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There's nothing wrong with the older tv

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  • There's nothing wrong with the older tv

    Our one manager replaced our older tv in the breakroom with a shiny brand new flat screen model. PLUS he's going to get Dish Network installed in there also! I think it's for the football fanatics at
    So our older tv is going to be placed on a silent auction for CMN. The highest bid wins it. I put my bid in at $50. I want that sucker cause it's bigger than the one I have at home & it works perfectly.
    I've heard people say that they don't want it cause there's something wrong with it. I tried explaining to them that it was hooked up to a digital convertor box & sometimes the signal would get disrupted & thus you have the screen inmage freeze. OR anyone using a cell phone would interfere with the digital signal. The same exact thing happens with the new flat screen tv. Has a bulit in digital tuner.
    I think I have the highest bid. It'll replace the 13 inch tv in my home office. The older tv is about 25 inches.
    I WILL get it cause if there's a higher bid than the 50 bucks I placed then I'll bid That's how that works...lmao!