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*giggles insanely*

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  • *giggles insanely*

    I has sugar.

    And caffeine.

    And sleep-dep.

    And in a little over a month, DRAGONCON!

    imma go chase something now. prolly my tail.

    *bites finger*

  • #2
    So, practicing? Warming up? Training others?



    • #3
      All of the above? I hafta get the other half in shape to keep up with me, and I hafta get myself in shape to keep up with Tipouf and Dasota.

      Edit: And Digi. Can't forget Digi. Hafta keep up with Digi, and one step ahead of Jak.

      *nods sagely*
      Last edited by KiaKat; 07-24-2010, 12:47 AM.


      • #4
        *watches Kit-kat chase her tail* I'm getting dizzy...*falls over*

        I'm sad I missed ConnectiCon I was going to wear my purple raccoon tail I got at a faire. Then get my picture taken with as many Kakashi(s) as I can find.*sniffle* maybe next year. I heard there were toy soldiers from Toy story roaming too.

        Hope you have fun!
        I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


        • #5
          Oh it's gonna be so much fun.

          Does anyone here read Sequential Art? My group of friends and I are the Squirrel Girls.

          No, I'm not joking. There are four of us. We're sugar-addicted, ADD, genius, psychotic, bouncy, demonic, bubbly girls who frequently think on exactly the same wavelength.

          And we're all going to be together at D*C. THERE WILL BE CARNAGE!


          • #6
            Quoth KiaKat View Post
            I has sugar.
            And caffeine.
            And sleep-dep.
            Oh dear
            And in a little over a month, DRAGONCON!
            AHHHHH!!!!!! RUN FOR IT!!!
            I AM the evil bastard!
            A+ Certified IT Technician


            • #7
              Quoth KiaKat View Post
              Oh it's gonna be so much fun.

              Does anyone here read Sequential Art? My group of friends and I are the Squirrel Girls.

              No, I'm not joking. There are four of us. We're sugar-addicted, ADD, genius, psychotic, bouncy, demonic, bubbly girls who frequently think on exactly the same wavelength.

              And we're all going to be together at D*C. THERE WILL BE CARNAGE!
              *pops in*

              did someone say squirrel?



              • #8
                OMG TWO WEEKS!

                OMG I LEAVE IN A WEEK AND A HALF!


                I SO don't have anything ready!


                • #9
                  See ya there....I love Dragoncon...this will make my 12th one


                  • #10
                    *hands KiaKat* 2 24-packs of Mountain Dew *

                    Cornholiette in 5, 4, 3......


                    • #11
                      DUDE. Did you see my participation in the Lupo thread last night?



                      • #12
                        Quoth KiaKat View Post
                        DUDE. Did you see my participation in the Lupo thread last night?

                        SUGAR HIGHS HAVE NOTHING ON A DRUNK KIA.
                        I think everyone got drunk off the liquor-fumes we were putting off last night.
                        Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                        • #13
                          And this is why I plan on being at least slightly buzzed for the entirety of Con. Last year I was shuttling friends back and forth to their homes, this year all my friends are staying on-site, and I'm leaving the car alone the entire weekend.


                          • #14
                            Quoth KiaKat View Post
                            Oh it's gonna be so much fun.

                            Does anyone here read Sequential Art? My group of friends and I are the Squirrel Girls.

                            No, I'm not joking. There are four of us. We're sugar-addicted, ADD, genius, psychotic, bouncy, demonic, bubbly girls who frequently think on exactly the same wavelength.

                            And we're all going to be together at D*C. THERE WILL BE CARNAGE!
                            Can I adopt all of you?

                            By the way you owe me like 2 hours sleep, I was meant to be checking this thread before going to bed, now i had to read all the way through the comic
                            I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                            • #15
                              Quoth RayvenQ View Post
                              Can I adopt all of you?

                              By the way you owe me like 2 hours sleep, I was meant to be checking this thread before going to bed, now i had to read all the way through the comic

                              would you be willing to wear a leash, collar (neck or wrist depending) be dragged around to random things and humiliated at every chance.... all in a good way of course

                              kia i think we need more minions

