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Is it because it's Friday the 13th? (long)

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  • Is it because it's Friday the 13th? (long)

    So today at work I was trying to run one of my monthly reports, that I run on the second Friday of the month. There are 4 (or is it 6? we added a couple vendors) vendors that I have to run a separate database for each (all the same queries but they're each built with different criteria so I can just change the date and run a macro). There are two queries in each that take a while to run. I have two computers, and I can only run big queries on my second computer, because my other is too slow, and it takes 10 times longer for things to run and I can't do anything else in the meantime. Today I got to the second big query (which is Query #4 of 8) and it would run for a bit and then give me an error. Not enough space on temporary disk. I tried running it for a week instead of the full month. Then I tried one day. No dice. Tried running on my coworker's second computer since she wasn't using it. She leaves an hour before me, I started the query about 15 minutes before she left, and killed it an hour later. It didn't get beyond one square in the status bar.

    I need to build a database for something else, which I started working on, but I built my third query and I couldn't run it for the above reason about my slow computer, and I had the other thing running on comp. 2. So I didn't get much done today.

    Then on my way home I noticed shortly after I left the parking lot that my air conditioning wasn't getting cold. Luckily it wasn't too unbearably hot, but this was disconcerting. Then I noticed that my temperature guage was about midway between the halfway mark (where it normally hovers) and the H at the top. When I stopped at a light it would go down, and then when I started driving again it would go back up. I got almost to the highway and it was getting really disconcertingly close to that H, so I pulled off the road before the highway and pulled into the Starbucks parking lot and called my dad. He said to go to their house. I did but it was going higher and higher. I pulled over on the highway shoulder to let it cool down again. I managed to get to my parents' house but just as I got to their street it started smoking and the engine died in front of their driveway.

    My dad tried pushing it to the side of the road...I had to tell him to go knock on the neighbor's door and ask for help before he killed himself (the guy who lives across and one over is a contractor and is more than capable of pushing my Elantra 20 feet, and his truck was in the driveway); he went to the house directly across first and the guy came out and helped push it, then we popped the hood. Let it cool down, for a bit, then my dad put some water in the radiator...which promptly dripped onto the ground. He couldn't tell if it was a hose or the radiator itself or what. We let it sit and cool off while we ate dinner, then my dad looked some more, and started it up. He said the engine sounds fine but it wasn't going far...consulted with the neighbor guy again and they decided it would make it the ~6 miles to the dealer, so he drove and I followed in his car. We dropped it off...the service advisors were all gone for the day but there was one guy waiting for his car still and the receptionist was still there, so we went in and gave her the envelope with the keys, told her we were dropping it off as an emergency and we didn't have an appointment for tomorrow; she said she couldn't promise they would get to it tomorrow but they would give us a call to let us know (my dad put his number on the envelope so they can call him).

    So now I have my dad's car for the weekend at least; they are inconvenienced because they only have one car and my dad has to umpire on Sunday morning, and my mom will either have to drop him off or skip both church and my brother's softball game (which is at the same fields my dad is umping at so if my brother can stick around after his game he can drive my dad home), and I am probably looking at an expensive repair bill.

    I was texting my roommate about what was going on, and she reminded me that it was Friday the 13th. I mentioned to my parents and the neighbor, and he said "Are you superstitious?" I said, "Well, I wasn't..."
    Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 08-14-2010, 04:36 AM.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

  • #2
    I need a new radiator. It will cost me $1000+.

    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Well if you overheated it to the point the engine stopped then you are likely going to need a lot more than a radiator pretty soon. Modern engines have no tolerance for being overheated. Heads warp, head gaskets blow much avoidable expense ensues.

      Elantra radiators are readily available aftermarket. Depending on the year the max cost for a brand new one is $150 with most of them being around $115. If you havent already had it fixed I would reccomend replacing it yourself if you can or towing it to someone that isn't going to gouge you so bad.


      • #4
        Quoth Imprl59 View Post
        Elantra radiators are readily available aftermarket. Depending on the year the max cost for a brand new one is $150 with most of them being around $115. If you havent already had it fixed I would reccomend replacing it yourself if you can or towing it to someone that isn't going to gouge you so bad.
        Yeah, well. It's already at the dealer, I don't know any mechanics so I wouldn't know where to take it. I can't do it myself and my dad can't anymore either. It's the weekend, they're closed on Sunday, and I need my car back sooner rather than later, and so does my dad.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          I know the price of living is higher in Jersey, but for over a grand, it's more than just the radiator.

          A new radiator and labor at my choice of shop here is a little over $200 (labor included). Some places will charge $300 or $400 (I went through two radiators in two years, Youngsteads wanted over $300 for a new one, but mine was still under warranty at my choice shop, so I only had to pay labor which was about $90).

          My radiator went out the first time because my water pump went, I kept driving because I didn't want to leave my car anywhere, the timing belt went to shit, the head warped, head gasket blew, and all 16 valves in my engine bent.

          Overheating is not good these days. It can cause all that.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Well, it was more than just the radiator. The guy talked to my dad; I didn't get the whole rundown. I'm trusting my dad, here.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

