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Fucking bitch from hell!!!

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  • #16
    Aww, we can always dream. Any updates?


    • #17
      He's fucked...

      Called the "home number" and he picked it up. I thought he was home free!!!!

      He wants to meet with me on Sat.

      She came back with him.

      I've begged him over the phone to let me know what's going on, but he "has to meet on Saturday to discuss things".

      His words "don't call here - we'll talk things over on Saturday."

      I am so hating this right now.

      He promised he that he would be done with the BITCH.

      I am so sorry - I know that there are a lot of people who need to have partners and can't be alone. I don't like being alone either - but people who are so mean and spiteful.

      I knew this would happen.

      No... Just No! And I mean it this time!


      • #18
        FFFFFFFFFU! Dammit! Noooooooo, TOL-Daddy!

        Saturday is such a long time away!

        Frack frack frack frack FRACK.

        Dang, now your entire week is ruined worrying about it.
        Now a member of that alien race called Management.

        Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


        • #19
          <Gives RWH some bacon biscuits, strokes his mane and thanks him for his kind thoughts....>

          Thanks - but, quite honestly, I've rather given up on this.

          I have the feeling that he's going to tell me that they are going to get married. That I should just stay out of it all and that she was wrong to call me, but that he should just man up and that they are going to get hitched.

          I really hope I'm wrong, but he's so afraid of being alone, that this is what's probably going to happen.


          Tequila for everyone!!!

          Perhaps I should start planning upstaging her wedding like she did mine????

          Hee Hee

          Seriously, though - I'm not looking forward to Sat., but hopefully, it's not bad news. I did ask if he was sick again and he said no. I asked if there was anything that I should really be worried about and he said that we would talk about it. Money is not an issue, so I'm just wondering what "it" is.

          BTW - RWH - I really missed you when you were in transit and settling in. You and EQ are my heros!
          No... Just No! And I mean it this time!


          • #20
            *Nickers at her and noms on cookie*

            Maybe he wants to discuss a living will or something. Think good thoughts and maybe it won't be about BFH.

            I'd hate for you to have to cut ties from your Dad because of that psycho-bitch. I know what that's like to have to cut someone out of your life (just had to sever all ties from a student of mine, he took to Weed and became a pothead and had the audacity to get philosophical on me, the little jackass. If he gets himself killed because he dropped all my training then it's on HIS hands, not mine).


            We're here for ya, TOL.
            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


            • #21
              Up date

              She came back with him.

              I met him on Saturday and we did out usual shopping trips (European deli in the west end).

              It took me 10 minutes to get it out of him.

              She had - of course - not told him that she had called me.

              Unfortunately, my cell-phone carrier does not let me keep calls more than 7 days, otherwise I would have let him listen to the voice-mail she left me (dammit - I should have recorded it anyway!).

              In any case - he apologized profusely and said I wouldn't be involved in the future.

              All I could do was look at him and ask him how he could stay in such an abusive relationship and ask him that if I was in one, would he let me stay in one?

              He just apologized again and said that it won't happen again.

              I just hugged him and let him know that I will always be there for him.

              He also promised me that he would call me every week on Fridays at my office so I didn't have to deal with the BITCH!

              Such a sham(e).

              He brought me up to be such a strong woman and to not take crap from anyone, and then he just takes it. But as he said to me on Saturday - we've been together so long, I don't know what else to do...)

              DAD - get some balls! Get a life! You've got tons of money that you can travel the world. Do It!

              You Don't Need To Stay With That Bitch!

              Thanks, again, for all the kind wishes from everyone.

              I'm thinking I've got to write him a missive with my thoughts on how much he means to me and that he has to get out there and experience life on and for himself.
              No... Just No! And I mean it this time!


              • #22
                If my opinion means anything, I think you've done as much as you can.

                You've told him he has options. You've opened your home to him. You've let him know you'll support him if he decides he's had enough.

                The National Domestic Violence Hotline number is 1-800-799-7233. Slip him that number in case of emergency.

                There is also a book by Patricia Evans 'The Verbally Abusive Relationship'. It might help for you to get it and read it for yourself. Maybe it would give you some pointers of things that you can lovingly tell your Dad and it will open his eyes.

                Older men were raised to be stoic, and unemotional. Your dad knows that he's in a bad relationship, but to walk away would be 'unmanly' in his point of view. The more you push him to get away, the worse it makes him feel. Somehow, his mind needs to be changed to realize it's more manly to step away and make things better for him and those he cares about. Not sure how or if you can do that, but understand this reason is a big hurdle for him to overcome. It would be great if you could convince him to see a counselor.

                Hang in there, keep trying to keep open communication with your dad. And limit your contact with the 'bitch'. That's the only advice I have.
                Make a list of important things to do today.
                At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
                Now, you'll get at least one thing done today

