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How has this place been?

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  • How has this place been?

    I mean really. How has CS been for you?

    I don't think I'd been alive if it wasn't for this place. I really mean that. I've always felt so alone and unloved, even with my friends and family. None of my friends could ever understand what it's like with bad customers, with the exception of TheRedheadofDoom of course.

    Even my /best/ friends worst customer was the one that yelled at him for being called Sir. He never had people threaten him. He never had people assalt him for something as stupid as beer not being stocked.

    This place is very caring. I love all the members here. I may be very angry at some, and dislike their methods, but I'd still defend them in some cases or try to help.

    I've made so many friends, and talk and text alot of people. (I'm willing to share my number, I do prefer texting as I'm normally doing about twenty things at once, ontop of texting ten other people, but I am willing to talk).

    I love this community. I'd do anything I can for anyone here. At my worst moments I've gotten plenty of advice and people to talk to, ether in threads or by PM's, and that's something I'd alway appreciate. When I can help, or do something, I tend to send some form of advice if I can. But I am lousy with words, and it tends to come off pretty strange and random.

    I've fallen in love with several people here, and while it reminds strictly friends, it's still a nice twist from the normal "Eww, go away you stinky!"

    This place really made me a far better person, far more confident then ever before, and I just love this place.

    How about you? Any stories on how great this place has been for you?
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    I know that when my apartment was broken into last year, I had a lot of people here who would support me, and with as crappy as 2009 was...I'd've given up a LONG time ago if I couldn't come here and vent. plus, all the people I've met are so much fun.

    EQ and DataJager and SG15Z, I got to meet and hang out with in person, which is great because I have a really hard time meeting new people. EQ and DataJager just...plucked up at home one day, and the rest is history (and then EQ and I kidnapped met up with SG.) And of course, I get to randomly text you about random crap. Random texts are random.

    Plus, I love how people here are always so understanding and offering advice. It's a great community, and I'm glad to know the people in it, including present company.

    Last edited by lupo pazzesco; 06-11-2010, 04:31 PM.


    • #3
      this place is awesome! i was a member here yeeeears ago when i was working for the dollar tree. then i stopped coming for whatever reason. then i forgot my user name, so when i started working at Sbux, i created this one.
      and...i feel weird if i don't come every day. i don't have a job right now (and that's driving me nuts), but i still like posting random things. hell, i'll post things here before i tell my "rl" friends. probably a bad habit, but whatever.
      shoot...i wish the world was smaller so i could actually hang out with a bunch of people here! i haven't given out my cell number for texts (will if asked, tho! i'm a texting fiend), but i have made facebook friends out of a few people. i've also been oh so tempted to do a cross country road trip to visit a few people. lol haven't had the time/money for it tho.
      the people here are so supportive and diverse that i know if i have a problem and i post about it here, i'll get some pretty fantastic advice, even if it's not about work. i relate to some of the people here better than i do some of my "rl" friends. hug!
      (on that note, there should be a "glomp" smilie)
      If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

      i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


      • #4
        I was almost out of customer support (GOOD GRAVY! FINALLY!) by the time I found this place. To be honest, I wish I had found this place back when I started working in customer support. I've been abused, threatened, and mistreated by customers, coworkers, and management alike. Would have been nice to talk to someone who understands back then, other than someone like my brother who doesn't do customer service of any kind.

        While I'm gone from support, the people here are good, and it's worth my time to hang out here. :-)
        Coworker: Distro of choice?
        Me: Gentoo.
        Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


        • #5
          I lurked here for years. I forget exactly how long and I've just recently come out of the shadows as it were. In my experience, the forum is very unique.

          -- Most everyone gets along with each other
          -- Most people are pretty positive in their outlook
          -- and everyone is supportive and respectful of each other

          That's a remarkable feat for an online community

          I come here multiple times a day mostly to read everyone's posts. I between jobs right now and one of the hardest things to do when you re unemployed is to find some way to entertain yourself so you can briefly take your mind of your problems. All the wonderful people here have been a godsend to me in that respect. I sincerly thank you all

          ps-- I'll try to post more


          • #6
            I lurked for 8 months, and ya'll started feeling like family. I wanted in. Ta Da.
            I may never be able to share all my horror stories... I'm serious when I say, I just don't remember things very well. I prefer to dwell on now and not yesterday, so things that make me angry today, aren't very important the next day. That's just part of my personality and part practice. The good thing is, I don't hold a grudge.
            I joined because I do feel I have something of value that people can use. Whether it be a smile and positive thoughts, or a boost of morale, or even some nugget of advice that will help someone (though you know the saying about opinions and advice, everyone has one). I've already learned alot from everyone on here, and I'd like to repay that as I can.
            Make a list of important things to do today.
            At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
            Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


            • #7
              I love CS. There's a sense of family here which is odd for a forum. I guess it's because we've all been through a lot of the stuff here or something like it.
              I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


              • #8
                I started coming to CS back when there was not a forum - or at least I hadn't found it then. I stopped coming for a few years & then came back again. I had a couple of names that I used on different sites (heartofice & mom23sons), but not sure if I ever had one here before creating this one.

