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*remembering to breathe....* (School related misery)

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  • *remembering to breathe....* (School related misery)

    I'm trying to not to smack myself in the head right now.

    I'm starting classes TODAY, totally and completely online, for my bachelors...I read the sylabbus' (syllabi? :P lol) and now I'm freaking.

    I don't know if I can do it. Ive only taken one online class before. The classes are only 7 wks long so they're condensed. I feel like I'm hyperventilating. On top of that, theres a little surprise that no one, enrollment to program managers included, quite explained to me. I have to do weekly 1 hr chat sessions online PER CLASS.

    Not a huge issue, however the TIMES they have to log on are complete SHIT. They're either mid morning (my usual sleep time) or late @ night (when Im @ work), which makes it damn near impossible due to me working night shifts 6:30p - 7a 3x a week. So now I have to sign up for stupid early morning (only time slot available for mornings) and not sleep on Wednesdays.


    *Yes, i know i'm bitching. I just need to get it out*

  • #2
    Congratulations on starting your classes! Just take one day at a time, little bite-sized pieces and you'll do fine.
    Dull women have immaculate homes.


    • #3
      *hands out cookies* It'll be ok, it's just 7 weeks of hell, that's it.
      Me to a friend: I know I'm crazy, you know I'm crazy, the zombies at the end of the world will know I'm crazy. Thus not eating my brain for fear of ingesting the crazy. It's my survival plan.


      • #4
        How many courses are you taking?
        Dull women have immaculate homes.


        • #5
          Taking 2 courses right now. Im thinking i shouldve started with just one...


          • #6
            *passes out cookies and liquor*

            In my experience, online classes aren't harder than regular ones. Different, but not harder (especially since most classes are just powerpoint now anyways). You made it through nursing school so I think you can do anything!

            Perhaps you could talk to the professor with the Wednesday chat about your schedule? You can't POSSIBLY be the only one working nights.


            • #7
              Im sure i'm not the only one working nights, but could they pick MORE inconvenient chat times?

              They offer 10am and 11am and then JUMP to 8pm and 9pm. WHY?! What happened to the afternoons and evenings?! I cant commit to an 8 or 9pm chat b/c ill have be at work @ some point. I never work the same days from one week to the next so even trying to get something like every Wednesday off would be improbable.

              I guess an email to the program manager wouldn't hurt. I just don't wanna come off as complain-y when we've barely even started.

              Quoth trailerparkmedic View Post
              You made it through nursing school so I think you can do anything!
              And LOL!

              Ill be saying the same to you soon. You couldnt PAY me to go back through that particular brand of Hades.


              • #8
                Those sound like good times for people who work in an office from 9-5. They sound like horrible hours for nurses--what if you worked days? You'd really only have one option then. I don't think a well worded letter to the program manager would be whiny; if it's a BSN program then they need to work with nurse schedules.


                • #9
                  How many people are in these classes? I'm really surprised they didn't set up the times AFTER the classes had started so they could get some input from the students. Kind of lame on the teacher's (or whoever assigned the times) part for not including any info about required times during enrollment and then not letting the students have a say in the required times.

