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Spare me!

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  • Spare me!

    Well, shit.

    A guy I used to work with and hang out with has been talking about coming back to Key West.

    So periodically he calls me to regale me with his plans about doing just that. Such a call just took place after several days of us playing phone tag. And what was so urgent that he had to call me about 5 times in the last week to discuss?

    The same old shit. How he wants to come back here, he's hoping the oil spill doesn't mess with his ability to get a job (duh, we are all hoping it doesn't assfuck our economy), how he's saving up X thousands so he has a nest egg when he gets down here plus enough to buy a boat, etc.

    And then he starts talking about how he wouldn't mind living in my apartment, and that he hopes that whoever moves in this time leaves when he gets down here so he can have the place. And this whole conversation vaults a bunch of questions into my head:

    --Why did I ever hang out with this guy? He's boring/annoying me to tears.

    --Was I that desperate for friendship back then? I don't think so.

    --What makes him think I would actually rent to him?

    --If the new roommate did move out about the same time he got down here, what reasonable excuses could I come up with not to rent to him?

    --What makes him think that he is so awesome that he would get a bar gig down here if the oil spill doesn't screw us when even before that a lot of people have been looking for just such a bar gig and not getting it if they aren't in the right place at the right time and know the right people?

    --Have I ever told him about this website? I hope not, because I really don't want him reading this rant.

    --How bored am I sometimes on facebook that I look some of the people up that I have looked up? Seriously?

    --Why me?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."
