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Well, my home is getting to be about that age now.

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  • Well, my home is getting to be about that age now.

    Yep, the past 4 weekends (well, Saturday mornings at least) were full of home improvement projects.

    It's been so nice that I didn't have to worry about these for so long (7 years), well free ride is over.

    In the past month I've:

    Replaced one chicken hutch (we still use the old one for the quail but it will need to be replaced by the end of the year - most likely sooner).

    Re-caulked the bathtub (I do this every few years anyway).

    Fixed our canopy (the supports were leaning and a small storm might have knocked them over). I had to take metal plates to hold the supports up and still in line with the fence posts. I actually bought an automatic hammer for this due to the tight quarters I might have to hammer in.

    Replaced one outdoor light.

    Fixed the dishwasher (was draining out all the water though the bottom!)

    Cleaned out the disposal

    Replaced everything (except the handle) inside one of our toilets.

    Painted the bathroom ceiling.

    Replaced some of the panels on our fence.

    Re-secured some hurricane shutter screws (permanently in the walls outside) and eye-hooks used to tie down the shed in case of a storm.

    Fixed the gate (it was leaning a lot).

    Replaced one of the drains in the kitchen sink (it cracked)

    Projects still on tap:
    Clean out the linen closet

    Clean out my closet (it's a mess)

    Make sure the fence is as secure as we can get it.

    Make sure windows are as good as they can be. I don't want to replace any because then we'd have to get high impact glass which is very expensive.

    This is all in addition to the landscaping the board and a couple of homeowners have decided to do on our own to help save the association some money wile helping making the community look nicer.

    No web sites, no adding to them, etc.. has been done over the past month.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    Sounds like normal house repairs to me...sorry you found them all over four weekends and not more.

