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Blood Drive Freak Out

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  • Blood Drive Freak Out

    Or why I may have to stop giving blood.

    Tried to give blood today only to have my arm feel like it was aching and on fire, got light headed, and sick to my stomach right after I got stuck. They hadn't even gotten into the vein apparently.

    I can only imagine I had an anxiety attack or something but the girl was new and the last time I had a new attendant they busted the vein. And I have small veins.

    So on the one hand, having given blood before many times with no problem, I'd like to try again another time. But, for those of you in the medical profession, should I? Or is this freak out my body telling me to stop period?
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  • #2
    Ask for somebody who's been doing that for a while. Newbie medical personnel make me


    • #3
      I would try again if I were you...but let them know what happened last time and ask for someone more experienced.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        I would like to second BSE's advice, although I actually don't think that that's necessarily just a panic attack. It could be a physical reaction. How careful are you normally about making sure that you're hydrated, well-rested, have eaten recently, etc? It could just be that you weren't up for it. But if it happens a second time, wait a while before donating again. I'd say at least five years, based on how long a friend got banned after having trouble when donating.


        • #5
          I always make sure I've been drinking water for several days before hand (make sure they can find the vein), have been taking my iron pills (slightly anemic so better safe than sorry), and eat a hour or so ahead of time. I'll try again when they come back to my church. It was just really weird. Would the fact they stuck it in right above the vein before going into the vein have made a difference?
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          • #6
            Aww, I'm sorry to hear about your reaction. Many patients desperately need blood and there's so few people with the courage or medical capability to do it. I second what Magpie and BSE said. It also depends on who you go to. I currently donate to an independent blood donation center at my local hospital. I make an appointment to come in, and the nurses there are very sweet and give me a blanket to wrap up in (I get very cold when giving blood). They also have comfy chairs and whole kitchen stocked with goodies

            But seriously, they are WAY more professional than some of the Red Cross people I've dealt with. If you'll indulge me for a few moments, I'll tell you how the provider can make all the difference....

            The Red Cross blood drives seem to be a crap shoot IMHO. I've been to them at my high school and at my local library, and they were nice there. One time when they came to my work, though, the nurses kept bitching about how they wanted to go home/go shopping, etc. Which I understand, but I just don't think it's appropriate to do that in front of patients. I never did it in front of customers when I worked retail and in restaurants, no matter how shitty a mood I was in. Then when they finally got all my info taken and were ready to draw, one nurse snapped at me because I was being too "jumpy" when she JAMMED the needle into my arm without even giving me a warning that it was coming. Then I sat and waited forever for someone else to finally come and unhook me, since Nurse Snippy was off in the corner bitching with her coworkers. So yeah, needless to say, they're never getting THIS A+ again. I tried to explain that to the Red Cross people that repeatedly call me for donations, and one of the reps even had the nerve to tell me it was MY fault I had a bad experience! I hated to be an SP (Sucky Patient ), but I think a nurse should be able to put blood donors at ease, since it's not a very easy thing for people to volunteer for.

            Sorry to threadjack, but the point is that there are many options for whom to give your blood to. If you're not in an environment where the staff makes you feel as comfortable as possible, then that makes a huge difference. Best of luck to you! I hope you will have a better experience next time you give it a shot.
            "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


            • #7
              Quoth Kheldarson View Post
              Would the fact they stuck it in right above the vein before going into the vein have made a difference?
              They might have hit a nerve. The burning sensation especially makes me think it's a likely possibility.

              Giggle Goose is right...sometimes the person doing the draw can make a huge difference. I'm difficult to begin with, too. (My veins are misleading - I have very light skin so my veins are very visible...but tend to be hard to get into.) It's often taken a couple tries. I once had 3 people take a total of 4 tries (twice in each arm), the last with a butterfly needle (the little one they use for kids - I was 27 at the time) to get my blood. I had another guy who got it on the first try (I like to think the large number of holes in his face gave him an advantage ). The last couple times I've had blood drawn it was the same girl and she's good (and/or lucky), too. (FTR, I've never given blood; all my sticks have been for blood tests.)
              Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 07-29-2010, 01:33 AM.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Quoth Kheldarson View Post
                but the girl was new and the last time I had a new attendant they busted the vein.
                Sounds like we found the problem. I had a new girl the last time I gave blood and god ughhh. She stuck me wrong, but apparently it was getting enough blood out not to restick. I must have fat veins. I've never done a "blood drive" though. I give every eight weeks, so the likely hood of me being ready to give again when a drive hits is ridiculously low. They always look stank when you turn them down. Blame whoever thought up the 56 day wait period, not me. I'm not dying to give you another pint of blood.
                Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                • #9
                  I used to have trouble, but a) one of the phlebotomists told me that I had rolling veins, and should inform people of this in the future and b) Blood Services got these nifty little plastic thingies making it easier to remove the needles. (Does the US Red Cross use those yet?)

                  I don't know what stopped the near-fainting though. It could be that as I was in less pain I handled the process better.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Magpie View Post
                    I used to have trouble, but a) one of the phlebotomists told me that I had rolling veins, and should inform people of this in the future and b) Blood Services got these nifty little plastic thingies making it easier to remove the needles. (Does the US Red Cross use those yet?)

                    I don't know what stopped the near-fainting though. It could be that as I was in less pain I handled the process better.
                    if I dont eat something really substantial and healthy, i get light headed. Eggs, 1% milk, a bit of carbs.
                    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

