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Epic Weekend

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  • Epic Weekend

    Gah, so I have been having bad luck since Friday night. Although my plane didn't crash today, so that's good.

    I am currently posting from a hotel room, waiting for conference registration to start. (Yes, I know, I'm supposed to be out exploring the city. I don't work that way, and am resigned to getting less out of life than I could). Because it was an early flight, I went in to Toronto last night and stayed with my parents for the night. After getting off the greyhound bus (only one major accident to delay us) I hopped the subway. At my station I debated calling my parents to see if they'd pick me up, but what with not having the change, and not being a kid anymore, I figured I'd just take the bus and then walk. I really should have called.

    I had two bags with me - I didn't have enough stuff to justify the huge two-people-for-a-week suitcase, and besides, I wanted a carry-on. Unfortunately that's one more bag than I'm used to. I got off my bus, and was debating transferring or walking the 500m, when I realised that the walk would have been too easy - I didn't have my bag. I am, however, incredibly proud of myself: I only had a brief freakout, then I got on the bus that was arriving and explained the situation. He had me get on the next bus of the one I just got off. Of course, this being late evening, the buses were almost 10 minutes apart. The bus driver on that bus was WONDERFUL. That did not, however, change the fact that I didn't get back to my stop until the bus that I left my bag on finished its route, turned around again, and made it back to my stop. So it was after 23:00 when I got home. Not only did I want to get to bed earlier than that, but I was expected earlier (and yes, my mom had called my husband to figure out where I was, so they were both worried), and I wanted to have a chance to visit with my parents.

    And this comes after my weekend... Friday I went on an emergency yarn run. I had known for a while that I was going to need to do this, but it just hadn't happened. Of course, while I was there I saw a yarn sale. It was a good sale, and I do have the money, but adding on that $25, and the $10 for the tomato planter (it's a hanging one!), and then the pattern fabric, my total was a little high. Because I hadn't been keeping a tally, I didn't realise that it was wrong until I saw the bus coming. Because the buses are horribly infrequent - every 15 minutes during rush hour - I ran for it, and didn't check my receipt until I was on the bus. Yep, they'd forgotten to ring up my needle. I was tired, my foot was killing me, and I hadn't had dinner yet, so I went home, figuring I could go and pay for it the next day. Well Saturday had it's own issues. I won't go into all of them here, but suffice to say that I really wish I'd remembered that the store closed at 17:30. So this meant I had to go on Sunday. I don't like Sunday shopping - I think that everyone should get at least some weekend, and Sunday is the day in my tradition to use for that.

    At least I got a good walk out of it - I walked home on Sunday rather than waiting for the every 45 minutes bus. (I want to live in a city that's not populated by hippies, so there's support for a bus service). I was able to make the walk with minimal soreness in my foot. The main problem was going up hills - I think my tendon may have shortened. So when I'm back home I will start walking to work again. No more having to take the bus! (Not that I mind the bus per se, but it's kind of stupid to take the bus when campus is only 15 minutes away.)

  • #2
    I'm sorry. What conference is this for? Fun or work?
    Dull women have immaculate homes.

