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We should just lay off the weatherman

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  • #16
    Even up here at 60° North Latitude, it has been exceptionally hot. The heat itself is tolerable, especially if one opens many windows and removes many clothes, but appears to have triggered a series of mega-thunderstorms - which in turn have caused microbursts (local downdrafts with strong winds) all over the country.

    One microburst hit a music festival in progress. One man died (several days later) after part of the stage was blown into him. Several others were badly hurt.

    Elsewhere, trees were blown over, some of them falling onto various railway lines. Last Monday morning, a train hit one of them - nobody hurt, but it blocked the line for most of the day since there was damage to the overhead wires. The only passenger trains to pass that spot were the inbound services from Russia, and they had diesel assistance.

    Guess who was in the train immediately following the one that hit the tree? We reached Joensuu about 2.5 hours late, after working slowly through a signal failure area, taking a bus past the blocked line, getting another train up most of the way, and finally being unceremoniously transferred to a relief train one stop (half an hour) short of Joensuu because our train was too far overdue for it's return trip. The relief train took half an hour to arrive and another half hour to turn around.

    Lots of people in the countryside lost power, too. When virtually the whole country is covered in forests and lakes, a bunch of trees getting blown over in random places is bound to hit power lines eventually.

    The good news, for me at least, is that there was no significant damage in the capital region, even though some of the storms hit here. Most of the power lines are underground, the rest are part of the main grid and thus too tall for trees to fall on them. The buildings are generally very sturdily constructed too - in the country wooden houses are much more common.

    Still, that's the payback for the extra-cold winter we just had - an extra-hot summer to compensate.


    • #17
      this summer, weather-wise has been horrible.

      its been SO hot, and So humid, its insane. i get it, it gets hot and humid here in CT in the summer. but we've also had no rain. everyones grass is pretty much fried. i've even seen leaves changing. YES>>>leaves changing. either they dryness is screwing with the leaves, or theyre all just dying and not changing who knows.

      luckily the past few days have been nice. the average number of days over 90 here in CT is 18. we've had 26 or so this year, but the record is like 33 or something

      we dont have a/c, just fans. sometimes the a/c at work hasnt worked. i have no idea what our electric bill is, but from what i hear from my mom its always high :P

      the problem with the weather people is, no one can agree on a simple forcast. not just different stations having different forecasts, people within the same station cant agree on stuff. today was supposed to be nice. it was cloudy all day with on and off sprinkles, they didnt tell us that til this morning. fail.


      • #18
        We had some nice rain here Saturday. Here you see one of the main freeways in Copenhagen:

        I was a little bit happy, not about the drowned cars but one of my neighbours was celebrating his 30th birthday, he is a heavy metal fan and had hired a band and a DJ to play in the garden from 9 pm to 8 am. I was a bit afraid for my sleep but I needn't have been . There were no music in the garden. To be fair I have to say that he invited all the neighbours to the party, I just need my sleep after chemo.


        • #19
          Back to the 70s for half of the week. It will get warmer, but humidity levels won't reach "majorly uncomfortable" in the near future. Thank God.

          I could handle weather like this every day all year, high 50s/low 60s in the morning, 70s to upper 70s in the afternoon........dewpoints in the low 60s. Oh yeah.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #20
            For the first half of the month it was hot and humid as hell. It was so bad I turned on my AC at home, and I'm a cheep SOB when it comes to that. The rain has been awful. Friday it we had about 2 inches of rain in a half hour. There was a $%^&in river flowing in front of the store. I was thinking of getting the boat out and fishing it.

            The last few days have been awesome, but by the weekend it's supposed to get into the 90s with high humidity. YUCK! My bill last month was $40 (and that was high for me). I wonder what it'll be this month?
            Last edited by Victory Sabre; 08-18-2010, 04:00 AM.
            "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.

