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Gluten Free

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  • #16
    I like rice based pasta, they carry it at my co-op, but there is also a brand carried at the chinese grocery that is just as good, and cheaper. I don't have issues with wheat/gluten, I just have a fair number of friends who do =)
    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


    • #17
      I make homemade bread with a bread machine, with a huge pile of different kinds of flours and nuts/berries/raisins/dried milk/dried potatoes and such. Rice flour is something I've used in bread and is good. By the same token I've used straight up gluten flour. I also have rye, white bread flour, whole wheat flour and something else I"m forgetting
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • #18
        I am going completely gluten free, no cereal grains at all. My doctor is 99% sure I am intolerant, but to be sure, I'm going gluten free for three or four months to see if my symptoms go away/are reduced. Any gluten I eat during this time completely restarts my clock. I am being very safe and staying away from anything that might have it, even if I can't prove it does. The main one I'm concerned about is alcohol. I know that beer is bad, since it is made from cereal grains, but I don't know about other alcohols, if brewing/fermenting starters contain gluten, all of that fun stuff... So now I'm just avoiding alcohol all together.

        I have already noticed a significant improvement in one area, and that's exciting! I used to suffer from horrific heart burn, the really monstrous stuff that could mimic a heart attack. I was on prescription strength acid blockers and antacids, but I have only had heart burn once since I started eating gluten free, and that was the one time I ate rice bread. It's been nice not waking up in the middle of the night, wondering if this was the time the stomach acid would eat through my esophagus.

        I have already learned that eating out is pretty much a lost cause. I am going to have to learn how to cook properly, because it is so much easier to just make it yourself so that you can be sure what goes into it. I have been living on my own for just around two years already and my cooking skills are still sub-par. Ah well, treat it like a learning experience, right?

        Your guys' tips are fantastic. Thank you so much!


        • #19
          My partner's gluten intolerant so I'll get out the recipe book f things she can eat when I get home.

          We've found it easier to make things like sauces and pasta from scratch in big batches and freeze it.
          Good customers are as rare as Latinum. Treasure them. ~ The 57th Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition.


          • #20
            Quoth the_std View Post
            I am going completely gluten free, no cereal grains at all. My doctor is 99% sure I am intolerant, but to be sure, I'm going gluten free for three or four months to see if my symptoms go away/are reduced. Any gluten I eat during this time completely restarts my clock. I am being very safe and staying away from anything that might have it, even if I can't prove it does. The main one I'm concerned about is alcohol. I know that beer is bad, since it is made from cereal grains, but I don't know about other alcohols, if brewing/fermenting starters contain gluten, all of that fun stuff... So now I'm just avoiding alcohol all together.

            I have already noticed a significant improvement in one area, and that's exciting! I used to suffer from horrific heart burn, the really monstrous stuff that could mimic a heart attack. I was on prescription strength acid blockers and antacids, but I have only had heart burn once since I started eating gluten free, and that was the one time I ate rice bread. It's been nice not waking up in the middle of the night, wondering if this was the time the stomach acid would eat through my esophagus.

            I have already learned that eating out is pretty much a lost cause. I am going to have to learn how to cook properly, because it is so much easier to just make it yourself so that you can be sure what goes into it. I have been living on my own for just around two years already and my cooking skills are still sub-par. Ah well, treat it like a learning experience, right?

            Your guys' tips are fantastic. Thank you so much!
            Just come up with a few things you might like recipes for and Ill see if I can either find them or convert them =)
            EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


            • #21
              I know for a fact, as my boss's wife is allergic to many things and is gluten free, that there are pizza dough crusts and breads that are gluten free available online.

              Be careful when you buy tomato sauce that is packaged as home-made. Many companies use flour and wheat by-products as a binding agent.

