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Yay new home!

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  • Yay new home!

    I’m in the process of moving, we started yesterday and must be done by 8:00pm Sunday. The guys signed the lease at 4:30 (I signed earlier since I had to be at work), they moved a few boxes and prepped for paint, not a whole lot else that they could as the only large-ish car was with me at work plus they didn’t know which color I wanted which room…and I had forgotten to take the roller thingies out of my car so they didn’t really have much to paint with (though I suppose finger-painted walls would at least be interesting). We got the dining room/ bar to the kitchen painted a lovely shade of grayish blue (my boy kept going on and on about how it was such a bright blue and he had said that he didn’t want crazy colors, thankfully it dried exactly the color I was hoping and he quietly said “it does look kind of nice”) and my boy plus our new roommate’s girlfriend started on the living room (a really nice sage green) as I was leaving to come in to work. Since those are the only rooms that we are doing we will hopefully be all done with that (even touch ups) by the time I get home. I don’t think I’m going to try and get anything done after work tonight (don’t get off until 10:30 anyways) but we are going to get some of the smaller furniture and larger boxes over in the morning as we wont be able to use the truck thingy, which we are borrowing from my fiancé’s parents’ neighbor’s (and family friend) moving company, until the afternoon because the company needs it for a job (but they don’t need it again until Monday so we will have it for about 48 hours and all we have to pay for is gas, which is a pretty sweet deal).

    For once I actually feel prepared for a move. There are still a few things that need to be packed (pretty much the whole kitchen, overflowing pantry included, and then about 2 boxes worth of random stuff) but I know, from past experience, that if I need to I can pack all of it in about 4 hours (I will just be really unhappy for those three hours and will die as soon as the last box is taped shut). Thankfully the roomie’s girl is really helpful (she is ROTC so not only is the girl strong but, more importantly she is done with classes so she has loads of free time) and we have plenty of time so if all goes reasonably well then there will be plenty of time for us to not only get the old place spotless (so we can get all of our deposit back) without stressing us out too much to bake some cupcakes and make the new place really feel like home.

    Goodness that ended up being longer and much less ranty than I thought (after all even the best moves are still kind of a pain in the booty). Really what it boils down to is that I will be on here less and may be a bit less than my angelic self for the next few days. Also I know I’m new so chances are that this is far more information about me than any of you care to know but I feel pretty at home here so I’m going to act accordingly.

  • #2
    A helpful hint: Unpack the kitchen LAST. Eat out.
    Dull women have immaculate homes.


    • #3
      Quoth Exaspera View Post
      A helpful hint: Unpack the kitchen LAST. Eat out.
      I second this.


      • #4
        Oh don't worry that is so totally my plan

