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Surprise mom!!!

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  • Surprise mom!!!

    My son has been acting odd the last couple of days - secretive (always closing his bedroom door quickly behind him when he comes out at all, spending all evening locked up in his room, etc.) and my daughter has been oddly quiet and keeping to herself, or playing quietly in her brother's room (practically unheard of).

    I'd be suspecting drugs if my kids weren't 11 and 8...

    So this morning when my son slunk out of his room closing the door quickly behind him, I asked him what he was hiding in there. He gets this panicked look on his face and says, "NOTHING Mom, I swear!"

    "Open the door"

    "Do I have to?"


    So he opens the door and sitting on his bed, looking up at me in some panic, is an 8 week old kitten.


    Babysitter's neighbors' cat had a litter, and they were giving away kittens. I vaguely remember Zack asking last week if we could get a kitten, and I distinctly remember saying "no way, our cat would eat it."

    So for TWO DAYS, this kitten has been living in my son's room, hasn't been able to eat or drink (he brought in cups of water, but no bowl, so the cat panicked when it couldn't get its face to the water without getting its whole head in the cup and wouldn't drink - and my cat is 4 1/2 years old and on "indoor cat" food, way too big and hard for a kitten), lord knows where it's been peeing and pooping.... Best part is, my daughter, who can't keep a secret or lie to save her life, has KNOWN about this for two days and hasn't said a word!


    I was late for work this morning because I had to find a cage, find some wet food (thankfully I had one envelope left - my cat doesn't eat it, so I don't keep it around, but I had some that my ex's cats didn't like), put a bowl of food and a bowl of water in the cage with it... poor thing fell on that food like a starved beast, which I suppose it was, and as soon as it was done stuffing its face, it literally fell asleep half in the bowl of food.

    My cat hates the bloody thing, and hisses or growls as soon as she sees it (she's not exactly the most affectionate of cats... her original owners lost interest in her the instant she stopped being a cute adorable little kitten, and they literally locked her alone in a room with a litterbox and a food dish for SIX MONTHS before I got her). I'd love to let him keep it except for two things - I'm afraid my cat will attack it and they'll be fighting all the time, and my son's bedroom is an absolute disaster area.

    My idea is to bribe him. If he can clean his room (and this goes for his sister too) and help me clean the rest of the house in one big swoop (say, two or three weeks), he can keep it. I'd hate to bring it to a shelter, lord knows what it might pick up... and it's adorable and tiny and cuddly (my cat hates being held and only allows herself to be petted by me, and only for a minute or so at a time before she nips to signal she's done).

    Where the hell did I go wrong?
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.

  • #2
    "Where the hell did I go wrong?"

    It was about the time when you decided raising kids would be a good idea instead of raising cabbages.
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      Bribes could work.

      It's possible that the kitten 'may' even help socialize your adult cat. But it will take alot of effort to monitor and teach adult cat to be nice. You'll want to make an area for big cat to be able to go that the kitten is not allowed to go.

      Hissing and growling are to be expected... it's when they go silent and move to stalk mode that you have to be vigilante about.

      It's a big decision, but it's easier to take care of two cats than one dog and one cat. Well, it should be easier for your kids to take care of those duties...
      Make a list of important things to do today.
      At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
      Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


      • #4
        you didn't go wrong at all! you raised two affectionate, if misguided, children. i'm sure they would've told you eventually

        i like the bribing idea. teach the kids responsibility and all that. hopefully things work out for you!
        If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

        i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


        • #5
          Have a word with the babysitter too - even with honest kids it's best to check with the parents that yes, mom did say that it was ok, and that she meant they could have the cat now.


          • #6
            Well, in the babysitter's defense, she didn't know. My son put the kitten in his backpack and left it outside until I picked them up. It was quite a shock to her when I told her this morning!
            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


            • #7
              You know, I have to give your kids credit for ingenuity. I'm sure you'd rather you had less intelligent kids right about now, eh?


