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  • #16
    More updates:

    One, I can cook ok, but I tend to go for long preparing foods, or very fast and quick. My ability to stand and be patient for cooking is very... dimished.

    Anyway, I guess I'm quite the flirting. I never knew that I was ok at it, and not corny.

    Tends to be what with people give me though. Since we can't talk much during class with being very far apart, we tend to text during it. (I know, big no no. We're both getting A's in this class, and no-one even knows we're doing it). I saw she was drinking Vanilla Coke, and I sent a text going BLEH! Vanilla? No! Normal or cherry!"

    She sent back WHAT! Ouch! You just ripped my heart out!

    My reply being "So I finally have your heart then..."

    She replied "Well, Kinda... but you broke it too. So it's not good. Just useless"

    I replied I could fix it. It be awesome.

    She laughed at that. "You kinda did before"

    (Not sure what that means).

    We do have hitchs though. She tends to work alot after school and everyday, and she goes to baseball practice and Church on the weekends, her living in Washingtong makes it very hard for me to get down there, with lack of money and transportation.

    But we'll figure something out. I hope. I meowed and said I know you! at her in the halls between classes, and she kinda stopped me for a moment. I've meowed before and said that before, and she just asked if I said I loved her. I blinked and said no, I said I know you. She laughed a little. "Was about to say, a little to early in our relationship to be saying we love you. That's next week".

    So yeah. I think I'm pretty sure she likes me.

    My only beefs, and they are small, are
    1: She's racist towards Mexicans. It's a fact. Not hearsay, I've heard it from her own lips, and she feels ashamed by it, but she can't get over her disgust about them. Not a deal breaker, she's not going out screaming kill them at least.

    2: She's 18 years old. I'm 24, turning 25 this year. Not that big of a age difference, but I am somewhat shocked as this happens to be another girl barely out of high school that had some kind of feelings for me. Granted, makes me feel like I'm finally making up for lost time, but other time, I feel like man, she's 18. Confusing and conflicting ><. That and once again, said girl has had plenty of other boyfriends before me so once again I feel like I'm gotta be able to measure up and be better then ex's in all ways, which likely won't happen at all.

    Other then that, no real problems. I think. Just alot of wierd stuff.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


    • #17
      On the issues, the second one, 18 yes, but she also seems to be more mature for her age, or along the same maturity as you which can be a good thing.
      On the first issue, at least she recognizes it and is ashamed so...not a bad thing buut thats your call.

      She likes you Plaid GO FOR IT!


      • #18
        Something can only happen if you try.


        • #19
          must have more updates! daily! weekly will do. ^_^ i really hope it works out for ya!
          If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

          i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

