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  • Venting

    To all my friends, family and people I don't want to talk to but want to talk to me;

    I work night shift, this means I sleep during the day, PLEASE stop calling me. You all know my work schedule, especially my boss, who called me twice yesterday over stupid things. I have my cell on solely because it is my alarm clock. I know I should buy an alarm clock and I will but my cell will still stay on for emergencies. Just so you know, emergencies do not include, did so and so come to work on time or stay the shift, do you want to come for supper on the weekend, etc. Emergencies are: Gramma is back in the hospital, my nephew broke his arm, etc. If you wish to know the other things call me after 6 once I wake up.

    Thank you,


  • #2
    I hear you there, x1000000000000000000000000.

    One of these grocery shopping days at Wally Fart, I WILL get a regular alarm clock. But I cannot turn my cell phone off, because that would just be the day that something awful would happen and I wouldn't be able to answer.

    Emergencies are not one worded text messages or chain messages or "Hey how are you?" phone calls, and the oh-so-surprised "Are you sleeeeeeping?!"

    I'm far too nice. Quite often I have flirted with the thought of taking my phone on my lunch break at 3 am and texting everyone who has done this to me something obnoxious or even called to see if they'd answer and go "Hiiii! Ohhh....are you.....sleeeping? Awww I'm so sorry, I was just thinking we should talk!!!"
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Quoth blas View Post
      I'm far too nice. Quite often I have flirted with the thought of taking my phone on my lunch break at 3 am and texting everyone who has done this to me something obnoxious or even called to see if they'd answer and go "Hiiii! Ohhh....are you.....sleeeping? Awww I'm so sorry, I was just thinking we should talk!!!"
      I have a friend who works nights, and he's always told me that he turns his phone to silent during the day so go ahead and text him, he'll get back to me.

      So I do, a few times he's forgotten and I've woken him up.

      But, consequently he'll text me at 3 AM assuming my phone is off, and sometimes I forget to turn it off.

      So it balances out.

      That said, I'd take to texting/calling your friends on YOUR schedule. Enough times of that maybe they'll get the hint.


      • #4
        There are people like my mother and a few other fuckwits who think that it's a personal choice to work this kind of shift. Maybe years ago when I first got the job, because of the extra money, now it's the difference of paying rent and not paying rent. Working a different shift, I'd lose so much money, I wouldn't be able to make it.

        My mom justifies her annoying me with calls/texts throughout the day that because I'm in the minority, I shouldn't expect others to cater to me or have to remember my sleep schedule, because most people are awake and functioning during the day.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Aside from the obvious, that's flawed in more ways than 1.

          You already have to deal with "everyone elses" schedule when it comes to Doctor/Dentist appointments, shopping (at some stores), eating out (at some restaurants), etc.

          But that's not good enough so you have to sleep around Mom calling to remind you that it's time for "fall back"? (long story involving friends of mine)


          • #6
            I feel your pain.

            I am also a nightshifter, and my husband knows to NOT wake me up if someone calls for me from the house phone (hes usually home during the day while I sleep).

            My cell is usually on next to my bed, but its on silent. If its an emergency, leave a message. B.c you know what? Even if Grandma is in the hospital, theres nothing I can do for her at the moment, Ill see her when I wake up.

            My mother has called several times @ 11am inviting me over for lunch...while I appreciate the gesture, Im not going. She then calls at 12 asking where I am. Lol. Hubby does a good job of fielding calls. If hes not home, the house phone is also on silent.


            • #7
              I remember those days!

              I worked 11pm to 7am. So don't call me at 10am wanting to chat or ask me if I can drive you to the store.

              Now this was back in the day when most people did not have call phones. People would ask why I didn't just turn the phone off. Well my mom was gone all day at my cousins babysitting and my dad was at work so I kept it on in case something happened and they needed my help.

              Most of the time it was my friend or her mom abusing my kindness and wanting a ride to pay a bill or go to the grocery store.


              • #8
                I'm actually awake until 11:30 or noon most days, it's the afternoon and early evenings that drive me nuts.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  The cell phones I've used would sound off for an alarm clock setting even when turned off. (just tested with the one I'm using now)
                  I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                  Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                  Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                  • #10
                    You know what really stinks? Only working midnight on some days so you can't even tell people ahead of time when to call you. Especially if you have a shift where you get off at 8 am and come back at 4.

