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Question about Time Warner cable

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  • Question about Time Warner cable

    This is actually for Mama Lupo, but given the current situation, she's not able to ask herself.

    For the last several weeks, (more like a month, now that I think about it...) The internet at mom's house has been on the blink. It'll stop working for hours at a time, come back up for a few minutes, and then go down again. Spotty is the polite way to describe it. Now, Mom, sister and stepdad aren't stupid, they know the basics. Turn off the modem/router, or reset it, etc. Plus, they've called multiple times over the course of the last several weeks. Each of them has made multiple calls. Each time, they're told that the connection is fine, so it MUST be something they're doing, or it's their equipment. Time Warner hasn't even offered to send a tech out. Ok, scratch that, they offered, for a small service fee to have someone come out and demonstrate how to use the equipment, despite the fact that every troubleshooting step they walk mom through results in the exact outcome that should happen proving everything is working perfectly.

    Sadly, they can't switch providers because the area they built their house in, only Time Warner goes out that far. They had AT&T for the longest time with no problems, and sister even pointed that out one time that she called. Mama even at one point started tracking throughout the day how long the internet would go in and out. It read out for 4-5 hours, up for 2 minutes, down for 45 minutes, up for 30 seconds, etc. (No exaggerations on the times, folks...). When she called today and again was told that it wasn't Time Warner's fault, she asked why she was paying for service she wasn't receiving, and if there was any compensation for the fact that they've been without service for so long. She was told that apparently Time Warner doesn't consider it a true outage unless there's 24 consecutive hours without service. Those 2 minutes they had internet today? wiped out the time and started the clock over for tracking 24 hours.

    Mama's upset, and is getting sick of talking to the people she's been talking to. I told her to start going up the chain, and keep her documentation on hand. If nothing else a tech needs to go out, to see that their equipment isn't borked, it's running just fine.

    I guess my question is this: Mom's escalating, and I'm trying to help her put together an argument that will hopefully get results. I've read the how to complain correctly thread, but I'm wondering if any of you fantabulous folks have had dealings with/worked for/had anything to do with Time Warner and similar situations and how to go about getting it resolved? I told mom if she wants, I'll call for her (done it before, I get better results for some reason...), and as we both have Thursday off, I may call then, giving me a couple days to get my ducks in a row, so to speak.

    so. Help? For mommy?? Please?

  • #2
    I could write a book on the shit that is Time Warner, probably two or three of them. Even if it's an off the wall company that's just starting in or around her area, get Mama Lupo to switch over as fast as she can!!!

    Seriously, myself and my mom had to go nearly full throttle SC when we had a very major problem with Time Warner a few years back. All because the stupid fuckwits decided to skirt around blame for blowing up our old computer's power source and wouldn't bother paying for a new one [ which they eventually did, not only because they had some very higher up peoples breathing down their back on it but because they really weren't supposed to be messing with our computer in the first place ].

    My advice is to go as high as you can go, tell the higher ups that you're paying for a service that not only isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing but you're getting the run around with the techs/employees/whatever and it's not doing a damn thing to solve the problems.
    Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


    • #3
      I don't have anything off the top of my head.... yet. At least to help with escalating the complaint. I will say I've had the same situation 2008-2009. I was guaranteed to lose DSL service at specific times for at least 2-3 hours multiple times a day. Drove my husband nuts.

      We've since discovered that it was two things: 1) the box (modem? whatever) was too cheap a version to keep up with what we needed and

      2) Cable company had crap equipment serving the neighborhood... once they upgraded their equipment and bandwidth availability, we stopped having outages.

      Being that your mom is so far out that only TW is willing to serve them, if they are the only customers on that end, TW isn't going to be willing to do any upgrades to equipment needed. If more customers are being affected and are willing to complain, maybe then something can be done.

      I hope other cs members know more than I do. I'm not sure who you file a formal complaint with as the PUC doesn't regulate cable or internet. Maybe the FCC?

      edit: found this link for filing a complaint if you find it necessary.
      Last edited by r2cagle; 06-23-2010, 03:35 AM.
      Make a list of important things to do today.
      At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
      Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


      • #4
        FYI, I think TW might be crapping itself on a large scale lately. Last night some of the remote agents here who used TW couldn't log in to work (but one could after he switched to his backup DSL connection through another ISP), and TW customers couldn't access our website for service. I haven't heard of anything else going on though. Odd coincidence.


        • #5
          I don't know if this would work - it's an old trick for DSL issues (static on the phone)....

          Does Mama Lupo use Time-Warner for the TV service?

          If so, call them to complain about snow on the TV/outages whenever it rains/etc - along that vein.

          That might at least get a truck roll to check the quality of the line coming into the house. It's a first step.

          "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
          I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.

