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Really not sure if this is work chat or off topic yet.. illegal either way.

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  • Really not sure if this is work chat or off topic yet.. illegal either way.

    First off, I'm not the most ethical person. I'm a huge pothead, I have absolutely no problem with people smoking pot as long as they're old enough to understand the consequences. I've smoked with my ex's entire family, from nephews around 18 to his grandparents in their late 80s.

    When I got a new phone, I did have a paper printout of all the old phone numbers in it. The ones I never talked to I elected not to program into the phone (if I don't talk to you at least twice a year, you're out of it). And it's for lack of a better term, a cloud based phone. It runs Android, google's mobile phone Os, so my entire phonebook is tied to both facebook and gmail. If I want to update my phonebook on my phone, I can do it from the phone, GMail, Facebook, or Google Voice (which is beta, but I have an account on it and it handles all of my voicemail and call blocking now). In a nutshell, if the phone ever gets lost or broken, all I have to do is setup my phone settings and preferences again, and email, wifi, phone books, voicemail settings, etc magically reappear after a little while. And it has a nifty app called Mobile Defense on it with GPS, if my phone disappears I can track it via GPS +/- 25 ft and turn it into an impossible to turn off siren.

    It's well known I'm a stoner at work - and the majority of management is too, hell the saying is if they drug tested us they'd have to hire most of a new store.

    Anyway, when I'm going out to get some of that wonderful green herb, if I know someone I trust is looking as well, I'll pick some up for them too. That way we both get a small quantity discount, and the guy I buy from is both reliable and incredibly cheap (we used to work together at our last job). I picked some up 2 days ago for both myself and a friend, we split it up and went our separate ways.

    Yesterday, I get a text on my phone from an unknown, but local phone #: "Hey can you get any weed?". I don't discuss that kind of stuff via text message, period, even if I know you, so I just ignored it. Then it started with a bunch of "Hello, hello? Hello?" text messages.

    Pro tip guys: If you're not close enough to someone that they don't bother keeping your #, asking them for weed out of the blue without even mentioning who you are in the text is a good way to make me paranoid and force all calls from you to voicemail. I've been asking plenty of people if they know who this # belongs to, none know, and very few people at work have it anyway.

  • #2
    If it's your new number, what it could be is that whoever had that number last also had a connection for weed. The last number I had, lord knows the variety of calls I was getting for some girl who didn't know how to let everyone know she didn't have that number anymore.
    My other car is a Mackinaw.


    • #3
      Number hasn't changed in a couple of years....