                I love CS!! The people here are fantastic & I have connected with a few of them on FB & also texting. I love how open people are & supportive even if they don't see eye to eye with something & the MODS are awesome too. They are fair & I like to see their involvement.
                I hope to always be apart of this community & would always help somebody here if I can - in any way. Even if it's just somebody to talk to.
                "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann
                RIP Plaidman - you are loved & greatly missed.


                • #9
                  CS is awesome. Lots of nice people. I talk to of course Plaidy on a regular basis.
                  I've had dinner with two members already. Surprising since I just came here in April.
                  I chat with a couple others on FB or aim. It's great!
                  Not all forums are as welcoming.
                  I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


                  • #10
                    I actually haven't worked retail since I was a teenager (I very quickly learned that I did not have the correct temperament for it). I did work in a few call centres where I was the front line for the customer, which was interesting, but my first love (and current job) is administrative work.

                    That said, I still frequent CustomersSuck because 1- it's hilarious... some of the stories are so funny, they're the type of thing I'll never forget (GK's posts come to mind... as do Jester's... heck, just look at my signature); 2- There are some pretty fantastic people here, many of whom i'd love to meet face to face (Ree, someday, I promise! You're only an hour away!); 3- I've learned a lot about how to handle difficult customers from some of the wiser folks here. Finally, I did work for a while at a labour dispute tribunal, so sometimes I can offer a bit of advice to those who are having difficulties.

                    I can't say I've made any really close friends here, but then, I do have a tendency to disappear for long periods of time, and I've never really opened myself up to chatting with anyone from this forum (no reason really, just laziness). I would like to, but I've also got the target painted on my back from the forum I run (don't ask, I won't tell anyway), and perhaps that's made me leery of opening myself up to criticism on THIS forum.

                    I do keep coming back though... I really miss you guys when I don't come on regularly. This is an excellent site, run by really special and charismatic people, and I'd never give it up entirely
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #11
                      Sometimes I can't vent about work at home. My roommates are either tired of hearing it or don't listen. I like that I can vent here without being told "sucks to be you." And I particularly love the off topic section. Back when I had that cancer scare, it was really nice to be here and be told that it's okay, I'll get through it, and I was even happier (as I'm sure a lot of other posters were) when I found I was healthy and no signs of problems.

                      I love meeting some of my forum buddies offline too; Lupo, SG15Z, Sarlon and now Maggiethecat. It's such an eclectic and eccentric group. I'd have fallen into severe depression long ago if it wasn't for the support that's here.

                      I love you guys.

                      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                      • #12
                        It's nice to commiserate with other people besides co workers about sucky customers and the like that truly understand what it's like. I've been working in customer service for 7 years and I'm trying to get out of it by any means necessary (school,promotion or job change). At least this way SO and those closest to me can be spared of my whining/bitching/moaning at home.
                        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                        • #13
                          I've been visiting this site for a looooong time. I became a member; the site was hacked. I became a member again; the site was hacked again. Hacking occurred fairly often in those days. Once, the hacking took place while I was on the site, and I couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong, and why the pages weren't loading.

                          Ha ha.

                          Of all the people who were there at the beginning, only MadMike and Mr. Slugger remain, I think.

                          Some of those who are no longer on the site, but contributed a lot to it:

                          Ace of Diamonds
                          Aunt Nut

                          At first, I came for the stories. Then the site expanded; the "Stories of Revenge" and "I Got Fired for this One" sections fell by the wayside. Which is fine.

                          I come here now because of the good people, the good advice, and yes, the good stories.


                          • #14
                            Over the years, I have met several people from the place, and consider them really good friends.

                            There are some I have never met, but I have a special place in my heart for them. (Yes, I'm looking at you, too, Plaidman. )

                            I have a few of the CS members on my Facebook as well.

                            When my husband passed away 2 years ago, the support from the people on this forum was amazing.
                            As he lingered for that week in the hospital, I would log in here and see all the messages of support, even from people with whom I didn't always see eye to eye.

                            I would actually cry reading all of the comments because I was so touched.

                            This is one of the most caring group of people on the internet.
                            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                            • #15
                              This is one of the best forums I've been on....the people here actually seem real! Even if we do not know each other "in real life," even if we never meet, people here are wiiling to lend an ear and help each other...or just share a laugh.

                              Few places online are like that.
                              "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                              "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs

