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Simple math ? (hopefully)

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  • Simple math ? (hopefully)

    I am not sure if this goes here, if not please move it.

    I feel like an idiot that I can't figure this out, or if I did, if I got the right answer.

    I am going to be driving cross country in November. I need to know how much money I will need for gas money. I got a lot saved already.

    Ok, the trip will be around 2600 miles. My car can go around 300 miles or so, before the gas in the tank runs out. If i figure around $4.00 or so for gas, I need to know how much money to save.

    It's most likely simple, but I am having a brain fart and can't figure it out, or if I do, my figures seem to low. My math skills were never my high point in school. Any other info needed, please ask.

    My car is a Subaru Forester. Here is the mpg they get: Fuel Economy: 23 MPG city / 28 MPG highway
    "Oh, very good....Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'" Severus Snape

  • #2
    How big is your gas tank? I'd estimate your MPG and use that instead of the manufacturer's.

    Using 23 mpg, that's 113 gallons and $452. Using 28 mpg, it's 93 gallons and $372.


    • #3
      Whenever I drive home to PA, it's about 2300 miles round trip, and I always plan on $600 for gas. That's gas, and snacks/supplies while driving, plus a little extra. You need that extra because unless you are going to park the vehicle where you are going to be at, you'll need money to refill up the tank. Plus, if you get stuck in traffic somewhere, or have to drive several miles off your path to get gas, it eats it up. AND, the cost of gasoline varies state-state, city-city. Give yourself a cushion for gas price variance.

      2600 / 300 = 8.67 (9 gas tank fill ups) for the road trip itself

      9 (full tanks) X # of gallons that tank holds X $4.00/gal = $minimum amt needed.

      I'd plan on 12-13 full tanks of gas and put in an extra $50-$100 for incidentals.

      Even better is to get a prepaid credit card, and put all your gas purchases on that. Save cash for meals/drinks/etc.
      Make a list of important things to do today.
      At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
      Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


      • #4
        From the forums on them, it looks like although the Forester has a 15.9 gallon tank, that is slightly over capacity (may include topping off).

        At 15 gallons a tank you are getting 300 miles.

        Divide by 15 on both sides to get Miles per single gallon. 20 MPG

        20 mpg and going 2600 miles.

        Divide by 20 on both sides to determine how many gallons used. 130 gallons consumed. (Incidentally, you will fill your tank almost 9 times if you drain it. )

        130 gallons x $4.00/gallon = $520.

        But that's almost 'worst case' scenario. Plenty of places around the country are still less than $4.00. AND I imagine most of your driving will be highway, which should give you more than the 300 miles a tank you've been getting with town or mixed driving.

        Don't forget to check and maintain proper tire pressure.

        Have fun!!!


        • #5
          Awesome. Thanks for the help. I have around $700 saved up right now. I figured in wouldn't be between more than 3-5 hundred dollars for gas.
          "Oh, very good....Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'" Severus Snape


          • #6
            If you haven't done so in a while, get a tune up and change your sparkplugs before going. It will help with gas mileage.


            • #7
              Also take into account that your car will get better mileage going downhill than up, and burn more gas the heavier it's loaded.

              And your AC burns more gas.


              • #8
                paid phone card incase your cell dies
                visa/mc card CREDIT card
                (if you go to a hotel and use a debit, the hotel puts a hold of $50/$100 on the card - taking "$100" away from it for 24 hours. Can cause overcharges and shorts and pain in the ass)
                Phone and contacts updated
                Oil change, sparks and quicky brake check, tires are happy/filled correctly?
                Stash a $20 and change somewhere in the car NOW before you go, for emergency $$.
                Got a roadside kit, or any kind of roadside assistance?
                And a camera, to take lots of pictures with.

                In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.

