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Uggg so burnt out ((ranty and longish))

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  • Uggg so burnt out ((ranty and longish))

    Just needed to vent someplace where I am not going to get flack for complaining.... >< It is long and filled with self-pity! BE WARNED!

    I am so burnt out right now with everything. I am trying to juggle reading the Scarlet Letter for Lit class (it has to be read by the end of the week), reading the first 230 pages of The Hidden hand for Lit class book club, Work on a Colonial Literature Paper for Lit class ((rough due by the end of next week)). Do a long Journal post every night for Lit class, try and figure out what material to study (since Prof will not tell me) for my mid-term which I have to take 3 days early because of a trip we have had planned since December (I made sure that I would only miss 2 days of school and wouldn't you know it one of those days is the Midterm >.<), find and record the Name, Location, Hours, and contact numbers/persons for 19 locations around campus, Do a quiz/test every day for Math Lab, do math homework for said quiz/test every night, Try and balance the Lit Club activities ((which I stupidly volunteered for at the beginning of the quarter)) with out help since the only other club member willing to help out just sprained her ankle and cannot make it. Play with/take care of Ferrets + Cat ((which is my one fun thing but still a mandatory part of my day)) House work -dishes, laundry, cleaning... making dinner, making the Beau lunch, making The Beau breakfast, try and find time for family or else suffer through them whining at me constantly about never seeing me ((it is easier to just see them and get it over with than to be pestered every day))...and still try and find time to bath, sleep and eat.....

    I don't know... it might not seem like much to a lot of people. The Beau constantly tells me that it really isn't that bad... .but I am freaking the F*@$ out. I don't feel like I have had an honest moment of relaxation in MONTHS, every time I try and sit down to relax ((like now)) I just stress myself out more thinking about what I SHOULD be doing instead. And I'm so stressed I haven't been sleeping for shit... which just makes everything SOOO much worse... so to top it all off I am tired all the time, which really makes everything harder.

    And today was just icing on the cake.... I woke up and just KNEW it was one of those days I should have crawled back into bed and never come out. The Beau wasn't feeling well this morning... but he can't miss more work... he missed about 2 weeks ((with a doctors note)) only to find out that his work doesn't accept doctors notes unless it is a SERIOUS cancer.... so he is on suspension, so if he misses more work he could get fired. So that caused a big argument this morning, he ended up going in late because I just gave up trying to force him... The big fight we had kind of took president over everything and I forgot to write my Lit Journal till it was too late...and eat... ran out the door to get him to work and get to school on time.... cue argument about my driving. I am a bit overly emotional right now I've got some "hormone" issues this week *cough* and on top of that yesterday was the one year anniversary of my Ludo's death, not to mention it is storming today and my ankle is KILLING me from the pressure change... I am limping ((so really not a good day)) anyway, that lead to me crying all the way to school... THEN I couldn't find any parking.... I circled and circled and circled every parking lot... was late for class... in my rush I forgot to turn off my cell.... and of course Mom called in the middle of the lecture.... Cue evil eye from teacher as "The Phantom of the Opera" filled the class room. Tried to get a cookie from the vending machine between classes... but it was broken and ate my money instead.... rushed to second class... only to realize the home work I did last night had fallen out of my folder..... Go to math lab and try to do some math work and almost pass out from hunger, so I go home instead and get some food with mom((that was fun so GOOD PART YEY))... find homework on living room floor all crumpled up from cat "kneading" on it. Do some homework... go pick up Beau, he is in a very good mood, but I am feeling like crap still....I try to be in a good mood but I am not good at hiding crap like that from him.... cue argument about what is wrong...which leads into a fight about how stressed I am...which leads to more crying and yelling.... which leads to 9:00 rolling around and NOTHING being done that I needed to get done.... and now I have to go try and sleep or I will die tomorrow trying to catch up with everything I missed today.....

    sorry... I just needed to get it off my chest before I really go crazy and start destroying things or turning it into self loathing.... I just feel like there is so much to do and not enough of me or time to do it all.....
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2

    Wow that seems like a lot of work! At the moment I'm glad it's not my work, but wow, I think you need to get someone else to help out with Lit Club, because you are slowly burning yourself to the ground (and that is the only thing that I could really see you changing). Oh and I don't know your circumstances, why can't The Beau help out with house work and feeding himself?
    Began work Aug as casual '08
    Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
    Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
    Why do I still work there again?


    • #3
      Quoth ottid View Post

      Wow that seems like a lot of work! At the moment I'm glad it's not my work, but wow, I think you need to get someone else to help out with Lit Club, because you are slowly burning yourself to the ground (and that is the only thing that I could really see you changing). Oh and I don't know your circumstances, why can't The Beau help out with house work and feeding himself?
      Wow! What a terrible day(s) for you. I am thinking the same thing, I don't know your circumstances either, but Beau seems to have two hands and a brain. Why can't he feed himself and do some laundry and cleaning?

      There are times when it doesn't matter if the house is clean or the laundry is done. This is midterms, you are focused on something else. Make a bunch of bologna sandwiches and stick them in the fridge. Get a bunch of coffee and or soda and water.

      "Dull women have immaculate homes." Anonymous.

      Good luck to you!
      Dull women have immaculate homes.


      • #4
        You seriously need to talk with the Beau and your family, and explain just how busy you are. My MIL ended up not finishing her first degree, because her family expected her to have time to help around the house (she is the eldest daughter). When you're studying full time, you are putting in more than a full time job's worth of hours. You do not have the time to be in charge of feeding everyone and keeping the house clean. Your university probably has a page somewhere that explains the amount of time expected. Show it to people, so they understand that you're busy! That level of work is not cool.


        • #5
          1. No help to yourself in not getting enough sleep. Watched something on NatGeo last night about this. When the brain doesn't get enough rest it starts to flob up internal things like chemical balances. So it's time to schedule sleep.

          2. See above about the sleep? Yea it's the same with eating. I personally have to eat six small meals a day. We're talking meals of less then 500 calories at a time. Sometimes just a snack of some mandarin oranges and a laughing cow cheese wedge.

          How do you have your day structured? I find I can do more homework when I know there is a ending to it and a break coming just because I don't want to leave in the middle of a problem. But when the buzzer goes off I drop the pen/pencil and sit back for my five minuet break to get something to drink and then pull out the next subject. Sure it takes a little longer to do some realitivly easy things but what I put out has more quality to it.

          At one time during weird class starts I had my day broken up into 15 minuet increments. It just helped me, I would try doing that and I bet anything you'll find you have more hours in the day then what you do now.


          • #6
            Quoth ottid View Post
            why can't The Beau help out with house work and feeding himself?
            That's what I was wondering.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Wow sounds like you have a lot on your plate.

              Just a curious question? Why do you have to do all of the cooking and cleaning?

              School is important and is sounds like it might suffer (and you) if you continue to do it all without any help.

              Hope things get better for you soon.


              • #8
                I am slowly making the Beau help. The agreement was that when I quit my job I would take care of the house work and cooking till I went back to school.... then he got sick.... and now it is just such habit for both of us that we keep lapsing back into the routine. That was a big part of the fight last night.... me saying he needed to help and him making some excuse about the kitchen not being put together in a way he could work in it ((since I put the kitchen together)) but I made a chore list last night and told him we have to stick to it. I am giving us each a different color marker, and at the end of each week we get to see who has the most colors on the list and talk about how the other person can help.

                Quoth Aethian View Post

                How do you have your day structured? I find I can do more homework when I know there is a ending to it and a break coming just because I don't want to leave in the middle of a problem. But when the buzzer goes off I drop the pen/pencil and sit back for my five minuet break to get something to drink and then pull out the next subject. Sure it takes a little longer to do some realitivly easy things but what I put out has more quality to it.

                Thanks. that is a really good idea... I might have to give this a try.

                Thanks everyone. I feel a lot better today... at least I don't feel like I am going to crumble in a slight breeze lol.
                "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

