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Great flood of 2010

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  • Great flood of 2010

    And by this I do not mean the Nashville flood or the one pouring out of my loins (yay, I think I'll have to double up on BC again)... but the one my fucking apartment. I am so livid, I cannot even think straight.

    A week ago, our washer started leaking on and off. Meaning sometimes it'd leak, at others it wouldn't.. and then it'd leak again. Of course, when the maintenance guy came to look at it two days ago, he gave it the CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH, said he tightened the hoses just in case and let it be.

    Considering we haven't had clean clothes for a week now, we decided to do a small, superbly light load of clothes so we have something to wear to work. And... que paso? La pinche maquina decide que ahora es el tiempo perfecto para quebrarse completamente!

    >.< Yes, I am so livid I can't even think/write/speak in English anymore.

    Anyway, the goddamned thing decided to break.. and leak.. and of course, because of the water pressure it only took about two minutes to flood the hallway with two inches of water.

    We're on the top floor.

    The fire alarms are on said hallway.

    Wires of said fire alarms went haywire and fritzed.

    Alarm went off. Apartments were evacuated. I barely had time to grab the cat and run out the fucking door while my husband struggled to call the maintenance man (this is like 12:25 am, btw). Fire trucks came and I had to sheepishly explain I was trying to watch my bloody fucking underwear so I have some clean ones (okay, I didn't say this exactly but I felt like saying so) for manana (yes, I know it needs a tilde). At some point, I had to look at all my neighbors and explain:

    "You know.. I really didn't want to have to meet you all this way."

    Those without children understood. I got dirty looks from the ones on the first floor kitty corner to me (they've always been like this and now they're even worse. >.<). The ones whose apartment got flooded too just laughed it off and said it was okay. I owe them cookies. xD

    Anyway, it is now 1:22 am, I haven't been able to get a hold of the stupid maintenance man (and guess what, neither did the fire department!) and now we're on an hourly fire watch until someone comes in with their fucking vaccums and dryers.

    God, its such a fucking repeat of 05/09... Anyone remember that lovely fiasco where I woke up to the bathroom spewing water everywhere? Fucking eh.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa

  • #2
    And.. the maintenance man finally shows up, fiddles, looks at the machine and says "yup, its broken." then proceeds to turn it back on to drain it.. and water starts to leak again. >.<
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


    • #3
      welp, looks like it's time to either get your land lord to find a new maintenance guy or find a new place to live...morons like that don't usually learn. your ll's going to pay for any repairs, right?
      If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

      i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


      • #4
        Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
        And by this I do not mean the Nashville flood or the one pouring out of my loins (yay, I think I'll have to double up on BC again)... but the one my fucking apartment. I am so livid, I cannot even think straight.

        A week ago, our washer started leaking on and off. Meaning sometimes it'd leak, at others it wouldn't.. and then it'd leak again. Of course, when the maintenance guy came to look at it two days ago, he gave it the CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH, said he tightened the hoses just in case and let it be.

        Considering we haven't had clean clothes for a week now, we decided to do a small, superbly light load of clothes so we have something to wear to work. And... que paso? La pinche maquina decide que ahora es el tiempo perfecto para quebrarse completamente!

        >.< Yes, I am so livid I can't even think/write/speak in English anymore.

        Damn, sounds like it's high time to move or get a new maintenance guy. I took some Spanish in High School (3 years) if I'm no mistaken in my translation you were saying that "the fucking machine decided to at the perfect time to completely go down!" in Spanish right? I go off in Dutch when I'm wicked pissed.
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          This isn't the first time Mr. D has just poked around and left saying everything is fine and it wasn't. The last time it took some very angry, and annoyed calls from me to finally get them to come and 'fix' it ... they fixed something else and not the initial problem. I got annoyed and caulked the window myself. I'm a handy girl. ^-^ (we have a toilet problem and *I* fixed it finally, not him.)

          I never realized it had been Mr. D, though, who had looked at the window until now that I'm going over the paper work (they sign off a sheet saying they've been into the apartment and looked over it, blah blah). Mr. D. said he trouble shot the washer and tightened the H/C hoses. Washer was okay.

          So, after having a maintenance guy come in at 2 am to tell us it was NOT an emergency and this could be looked at later (Um, we never got a hold of anyone, it was the *fire* department that finally did and told them they had to come send someone look at the damned thing period because we were on an hourly fire watch.)... and a carpet guy at like ten ish... Mr. D gets his hiney back into the apartment at 11.

          With his manager and supervisor in tow.

          Talk about pwnage. Bossman supervised from a corner, taking notes. Supe had to pull apart the washer and TEACH Mr. D how to troubleshoot and not miss anything.

          "And if the hoses, gaskets and everything are coming out fine, then you look at this -point to little hose-. It is the pressure sensor. It is to be clean. -points- this one is clogged.... the machine cannot tell when the water is to be turned off or not. And this -points to drain- is getting clogged too.. Did you not check that when you came in two days ago?"

          D: .. um...

          S: -scoffs-

          B: -rolls eyes- I take that as a no.

          S: its easy to miss but don't miss it. This mess could have been prevented.

          D: yessir.



          At first they wanted *us* to pay for the repair/fire dept too from our renters insurance but hubby got on their case about it. He pointed out to the service request form that stated the washer was okay to work with and reasoned we would have NOT used the damned washer if we'd been told it needed more work. So, obviously, the maintenance man all he did was check for cracks and leaks in pipes and nothing more. He never ran the machine. If he had, he would've seen the water leaking.
          "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


          • #6
            Aw crap, you're stuck with Lupo's infamous maintenance folks. Or their relatives.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth blas View Post
              Aw crap, you're stuck with Lupo's infamous maintenance folks. Or their relatives.
              Hubby for the win. He deals with my crazyness all the time so he has a good head on his shoulders. He gave them a nice little pwnage that resulted in:

              $20 to replace our trashed cleaner console. It was a cheap little press board closet we got to put all our cleaning supplies in there in that hallway because we need to keep things easily accessible.


              A gift certificate to the cheese cake factory.
              "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


              • #8
                That's some awesome pwnage from both your hubby and maintenance man's bosses. I hope it's actually fixed this time!


                • #9
                  Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
                  At first they wanted *us* to pay for the repair/fire dept too from our renters insurance but hubby got on their case about it. He pointed out to the service request form that stated the washer was okay to work with and reasoned we would have NOT used the damned washer if we'd been told it needed more work.
                  Hooooooooooooooooooly shit.

                  If they'd pull that on me they'd have the damned washing machine shoved up their ass.

                  While on spin.


                  • #10
                    Quoth bean View Post
                    Hooooooooooooooooooly shit.

                    If they'd pull that on me they'd have the damned washing machine shoved up their ass.

                    While on spin.
                    Ooooh, kinky...

