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I can't take it any more

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  • I can't take it any more

    This could be it, folks. I lost it at work today. Absolutely flipped my shit. I might not have a job by this time tomorrow.

    We had been unloading a truck in the backroom. I had my scanner on a box someplace. My supervisor asked me if she could use my scanner for filling. I said "Well, I was kinda hoping to have it when we do bulk, but if you need it take it."

    She said "No, if you're going to be that way, forget it. I will remember this."

    Okay, fine whatever, and I start to work on the bulk. Sometime later my supervisor came back and started complaining to the guy working with me about me not giving her my scanner.

    He told her "He said he would give it you, he can work without it." "Not according to him he can't!" supervisor snapped back.

    That's where I lost it. I threw my scanner onto the ground and yelled "JUST TAKE THE FUCKING SCANNER!" She told me to choke on it.

    For good measure, I yelled "FUCK YOU BITCH!" as she was leaving. Probably loud enough to be heard on the floor.

    The she came back and told me to watch what I said to her. I said "Fine, whatever, I'm going home."

    As I was making my way to the break room, I saw store manager's door was open and he was in his office, so I sat down and told him what happened, and that I'm feeling that I can't work with my supervisor anymore. He took down notes, told me he'd talk to supervisor and any witnesses, and go from there.

    Then I left.

    I dunno. I can't handle things any more. I can't handle being made to feel like I'm an asshole or a slacker when I do so much. I haven't talked much to anybody about this. I don't feel like I can sometimes.

    I dunno. I guess I'll find out what's going to happen this weekend.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    If your supervisor has any morsel of decency in her, she 'knows' she's responsible.

    1) She snargled first (Fine, forget it...etc)
    2) Came back and was complaining to your coworker about you
    3) Telling you to choke on your scanner

    I was going to say also jumping on you about what you said to her, but in that case, that is truth.

    Obviously, she was in a bad mood and took the opportunity to take it out on you. HOWEVER... all is not lost. Sometimes, if both parties are willing to forgive and put the bad behind them... they often end up working great together. Not saying that will happen... but if she's any kind of decent supervisor, she will not hold this against you, but rather be willing to work out any problems. Of course, if she's a crappy supervisor... all she'll care about is payback.

    It's good that you got a chance to tell the Store Manager, first though.

    WHO HAS THE CAKE? Irv is in desperate need of cake and drinks!
    Make a list of important things to do today.
    At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
    Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


    • #3
      Sounds like it's time for a new supervisor, or a new job. Did the store manager seem to be siding with you, or with the supervisor?

      Sounds like your coworker will side with you anyways. But seriously, look for a new job.

      You can always come and rant to us.

      Most jobs won't fire an employee with just one offensive blowup. They understand that it's not like, an everyday think and you simply lost it for a moment, and needed to leave to cool down. I think they can handle that. They also can't replace you as easily as they may have been able to replace the infamous Numbnuts.

      *Pulls out giant-ass bottles of harsh peruvian beer* It might taste like burnt soggy sesame crackers floating in licorice flavored cough syrup, but it sure gets you drunk!
      Last edited by phantasy; 04-30-2010, 09:04 PM.
      Sucky Customers- Have the ability to convert non-drinkers into raging alcoholics in one phone call or less.


      • #4
        Oh that's so awful IPF I hope the other guy that saw and heard it all has the spine to stand up and say so again.
        Sending you cuddles and chocolate chip cookies and an obscenely huge amount of ice cream xxx
        Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


        • #5
          Good lord thats spooky, Almost identical to my issues at bullseye last month. While I hope that yours has a better outcome than mine did. I can also say that it was a good thing that happened to me. It got me out of a toxic situation and I don't dread waking up in the morning anymore. Look at the situation, learn from it and move on.
          They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.


          • #6
            Thing is, I've been talked to about my temper and my language in the past. Not write-ups or anything like that, but they do know I'm a little too quick to anger sometimes.

            Supervisor has also been complained about.

            What I'd like more than anything else is to sit down with her and tell her how her attitudes and words make me feel. It's gotten to the point where I'm now feeling resentment toward the person supervisor works with the most, just because when she says something, I think of it as the supervisor saying it. And she doesn't deserve that.

            SM called me back a few minutes ago. I don't think I'm going to get fired, but I'd be surprised if I get out without an write-up or a final warning.

            I wish my parents were around to talk to. Mom's at work and dad's not answering his phone.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              *pulls good brownies out of the oven and places one on a spatula* Here you go.
              Dull women have immaculate homes.


              • #8
                Im sorry.

                People can only take so much before they snap. Mistakes were made on both sides and blah blah. I hope you feel better.

                Keep us updated.

                *Jaegerbombs to you*


                • #9
                  Oh honey - that sucks. We are here for you...and you can PM me if needed too.
                  "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                  • #10
                    Workers get placed between a rock (customers) and a hard place (managers), and wonder why we're snappish.
                    Dull women have immaculate homes.


                    • #11

                      Sometimes doing that and getting it out is best. It's bad that it's the only way you can get the attention you need to handle situations with people like that. Earlier this year I ended up slamming my stuff down on my boss's desk handing her the keys to the office and walking out to go to the rest of my job. She still thinks everything was fine...but I sure do feel a heck of a lot better after I got over fearing if I would have my job the next day of course.
                      I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


                      • #12
                        After cooling off for a few hours, I'm almost certain I'll still have my job.

                        Yeah, I said things I'm not supposed to, but it's not like I threatened physical violence or landed physical blows.

                        SM is going to pop in sometime tomorrow (when supervisor will not be working as it's her weekend off) and check up on me. I should be fine. I don't have any problems with anybody else there.

                        He was also going to consult corporate HR about how to proceed. I can't imagine them recommending my firing. Not when other people have said or done worse things and kept their jobs.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          *grabs a box and drags it over and stands on it * Don't look at me all funny like that, I'm not the tallest girl ever.

                          Anyway relax for tonight, try to get some sleep too. I don't see them firing you either, these things happen and you are a good worker.
                          I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


                          • #14
                            Beer and cheesecurds just for you, Irv my dear.

                            I for one think she's a shit supervisor to make you out to be such a worthless turd when nearly everyone else you work with is beyond worthless turds....more like useless crusty dog turds.

                            I think it'd be different if she had kept her own cool and hadn't copped an attitude back, hadn't told you to "choke" on the scanner, and hadn't gone bitching to your coworker about you, then to top it off, yelled back at you. Two can play at that game, so if you do get in trouble, I would hope and pray she would, too. She is supposed to be "above" that kind of stuff.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              Oh wow.

                              I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                              Oh, and your tool box got out again.

