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jerky neighbor dude

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  • jerky neighbor dude

    so i was out walking my dog this evening and she peed in someone's lawn. she's a dog. that's what they do. also...i give her special treats so she doesn't leave yellow patches. conversation with the dude across the street goes as follows...
    jnd: jerk neighbor dude

    jnd: HEY! you gonna pick that up?
    me: she...didn't do anything? (and by that, i meant anything i could pick up)
    jnd: yeah yeah...
    me: no really! you can come over here and see for your self!
    jnd: it's people like you...
    me: *shows the bags i carry for doggy doo* actually, i carry bags for when she does leave something behind
    jnd: how would you like it if i peed on your lawn!?
    me: ...go for it *walks away*

    ...freaking jerk.
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

  • #2
    Well OBVIOUSLY your supposed to carry hot water a bucket and a mop around, geez what were you thinking :P
    "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
    Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


    • #3
      Quoth Green_Fairy View Post
      jnd: how would you like it if i peed on your lawn!?
      me: I wouldn't mind, but I'm sure the cops would have something to say about that - ya know, indecent exposure and all.
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #4
        I'm gonna side on the neighbor's side. Not for being jerky, but if I don't have a dog and somebody lets their dog piss on my lawn, I would be fairly annoyed myself.

        I know, I know, it's what dogs do, it's natural, yada yada, but I am sure his basic thought was that they don't have to do it in his yard, that there are plenty of other places for them to do it, and that it was kind of rude of the dog's owner to allow the dog to whiz on someone else's property. Which, truth be told, it was.

        I see this as both parties being partially at fault, the dog owner for allowing the dog to do that there, and the neighbor for dealing with it badly. There are ways to deal with it politely. "Pardon me, but I really don't want dog pee on my lawn/where my kids play/where my friends hang out/where I walk/etc., so would you do me a favor and not allow your dog to do that on my lawn in the future? Thank you so much."

        Just my opinion, said the man with neither a dog nor a lawn.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Only thing is Jester, until the neighbor says something to begin with, I, as a dog owner, don't know what houses would be upset about my dog peeing on their yard. As courtesy, I tend to keep my dog to the edges of the yard as is, and keep him from pooping. I've stopped my dog mid-pee because a neighbor asked me to not have my dog on their yard. But they've still got to tell me first. Otherwise, grass is grass and soaks up liquid just fine.
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          • #6
            One reason people don't like dogs peeing on their lawn is because the resulting nitrogen load in the urine can discolor and in some cases kill the grass. And as hard as some people work to maintain a perfect lawn (I am talking to you, Hank Hill), the sight of a dog squatting on their lawn can send them into apoplexy.


            • #7
              Quoth Kheldarson View Post
              Only thing is Jester, until the neighbor says something to begin with, I, as a dog owner, don't know what houses would be upset about my dog peeing on their yard. As courtesy, I tend to keep my dog to the edges of the yard as is, and keep him from pooping.
              True enough, but have you considered not having your dog pee in anyone's yard? You can't tell me there aren't non-yard areas (parks, woods, paths, whatever) where you can take your dog, can you? (I don't know your area, so I don't know.) I do know that just allowing your dog to pee in anyone's yard other than your own is a bit rude and inconsiderate. Especially if they don't have dogs or are, as someone put it so well, Hank Hill-ish about their lawn.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                I had this issue too. I continue to have this issue. Why?

                B/c no matter where I go, my dog will always be pissing on someones property!! I live in the city and grassy patches are few and far in between. I also pick up my poo however, I refuse to catheterize my dog for others convenience.

                IDK. I dont see a solution anytime in my future. It sounds like youre kinda in the same boat, Greenie. At least you give him the special treats, so he doesnt pee acid. Lol.


                • #9
                  ive said it before, if you dont want dogs to tickle on your lawn either live in a HOA that doesnt allow pets or put up a fence. if you dont do either you have no right to complain.


                  • #10
                    When a dog is out and about, they're collecting sights and smells, and sending and receiving messages to other canines in the area.

                    And how do they send messages? Pee-mail. I already keep her from random barking, and a lot of not-so-random barking. I'm not going to cut off all her ways of communicating with the other dogs!

                    She's not trying to empty her bladder. She does that at home. (I know! I'm responsible for washing the piddle pads.)

                    She's just dropping a few spots here, a few spots there, enough to leave her scent in the usual pee-mail locations in her walking path. By the time I could react and stop her, she's already done.

                    Fortunately, Aussieland cities typically have a 'nature strip' - an area in front of each house which is combination footpath (sidewalk) and narrow grassy patch. If there's a cement footpath, there's still some grassy patch.

                    I keep my dog out from peoples' yards, so she leaves her pee-mail on the nature strip. Yes, the house owner is responsible for keeping her patch of nature strip in order, but it's at least not THEIR yard.
                    Seshat's self-help guide:
                    1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                    2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                    3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                    4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                    "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Green_Fairy View Post
                      jnd: HEY! you gonna pick that up?
                      me: she...didn't do anything? (and by that, i meant anything i could pick up)
                      Story of my life....seriously.
                      I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


                      • #12
                        IMO, People get too uptight about dogs urinating on grass. Oh, I don't want it where my kids play. Ok, how do you keep the birds, squirrels, rats, mice.... any other random animal from doing it too? My kids take baths each night and wash their hands before eating. Problem solved.


                        • #13
                          Also, keep in mind that once one dog pees on a lawn, other dogs will pee on that same spot. I'm sure you all have seen dogs taking turns peeing on the same spot when they are milling around together.

                          This will definately kill the grass eventually. Basically, when someone allows their dog to pee in the neighbor's yard, they are essentially inviting every dog in the neighborhood to do the same.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jester View Post
                            True enough, but have you considered not having your dog pee in anyone's yard? You can't tell me there aren't non-yard areas (parks, woods, paths, whatever) where you can take your dog, can you? (I don't know your area, so I don't know.) I do know that just allowing your dog to pee in anyone's yard other than your own is a bit rude and inconsiderate. Especially if they don't have dogs or are, as someone put it so well, Hank Hill-ish about their lawn.
                            Actually, I can tell you that there are no non-yard areas. I live in the suburbs. It's all yard here. Even the "wilder" areas are older properties. So unless I want to pack my dog up into the car and drive 15 minutes to the park, he's peeing in somebody's yard. Again, you tell me you don't want him peeing there, I'll remember and make sure he doesn't. But considering a number of my neighbors are idiots when it comes to their dogs and let them run free, don't blame my dog for other dogs peeing in your yard. But that's a different rant.
                            My NaNo page

                            My author blog


                            • #15
                              Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                              ive said it before, if you dont want dogs to tickle on your lawn either live in a HOA that doesnt allow pets or put up a fence. if you dont do either you have no right to complain.
                              Au contraire, mon frer. If I have a yard and you have a dog and you allow your dog to pee in my yard, I have every right to complain. It's a matter of respecting people's property, and in the above scenario, you are not respecting my property.

                              Good thing I don't have a yard.

                              Quoth Lurking Sockpuppet View Post
                              IMO, People get too uptight about dogs urinating on grass. Oh, I don't want it where my kids play. Ok, how do you keep the birds, squirrels, rats, mice.... any other random animal from doing it too?
                              Those other animals are much smaller than dogs, therefore they excrete far smaller waste products. And none of them are under the control of my neighbors. (Most) dogs are. Therefore it's valid for the yard owner to bitch about the dog owner allowing the dog to pee in the yard.

                              Quoth Kheldarson View Post
                              Actually, I can tell you that there are no non-yard areas. I live in the suburbs. It's all yard here. Even the "wilder" areas are older properties.
                              I don't know where you live and what the area is like, but I have always lived in suburbs, and my experience is that there is plenty of grassy area that is not yard. In the city is one thing, sure. But suburbs? Tons of areas that are not someone's yard.

                              Again, that's the suburbs I've lived in. Which are in New York, New Jersey, Arizona, Florida, and Illinois. (Ohio, too, but I was so young I have no memory of Florida, so can't really comment on it with any authority.)

                              Quoth Kheldarson View Post
                              But considering a number of my neighbors are idiots when it comes to their dogs and let them run free, don't blame my dog for other dogs peeing in your yard. But that's a different rant.
                              And those are the neighbors whose yards you should be allowing your dog to pee on.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

