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Idea For A New Game

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  • Idea For A New Game

    At Work Yesterday there was a discusssion of the game where you have several coworkers and they think of a word or phrase, then have to get that word or phrase into their conversatios with customers.

    I was thinking it would be awesome if we had a version of the game which covered everyone in this forum, across all the different countries and types of work.

    We could post how we got the word or phrase into the conversation.

    Bonus points if anyone spots someone else using the word or phrase.

    The word or phrase could be changed by a different person every day.

    So I would like to give out today's challege - the word you must try to get into your conversation with a customer at work today is "Prawn Cocktail"

    Lose points if you work in a restaurant where you say this all the time.

    I am unable to play today as I am not at work, however I will listen out for anyone saying this.

    Good Luck, players!
    Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"