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  • #16
    Quoth dalesys View Post
    My wife found our beginning toddler on top of the refrigerator... and his older siblings hadn't put him up there because she could see the drawers pulled out for steps.
    My one-year-old is starting to figure out those tricks too. She's already learned how to pus her older sister's red chair over to the piano bench so she can climb up, and from there keeps trying to get on top of the piano. The piano is a large upright. She's also been trying her hand at getting up on the coffee table without steps.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


    • #17
      My sister's new husband, when he was a child, used to climb the heating pipe in the corner of their house and draw/write on the ceiling.

      He's now a biomedical engineer about to start work with a major cancer research company (they've developed an entirely new way of treating cancer, he gets to help build the machine that will be used for diagnosis and determination of specified treatment).

      We're convinced his mother is a saint.


      • #18
        it be time to do the mommy crawl. IE get on hands and knees when you have time to do this, go through and what you see at Khan's eye level tie up or baby safe it.

        or get outlet covers and try and make a blockade area slash playpen using furniture if you cannot get the gate stuff. had to do that with first baby I helped take care of it was unusual but it worked. The woman I worked with in helping raise her kid could only get sections at a time of the gates before she had enough to make a play pen area out of them so we made a makeshift wall and finished it up with other furniture.

        remember to breathe and just get through each day as you can.


        • #19
          agreed on the electrical outlet covers. We still have a heap of the covers from when my sister was a baby (we moved into our current house when she was 6 months). Put them on all unused electrical sockets and any used ones, LEAVE the appliances plugged in. In most cases I'd guess that it'd take a fair bit of force to pull out a plug: not something a 10-month-old could do.

          When my little 2nd cousin was born, my cousin went out and bought two playpens. She then attached both of them together. So basically Cousin Fireheart had a gigantic playpen he could easily play around in: books, toys etc. included. My cousin (his mum) could watch him and make sure that he wasn't crawling off to the bathroom or wherever and also keep an eye on whatever she was doing.

          try doing special themed days as well-even if he doesn't quite understand them, they're still always fun to do. For instance, if he likes Pingu, turn the playpen area into a winter wonderland (with fake snow). My cousin did this-cousin FH didn't quite get the idea, but he still loved it-especially when his dad crawled into the "igloo." Substitute as appropriate.

          (For the "winter wonderland", my cousin bought a couple of white blankets and some cheap sheets, then added one of the indoor pop-up tents for kids to play in. )

          Otherwise, maybe see if there are any free playgroups/creches running? Might help him socialise with other children and let off some steam. You might also be able to pick up some advice as well.
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...

