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Fucking bitch from hell!!!

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  • Fucking bitch from hell!!!

    My Dad has been living with a Bitch From Hell for the past 25 years.

    I am not allowed to see my Dad because, every time I do, she completely freaks out (I’m 41 now and they’ve been living together ever since I was 15) . My mom and dad tried to be friends after the divorce, but couldn't because of BFH!

    If she and her ex couldn't be friends, why should my Mom and Dad.

    They all knew each other through Church/friends.

    She has a son and daughter from a previous marriage who are the freaking' apple of her eye.

    The son has 4 children. Neither here nor there, but my Dad loves the Grandkids (not his, but he's great with kids and I can’t have them).

    Dearest daughter had no children (bad marriage she in and of it self but they still stay together) but calls mommy-dearest 3 to 4 times a day. Really warped relationship there.

    To make a long story short - although not really...

    They break up a few times every few years. My Dad is really bad at being alone. He thinks he needs to have someone in his life. This is NOT GOOD for him.

    Just before Christmas - I got a call from the BFH - "Don't call here anymore. Your Father has left. He's an asshole and he is inconsiderate and he's an asshole. Don't call this number anymore looking for him".

    Fine - I left it alone and thought he would call me when he found a new place to stay - usually the motel in the nearest town. Like I said – If I contact him, he gets shit. She has totally alienated my brother from my father due to her issues. They haven’t spoken in 15 years – and yes, it is his fault for letting her do it, but still, that’s another story on its own. My brother and father are both as stubborn as all get out (as am I!)


    I called on Christmas Eve concerned and just left a voice-mail with the BFH asking if she had heard where he might be. I was concerned and wanted to know. I’ve always been more than polite and courteous, but it comes back to bite back both of us – no matter what.

    No answer... She didn't pass on the message.

    Completely spoiled my New Years, as I was concerned for his well-being. He's fit, but he's very, very, very private about his health. The last time they were in Florida - she called me - told me he was in the hospital and that it was costing too much to talk to me on the cell and wouldn't tell me where to contact him to find out what was going on (constricted colon, spent 4 days in hosp.). I couldn't even get the name of the Hospital out of her before she hung up. I called her back and got the info when I said I'd sent a cheque to pay for her phone bill.

    He called me the day after New Years and let me know that they were back together. I ripped him a new one and told him to tell her not to contact me again like that. If there were problems, please let me know. I’m always there for him. She’s pretty scary...

    BTW - I must mention that she totally screwed up my wedding by spewing off about the fact that my MOH and her boyfriend are of different races (nice one there, bitch)!

    In any case - They are in Florida right now...

    Yesterday morning, I got a voice-mail from said BFH - I must say that it was fortuitous that I had my phone off, otherwise...

    Fucking hell.

    She’s a freaking bitch.

    She wanted to go shopping, but my Dad wanted to stay in the condo and watch some TV. She says he being mean and not wanting to do what she wants to. I have to come to Florida and take my Dad home (he drove) and have him move in with me and that she doesn’t want to have him be around any more. I should have to take him in because I give him one freakin’ box of chocolates every year (she’s got major body issues and if she can’t have candy – no one else can!!!!!11111111111111!!!!!). She’s sending him home and he can come and live with me.....!!!!@$$!#@##@@#@#@.

    Arghhhh – My step-father – who I love, and whom my Dad likes very much (like I said – everyone knew each other and my Dad and my Step-Dad spent a lot of time together at my wedding – they have a lot in common (they both married/moved in with bitches)), is very ill right now – diabetes, he’s 85+ and can’t even recognize me anymore so I’m going through that as well.

    Thanks for letting me rant...
    No... Just No! And I mean it this time!

  • #2

    I don't know what your beliefs are, but would it offend you if I offered to say a little prayer for you tonight?

    Best of luck.


    • #3
      Plaidman offers his mercenary services to make that woman's life hell.

      I'm very sorry about that. Its was unfair for that to happen.

      But if anything, take the time NOW to make up for all time you lost. Invite your brother over even. Now is your time to enjoy your parent time you lost. It may not be much, but you may regret it if you don't.
      Military Spouse Support.
      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


      • #4
        I am so sorry this is happening to you. Good vibes coming your way.
        Dull women have immaculate homes.


        • #5
          Thanks, so much, to everyone,

          The prayers and good thoughts are welcome...

          I called my Mom and let her know and she's thrilled my Dad (her ex) might move in.

          She's going to call the real estate agent who sold them the unit they're in and recommend my Dad.

          My Step-Dad would love it having my Dad around! You should have seen them at my wedding...

          Thanks agan, I really appreciate your support!

          Now to contact my Bro and let him know.

          I'm going to step this up and get my Dad out of this crap!
          No... Just No! And I mean it this time!


          • #6
            Your a great daughter. Your dad is very lucky.

            Now is your time to protect him from that vindicitive poison.
            Military Spouse Support.
            Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


            • #7
              Best of luck with all of that!

              (My mum also has the issue of not being by herself, went from my dad, to an ok guy, to an ass who she is married to, can you tell I don't particularly like him? He stiffles who she is, doesn't really let her be who she can be)
              Began work Aug as casual '08
              Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
              Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
              Why do I still work there again?


              • #8
                Wow, I thought my stepmother was a bitch but yours wins.

                Do what she wants. Get him away from her. If he can have some time to himself, maybe he'll realize what Hell he's been living in for a quarter-century. And once he's away from her, maybe he'll get his children back.

                Good luck! I wish the best for you and your dad.


                • #9
                  Hang in there, TOL. Here's hoping you can get your Dad out of that situation. And KEEP him out. She's a piece of work, obviously.


                  • #10
                    Dad's on his way back from Florida - alone. Should arrive by Friday. He's going to take some time and do some fishing along the way and just relax.

                    Yah Dad!

                    Let's just hope he sticks to it this time!
                    No... Just No! And I mean it this time!


                    • #11
                      Quoth TOLady View Post
                      Dad's on his way back from Florida - alone. Should arrive by Friday. He's going to take some time and do some fishing along the way and just relax.
                      Good for him. A bit of time alone to think and reflect about his future will do him some good. See if the two of you can give BFH a taste of her nasty medicine in the form of a restraining order.
                      I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                      Who is John Galt?
                      -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                      • #12
                        If possible, try to get a restraining order to keep her away from him as well.


                        • #13
                          So, ahhhhh, I don't know where BFH is in Florida, but I know a guy near Miami with a boat..........

                          Y'know, just in case.
                          The High Priest is an Illusion!


                          • #14
                            Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
                            So, ahhhhh, I don't know where BFH is in Florida, but I know a guy near Miami with a boat..........

                            Y'know, just in case.
                            and I know the place for boat rides that would be befitting for BFH and her ilk.

                            Your dad moving away from BFH is definitely the best thing for him and everyone too. She's beyond toxic.
                            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                            • #15
                              It's stories like these that make me so thankful to have such an awesome stepfather.

                              QUOTE=taxguykarl;718418]See if the two of you can give BFH a taste of her nasty medicine in the form of a restraining order.[/QUOTE]
                              Quoth Caffienated_Caramel View Post
                              If possible, try to get a restraining order to keep her away from him as well.
                              I feel the need to point out that nothing in the OP indicated any kind of violence, abuse, or harrassment from BFH towards the OP's father. While she may be a bitch, that in itself is not illegal, and based upon what the OP has told us, there is absolutely no legal reason for a restraining order to be granted.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