              • #8
                *sigh* you have NO idea.... best part is, kid in question just got his black belt in karate. So I had a talk with him this morning. "Is this how a black belt acts? Sneaky and dishonest?" And he's all like "Don't tell Sensei! PLEASE Mom, don't tell Sensei!" LOL

                Methinks I'll have a slightly better-behaved kid for a while... his sister, on the other hand... now she'll be wanting one of her own! *Groan*
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                • #9
                  i think as a punishment to the kids you should take them to some kind of charity for a few weekends where they can help clean or maybe even a shelter. It would tell them its not ok to do what they did (lie, hide an animal in the house with their mother permisson ect) because now they loss a few weekends or after school time. This way you punish them but also if you do pick a message as to why if Mama says it isnt a good idea to have a pet in the house what can happen.
                  As for the kitten... im not alloud near fluffies i couldnt get rid of them if i was. If you do want to keep her you could do that if the can keep up the kitten maintence for 2 weeks as well as the cleaning then maybe. that way if you can see if the kittens would be well cared for by your kits lol.

                  other than that i am half awake not a mom (and currently happy my female regions are not congrustive to the babie) and my problem was Evil the Slut cat who could get preggers looking at another cat. i miss Sir Fredrick van Kitty the sex kitten of the south west (to not awake to remember names) and Chubs.


                  • #10
                    heh slice - they already take care of our current cat (my son is in charge of feeding, my daughter cleans the litterbox). The fear is mainly that the older cat will attack the kitten (she is declawed though, so she couldn't cause too much damage).

                    The plan currently is that if they can clean their rooms to MY satisfaction AND help me clean out the front hall and the back room, they can keep him. But I'm bloody well getting him his shots, his man bits taken out, and possibly declawed (we'll see if he can behave with a scratching post first - mine attacked everything in sight - carpet, drywall, children...).

                    Their punishment for lying will be cleaning out their grandpa's garage, my house, and their dad's storage unit LOL (free manual labor for us). They already volunteer through their karate dojo, and I don't want them to associate "volunteering" with "punishment". They've also been told that they won't be seeing Shrek 4 in the theater (a treat they were particularly looking forward to) because the money will be going towards the kitten's care instead.

                    besides, cute little kitty *SQUEE*
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #11
                      Definitely get the kitten checked out by a vet right away if you haven't already. You don't want your older cat to pick up anything (diseases or parasites like fleas or worms) that the kitten may have that nobody knows about.

                      We just got a kitten a few weeks ago, and one of our other cats is very anti-social. She was the baby of the family till the kitten came along, so she's never had to deal with a kitten herself. She HATED the kitten at first, growled and hisses and swatted at him whenever he came near. We let it play out and they're doing better now. We always supervised them when they were in the same room the first few weeks, but they're on pretty friendly terms now so we leave them alone together and we haven't had any incidents. We let the older cat swat at the kitten (she doesn't have claws so she can't do any real damage, and we made sure she never went after him with her teeth) so that the kitten would learn who's boss. Our older girl came a long way but it took about 4 or 5 weeks for her to start to warm up to the kitten.

                      Oh yeah, and where are the pictures?


                      • #12
                        Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                        Oh yeah, and where are the pictures?
                        quoted for truth! I thought I would have to be the first to say...this thread is USELESS without pictures!
                        It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


                        • #13
                          I didn't really think it an appropriate message to send to the kids to whip out the camera to take pictures of teh cute as soon as I caught them hiding him LOL

                          I will take pics when I get home tonight and break the news to the children that if they want to keep him, they become my indentured servants
                          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                          • #14
                            Quoth tollbaby View Post
                            they become my indentured servants
                            I thought that's what kids were for anyway.
                            I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                            • #15
                              As to your older cat, he/she may well just take some time to adjust to the new furbaby. Back when I got Sweetie, my older cat Pepper did the same thing, but never actually attacked.

                              Any time I heard her growling, I shouted at her to be nice, and she would run away. I did make sure to cuddle her more often during this time, so she didn't feel pushed aside. Eventually (a couple of months) things calmed down.

                              Of course, they still chase each other around a lot, sometimes playing, sometimes more serious, but they don't actually hurt each other, and Pepper has lost weight since getting Sweetie.

                              Eric the Grey
                              In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive

