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The Saga of the Landlady(epic)

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  • The Saga of the Landlady(epic)

    So I've had it with my landlady. Most of the shit she's done wasn't done to me personally however my aunt and uncle (my housemates) are also at the end of their rope with her. To begin, my landlady who we'll call Brenda for simplicity (not her real name don't worry) is a long time friend of my grandmother's. Brenda was having a hard time finding tenets, my newly married aunt and uncle needed an apartment, both problems solved each other.

    When my aunt and uncle moved in Brenda failed to do a walk through with the previous tenets. My aunt and uncle cleaned their own apartment before moving into the upper story of the duplex, while the old tenets moved down stairs. Fine, whatever, they're too happy to have a place to worry about the fact that its a mess before they move in.

    The old tenets move out for good, and the real shit with Brenda starts. My aunt and uncle move downstairs, since its a bigger apartment and my aunt is 8 months pregnant at this time and they're preparing for the baby. Again Brenda fails to do a walk through, and even though there is damage caused by the previous tenet's cat as well as unapproved "improvements" done, they get their deposit back. So now for the second time my aunt and uncle have to act as cleaning crew before their new apartment is livable, as well as clean the apartment upstairs. Even though Brenda didn't do a walk through with them either, they were nice and cleaned it a hell of a lot more thoroughly than the previous tenets did.

    Brenda decides that for $50 a month my aunt and uncle are going to be the caretakers of the property and writes this into their lease. Without giving my aunt and uncle time to research how much a caretaker normally receives. (Turns out to be 25-50% off the rent. Not 25- $50. ) Brenda doesn't give them an opportunity to turn down this clause. This means keeping the entire house, their apartment, the upstairs apartment (for as long as it is unoccupied), the stairs, basement and attic clean. This also means doing all the yard work as well as snow removal. you can't get a weekly yard service for $50 a week, let alone $50 a month. But whatever, they do it, until Brenda decides that they also need to pay for things like a lawnmower that works as well as all the gas for it. That they need to paint the upstairs apartment (of course paying for the paint that she picks out). As well as doing extensive landscaping work.

    Why do they need to paint and do landscaping you ask? Brenda is moving in upstairs. She failed to find a new tenet and decided to just move in herself and sell her other house. So her new apartment needs to be re-cleaned (since it isn't clean enough), painted (since she hates the color the tenet before my aunt and uncle painted it), and get this, re carpeted. All at my aunt and uncle's expense since they're the caretakers. And Brenda had decided all these things must be done in a week to make the apartment livable for her.

    They said no. They told her they would just pay the extra $50 a month since the compensation was not worth the work they were putting in. Brenda was livid. She decided that after the 4th of July my aunt and uncle would no longer be able to use the washer and dryer on site, since her original posting only said washer and dryer hook-up, not washer and dryer. She gave that up when she found out grandma had saved her original advert and it did in fact say washer and dryer, not simply hook-up.

    Brenda has decided that she wants the blinds from our apartment for hers. The apartment came with the blinds and as such she decrees they're her property and we need to hand them over. We pointed out that they were in the apartment when we got it, thus implying they came with the rental. She fought tooth and nail until her boyfriend was caught TWICE peeping in my window! This creepy old guy that stays with her most of the week but doesn't 'live' here was staring in my windows!! He's lucky he didn't get a dagger through the eye! But I digress. Brenda decided to let us keep the blinds when I mentioned my three lawyer friends who all think of me as a daughter and were all rather ticked at her boyfriend's behavior.

    When Brenda moved in she put her name on the wrong mailbox. This is a little thing to be sure, but she'd removed my aunt and uncle's name to do it. This means the mailman had assumed we'd moved without leaving a forwarding address, resulting in our mail getting shut off. So we didn't get things like oh I don't know, the phone bill, the gas bill, the water bill. Things that kept getting shut off without explanation since the bill companies were saying they'd sent a bill, and we'd never gotten one. We finally got it figured out when we cornered our mailman the one day. Brenda is refusing to pay the late fees/reactivation fees for bills that would have been paid on time had we gotten the bill. Though it was by no fault of ours that we did not. We'd told her the day she'd mislabeled the mailbox as hers that she'd screwed up and she told us it wouldn't matter, that our mail would just be put in the other, unlabeled, mailbox. Apparently not.

    This brings us to our most recent issue with Brenda. The Fleas. Now I mentioned in a previous thread that our apartment had fleas and we had no idea where they came from. Brenda has a dog. The previous tenets had a cat. Either one is a possible source, since flea larvae can hibernate for up to 200 days. This puts it in the realm of Brenda's responsibility, and not our fault. We talked to Brenda. We showed her my legs (which look like I have the plague). Her response was that we had to deal with it on our dime since, and I quote: "Well, my dog doesn't have fleas, has never had fleas, so this isn't my fault."

    The bug bombs we used are coming off our rent since we pointed out that we had no animal that goes outside that isn't bathed right after and thoroughly looked over before coming in the house. Hedgehogs are prone to mites and I'm a bit paranoid that Winston is going to contract them. We also pointed out that even if it was the previous tenet and not her dog that it is still her responsibility as the homeowner since the damages were not caused by us.

    This is but a sampling of the tales I've got of the Landlady of Useless. But I have to leave for work now.
    Last edited by shankyknitter; 06-23-2010, 06:04 PM.
    Me to a friend: I know I'm crazy, you know I'm crazy, the zombies at the end of the world will know I'm crazy. Thus not eating my brain for fear of ingesting the crazy. It's my survival plan.

  • #2
    You need to talk to somebody who deals with housing situations such as yours NOW. What she's putting you through is nothing short of abuse. Basically, what she's doing isn't legal. There are laws against what she's doing.


    • #3
      HUD's tenant rights, laws and protection resource site for New York:
      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


      • #4
        The above advice is excellent for the short term.

        For the long term, I would say find a new place, and a new landlord who isn't batshit crazy/abusive/ridiculous.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Tenants have rights, and landlords (and landladies) have responsibilities.

          Learn yours, and hers. Don't keep putting up with this.
          Seshat's self-help guide:
          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


          • #6
            Oh yes, don't let her get away with this! She's barely a step-up from a slumlord! I 'love' how she wrote things into the lease without oking it; oh, was that before or after it was signed???
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #7
              the stuff she wrote in was before it was signed, but she didn't let my aunt and uncle negotiate anything in the lease. She told them that if they didn't want to sign what she needed out of them than they could go find some where else to live. This was the middle of December when my aunt was 8 months pregnant. They didn't have much choice in the matter.
              Me to a friend: I know I'm crazy, you know I'm crazy, the zombies at the end of the world will know I'm crazy. Thus not eating my brain for fear of ingesting the crazy. It's my survival plan.


              • #8
                Yep, time to move! Lady's too odd and demanding.
                Dull women have immaculate homes.


                • #9
                  And she continues.

                  So today's Brenda-Fail:

                  She knocks on the door to our apartment, my uncle and the baby are asleep, my aunt is at work. So I answer the door. This was SK's fist mistake.

                  SK: your beautiful and charming knitter
                  B: Brenda. Landlady of fail.

                  B: So are you going to be around tomorrow afternoon?
                  SK: I might be but I don't know. Why?
                  B: I'm having Bob come switch the blinds tomorrow afternoon and I need someone to let him in.
                  SK: Well you're going to need to speak with my aunt or uncle since I can't tell you whether they're going to be home.
                  B: Well I already talked to your aunt about switching the blinds and I just didn't have a day for her.
                  SK: Be that as it may you need to talk to her about it, not me.

                  She doesn't acknowledge I said anything and goes back upstairs. I begin contemplating the sharp pokey-ness of my glass american size 2 double pointed needles.

                  My aunt comes home, before even getting in the door she is accosted by demon landlady.

