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What happened to my Whopper???

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  • What happened to my Whopper???

    Ever since I've been in this position (almost 3 years) once a week or every other week I go to BK and get a whopper meal. Sometimes I get it when I'm stressed, other times when I didn't eat breakfast, sometimes when I'm on the road, other times when I'm just really hungry.

    While it's not like going every day, I've gotten used to the consistency of my Whoppers.

    Today was one of those days and I'd hate to say it the Whopper changed, a lot.

    The bred was thinner and much lighter than usual. The bun even seemed a bit smaller.

    Not only that, the meat no longer went around the edge of the bread - it was almost like a meat pie or an empinata. No meat to be seen around the edges of the bread, but some melted cheese was visible. Plus, the patty was much thinner than usual.

    There were almost no veggies on it (OK, this can vary from sandwich to sandwich but this time it seemed significantly less).

    The "large" fries also seemed smaller.

    (Directed to the BK people here) - is this a change that corporate is handing down? Honestly, even though it's not a huge change it's a change enough (especially if it is permanent and I just didn't happen to get a "one off" burger) to make me reconsider Subway for lunch (which would be healthier - and I'd get two meals for $5).
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    It almost sounds like you got a Whopper Jr. instead.
    "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


    • #3
      Based on the thread title, I was going to recommend Viagra, but...never mind.
      "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"

