the best decisions for YOUR life and not anybody else. In the end, you're the one who takes the consequences good or bad and you know what those are. You seem to have your head on straight and you're not rushing into anything. You have a plan for what you want for your life and you want to see the UK before making any decisions. All very wise. You can totally do this.

                    P.S. My dad came around my my mom is starting to. I'm glad to start having relationships with them again with the understanding that they don't control my life. It's not impossible. Sometimes you just need to do something strong and decisive to put the relationship on the right track.
                    The original Cookie in a multitude of cookies.


                    • #11
                      I will have no job, no hope of advancement and will hate everything about the weather and the food and the Queen and how eventually boyfriend will drop me for another piece of ass because I'm now "ruined" and therefore unmarriageable and I will be full of nothing but regret, regret, regret; or if boyfriend does marry me, I will be full of despair living in the UK tied to my brick. If I go to the UK alone, I will have "dire consequences", whatever those are, because I'm a little, vulnerable girl who will be preyed on;
                      OMG, dejavu!!

                      I was born and raised in Germany, then met and married an American soldier.
                      I had to listen to the exact same crap from my parents. In my case mom was the negative Nelly and dad was the more tolerant one. It got so bad, that we (me and hubby) moved (within Germany) and never gave them the new address or phone #.
                      I must say once we moved to the US, my relationship with my parents improved some. I only spoke with mom twice a year and only told her stuff she couldn't b!tch about and dad even came to visit once and had a grand old time.
                      Been married 25 years now and none of the stuff they 'predicted' has happened.

                      Just follow your path on what feels right. You can't change your father, you can only hope he will mellow with age as my mom has.


                      • #12
                        Quoth gremcint View Post
                        Is your dad healthy?

                        My dad used to be a really angry person, not as bad as your dad but I remember being yelled at because I didn't like his music. He didn't take care of himself and smoked, he had a heart attack and eventually a triple bypass. He's mellowed a great deal since then he still gets stubborn over stupid crap now and then but he's a lot easier to get along with now.

                        As for your dad, without knowing him he may be scared of losing you, you could try to convince him that all he's doing is pushing you away. Try to find out what your mom's dad thought of him and see if you could compare the two. Then there is the last option, stand up to him and say that BF is not like that and has no right to say it and you don't want to hear it anymore.
                        Dad is healthy, far as I know except for blood problems-his side of the family has blood that tends to thicken.

                        Dad is afraid of losing me, he's said as much in between the yell fests. Far as I know, both my maternal grandfather and boyfriend's maternal grandfather were both controlling bastards-grandpapa never gave money for anything, including clothing or even sanitary pads and bragged that he was able to keep a vast fortune (half of which got stolen several years ago by armed robbers who hog tied and beat up my step grandmother until she confessed). I also know that he played favorites with his boys and one uncle got majorly screwed up because of it and the abuse he suffered in foster care. Boyfriend's maternal grandfather was convinced that his daughter had an illicit boyfriend and refused to even let her out of the house to go to school or kept a phone in the house so that she couldn't go out with her friends.

                        Part of the reason why dad is so reluctant for me to go to the UK is that he and mom will be cheated out of their grandchildren. The aforementioned slutty cousin has a brother who had an affair with an Australian woman and refuses to marry her and bring her to Canada. Now that aunt and uncle are extremely pissed off and upset they won't ever see that grandchild.

                        I've tried standing up for boyfriend but all I've gotten is more yelling and screaming and following that, extreme disappointment that I have the gall to stand up to him. Dad seems to be realizing more and more that hey, there's the possibility of marriage and seems to be rather hands off on that, to my utter surprise-"It's out of my hands, you do what you want". But he also wants boyfriend to beg him for my hand, on bended knee.

                        Quoth incognitocook View Post
                        Be strong. Know that YOU can make the best decisions for YOUR life and not anybody else. In the end, you're the one who takes the consequences good or bad and you know what those are. You seem to have your head on straight and you're not rushing into anything. You have a plan for what you want for your life and you want to see the UK before making any decisions. All very wise. You can totally do this.
                        Really? I don't feel wise, if that makes sense.
                        Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


                        • #13
                          Quoth ralerin View Post
                          Really? I don't feel wise, if that makes sense.
                          most people(especially women)usually don't when being told repeatedly by a person they care about and trust-"you're making a mistake(by not doing what I tell you to)"

                          It's a controlling behavior-not healthy and actually considered a form of abuse..

                          Look at it this way-if BF was doing this stuff and not your father, would you put up with it?

                          just because you're related to someone does not mean you have to love them-me I merely tolerate my mother-hated my stepfather...went through years of therapy because of it too.....
                          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                          • #14
                            Quoth ralerin View Post
                            Really? I don't feel wise, if that makes sense.
                            And when you do, it's the first clue that you're not.
                            The original Cookie in a multitude of cookies.


                            • #15
                              @incognito: Not what? Feeling wise? I'm a bit confused.
                              Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

