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Red Pill or Blue Pill?

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  • Red Pill or Blue Pill?

    For those of you not familiar with the Red Pill or Blue Pill, they are a reference from the movie The Matrix. Basically, the movie presupposes that there are two realities: The one you currently live in and understand, and another reality that overshadows this apparent one, and is full of "The Truth" about everything; a truth that you either can't see, or refuse to acknowledge or believe in. The Red Pill helps you awaken to see it.

    So. The question is, would you take the Red Pill, or would you take the Blue Pill?

    I'll include a variety of choices so that people can gauge their own level of curiosity or lack thereof.

    EDIT: For the hell of it, here's an image I just found.
    Red Pill - Enter the Matrix. Nothing is a secret. Live Free or Die!
    Red Pill - Invisible Wars are no longer Invisible. Angels, Demons, The Supernatural.
    Red Pill - I see Ghosts. They're real. So are Psychic powers.
    Blue Pill - My life is crazy enough. I want to go back to sleep.
    Blue Pill - I'm not quite ready to take the leap into the absurd. This world is just fine as it is.
    Blue Pill - I don't think I could handle anything other than what I already know.
    Last edited by ShadowTiger; 06-09-2010, 02:23 AM.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."

  • #2
    Someone has already slipped me Red 2 and 3, I don't need any more pills.
    Still missing you, Plaid


    • #3
      I can dig it. I've been Force-Fed the Red Pill and have been thrust into a world I would have never suspected existed under the covers of reality. It's created a whole new "end of the world" theory that I can't help but look into. Signs are already popping up left and right. The inner scientist in me is doing its best to debunk everything but can't keep up, but the inner skeptic in me wants to prove everything right, not wrong.


      I wonder what flavor the pills are. I love blueberry, but I also love strawberry. I hope it's not raspberry. Who makes a raspberry flavored reality pill, anyway?
      SC: "Are you new or something?"
      Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


      • #4
        I took Red pill 3 at a very young age.... but Red Pill 1 - I think someone ground it up and gave it to me a little at a time, so I wouldn't suspect anything...

        The cake is a lie, and there is no spoon

        gimme pie and fork!
        I am well versed in the "gentle" art of verbal self-defense

        Once is an accident; Twice is coincidence; Thrice is a pattern.


        • #5
          I've looked Satan in the eye.

          I doubt nothing anymore.

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6
            red pill 3. not sure about 2....


            • #7
              I took red pill #2. Constantine was a sweet movie.
              "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


              • #8
                Okay, so we have a lot of votes for Red Pill level 2.

                Now here's the question. What if you got swept up in the Invisible War? What if you actually had to fight? You can't just be aware of it without being involved in it. It will get you sooner or later, because you know it's coming. If you had inside knowledge that the Elbonians were going to sweep across your state and just obliterate everything because they hate who you are, wouldn't you want to do something about it? Wouldn't you want to pick up and move elsewhere? Would you want to band yourselves together.

                Anyone can be brave. But anyone can be shot or killed. If the only reason you'd take the pill is to be aware of the danger, ... well, you're only halfway prepared, then.

                Humor me. What if it's not a hypothetical. Just humor me. The President doesn't believe you. Your best friend doesn't believe you. Your parents don't believe you. Just a few other people you've met across the country believe you because they took the Red Pill too; some were force-fed it and others were open minded enough to take it themselves. What do you do?
                SC: "Are you new or something?"
                Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."