                  A- awesome aunt of awesome
                  B- we've been through this

                  B: Are you guys going to be home tomorrow?
                  A: I need to check with my husband since I'm working.
                  B: Well isn't your niece going to be home?
                  A: I don't know what her work schedule is like since she has a job down the street. She might not be.
                  B: Well I figured someone would be home so I'm having Bob come do the blind swap tomorrow morning. Someone needs to let him in when he gets here.

                  She again leaves. Someone has a listening problem here and it isn't me. For once. I've already concluded that if someone comes by tomorrow and I don't know them personally I'm not letting them in. Hell if its Brenda I'm not opening the door. I don't have to. Its not polite but I don't have to be polite anymore.
                  Me to a friend: I know I'm crazy, you know I'm crazy, the zombies at the end of the world will know I'm crazy. Thus not eating my brain for fear of ingesting the crazy. It's my survival plan.


                  • #10
                    Quoth shankyknitter View Post
                    the stuff she wrote in was before it was signed, but she didn't let my aunt and uncle negotiate anything in the lease. She told them that if they didn't want to sign what she needed out of them than they could go find some where else to live. This was the middle of December when my aunt was 8 months pregnant. They didn't have much choice in the matter.
                    With the usual not a lawyer discalimer, extortion much?
                    ludo ergo sum


                    • #11
                      three lawyer friends who all think of me as a daughter
                      Put them to work!! They can help you put Brenda in her place while you look for another place to live.


                      • #12
                        Um, since when does (ostensibly paid) caretaker = you pay for all supplies needed to do work for the owner of the building?

                        I agree, talk to your lawyer friends and inform her of exactly what rights and responsibilities apply here, and what laws she is breaking. And start looking for a new place.
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          So Brenda went to my grandmother's house last night to complain about my aunt and uncle. For some reason she seems to think that just because she is friends with grandma, grandma will take her side. Not. First off she'd forgotten I live here too. Second her excuse for not dealing with the fleas was that she doesn't have a computer to look up the number of an exterminator. She refuses to accept the deduction off the rent for the gas reactivation fee (the bill didn't get paid because her name was on the wrong mail box so we didn't get the bill). She's pissed because we didn't give her the d**** blinds since the pediatrician said not to, since we'd just flea bombed and who knows was eggs and larvae are on the blinds she wants to give up. All in all she spent 3 and a half hours bitching at my grandmother expecting grandma to pick up the phone and bitch my aunt out for upsetting her friend. This didn't happen.

                          Also, Brenda thinks my aunt and uncle are in their late teens/early twenties. Not 30 and 31. Therefore, in her mind, giving her the right to do whatever the hell she wants to them since they're too young to know better.

                          After finding out she wasn't getting the blinds she told my uncle she wanted to do a walk through right then and there to make sure no damage had been done to them. Uncle refused. She told him to find somewhere else to live as soon as the lease was up since she wasn't going to allow them to renew it. The happening as she told it to grandma was 'well if they aren't happy then maybe they should consider finding somewhere else to live but I don't want to lose them as tenants.'
                          Me to a friend: I know I'm crazy, you know I'm crazy, the zombies at the end of the world will know I'm crazy. Thus not eating my brain for fear of ingesting the crazy. It's my survival plan.


                          • #14
                            Quoth shankyknitter View Post

                            After finding out she wasn't getting the blinds she told my uncle she wanted to do a walk through right then and there to make sure no damage had been done to them. Uncle refused. She told him to find somewhere else to live as soon as the lease was up since she wasn't going to allow them to renew it. The happening as she told it to grandma was 'well if they aren't happy then maybe they should consider finding somewhere else to live but I don't want to lose them as tenants.'
                            Oh she's full of it. Hope your Aunt and Uncle find somewhere else to live without a psycho hosebeast landlady. Seriously, her saying that is probably a blessing in disguise.
                            The report button - not just for decoration


                            • #15
                              What an intelligent thing to do! "I'm gonna go tell your Mommy!!!"
                              Dull women have immaculate homes.

