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What makes your job enjoyable??

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  • What makes your job enjoyable??

    I know there are those who have problems with their job, but how about those who really enjoy where they work, despite the negative stuff that happens occasionally. I will start out with the fact that I really love where I work...reasons:

    The store owners are like mom and dad, they treat all the employees with respect and go out of their way to make them feel welcomed. A couple of their children also work for the company (in the office) and they are also very nice and friendly.

    I have worked with the store manager for 16 years ( she has only been a store manager for 3 years) and she is my best friend, but she has no problem letting me know if I am not doing my job correctly. We never let our friendship come inbetween our working relationship because if the store fails, we all fail. She also works around my school schedule and will let me have any time off I need for what ever reasons. She never questions when I am sick, but on the flip side, I will come in on my days off if she needs me to or will come in early or stay late if there are problems, she knows this and rewards me for it.

    I am a shift manager and my fellow shift managers and I get along pretty good, we have our moments, but we work out our difference quite well despite age differences. We tend to disagree at times but never hold a grudge, I trust them totally.

    The crew of around 40 people are pretty diverse in ages, anywhere from 14 yrs old to 77 yrs old, they all have their moments and we do get some bad apples who don't last very long, but around 75 percent of the crew has been at the store anywhere from 1 year to 22 years. (Three of us have been there more than 10 years) We have a good working realtionship for the most part, but again when you have that many people you do tend to have differences, but when it comes to teamwork during the rush periods, I know I can count on most of them.

    The store has been around since 1969 (third one in the nation) and we have built an awesome customer base. I would say that 90 percent of our customers are regular repeats, many who actually come in more than once a day to eat. They are really nice and treat us like old friends and we do the same. The other 10 percent are mainly tourists. We do get sucky customers from time to time, such as the drunks, the rowdy teens, the talking on the cell in drive thru, the cranky people, little kids that run around but it is tolerable. When I get frustrated I just come home and read CS and releive my stress..Ha! Ha!

    We get discounted food, on and off the clock, vacation pay that we can use anytime through the year whether or not we take the time off, we get presents for Christmas (and a party), we get birthday cards with coupons for free food, on our anniversary date (the day we started) we get candy and presents and a Thank You note for our service.

    So all in all, I still have some problems, as with any job, I still have frustrations but I really love my job and actually look forward to work each day!! I know I will have to leave when I graduate from college but the years have been pretty good.

    So anyone else like their jobs?? Why? Just thought I would pose the question.
    Last edited by jnd4rusty; 08-20-2010, 04:50 AM.

  • #2
    I'm not especially fond of my current job, but now that I'm gone from good ol' ShopRite, I miss it.


    I enjoyed most of my coworkers.

    My department manager was fun.

    Store management treated me with respect, and got me lunch on the days I was working 10+ hours.

    Number 1 best at work boyfriend. (heh)

    Met my favorite cops there.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Some of my best friends have been coworkers at the factory. Even our piddly little breaks together give me just enough juice to have the courage to get back into the work area and get through the night.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        I am fortunate, especially since I'm in MI, that I have 2 jobs that I really like.


        * note avatar above* "Helping people, that's what I do."

        That's what the 2 jobs entail. It gives a great feeling when you've helped someone, either tutoring or assisting in having internet access available. It's especially great when that person genuinely thanks you - and it doesn't have to be with giving something, just hearing the words of gratitude's enough for me.

        Of course, there's the people who complain that I can't give them the help they need, even if I've given them an alternative or what they want to do is forbidden/illegal. That's a rare occurrence, and the people who appreciate the services I provide more than make up for that.


        • #5
          Of all my jobs, the one I'm at now is by far my favourite since I left the stable I worked at as a teenager. Why?

          I love talking to people, and get to do so all day every day.

          The people I work with are great, they're fun and patient. They understand that learning all the prices and buttons on the register and everything takes time, and they're awesome at teaching!

          The cooler guy is a hoot, and is becoming one of my best friends

          I'm starting to learn the regulars and am able to joke with them. Some of them actually asked me if I was okay when I came back from my first day off cause they hadn't seen me the day before. I loved it

          The hours are great. I love second shift cause I have time to hang out at night, and don't have to wake up ass crack early (I'm not good at that).

          There's more... but I love my job even if I have to be on my feet all day, even if it's only minimum wage, even if I have to clean bathrooms. There's so much good, the bad doesn't matter.


          • #6
            I love my job for a few reasons:
            1) No customers for me-- I work with paper and associated stuff. I put your books together, I cut paper, I staple. Bam.
            2) Hyper-flexible hours. The job is for students. They don't expect you to show up on time-- only when shit's going down and stuff needs to happen yesterday-- in some cases literally for serious. I've shown up an hour late, and Mike went "meh." They really don't care, as long as I work hard and I'm not an ass.
            3) No night or weekend hours, unless shit's going down and stuff needs to happen yesterday hardcore. I've only worked one Saturday the entire three years I've worked at the Print Shop.
            4) Deliveries. I don't do them often, and it's a nice change from sitting on my tookis or walking around a table collating stuff. I just have to be polite and efficient for a few minutes! I can do that.
            5) The constant changes. It changes constantly, but I have a set of skills and knowledges to apply to whatever is coming through the shop, which is what I want in a job and a career. I want vague mental interest in my work, when I spend some of my time-- which I will never get back, selling it for money to get stuff to enjoy. When I said, self what do I want in a career? This came up.
            6) I work with a set number of people in the back, and I know what's going on with them. Sometimes there's chitchat, sometimes not, and we can always turn on music-- unless the folder's going. Then we can't hear ourselves think. :P
            True, it's minimum wage, but I'm just helping my parents offset some of my college costs, so Dad's happy (money), Mom's happy (I can balance work and school), and I'm happy (I have money of my own that I don't have to ask them for to spend for movies and stuff). Granted, Dad's happy that I have my own money, and that I can balance stuff, and Mom and myself share those sentiments, but those are the major proponents of said sentiments, get it?
            Last edited by teh_blumchenkinder; 08-21-2010, 08:25 PM. Reason: details
            "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
            "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


            • #7
              Despite all the douchebags and assholes and morons I get to deal with, I truly love my job at The Bar, which I have said many times on here. I have been there three and a half years, and have told them point blank that I am not leaving there until I either move back to Phoenix or they fire me. I am serious about that.

              But why do I love it so much?

              I have regaled y'all with various stories of my awesome managers. When you work for people that have your back, that you truly like, and that, even with occasional disagreements, you enjoy being around and working for, it makes for a good work environment. I have that and more.

              The New Boss is just as cool as the Old Boss (who is still involved in the bar, but more as a partner in the ownership and less as a day-to-day manager--New Boss basically reports to Old Boss and Owner). AND he trusts and seeks my opinion on rum and rum-related topics, which is our specialty. Hell, he even calls me the "Rum Guru," though I prefer the more casual "Rum Guy," as I am by no means an expert. He has given me wide berth to do what I feel needs to be done in various rum-related aspects of my bar, and I basically single-handedly revised and revamped our rum menu. The fact that Old Boss and New Boss trusted me to do that and never got on my case about how long it was taking was awesome. It was a much bigger project than I had anticipated, but neither of them had the time to really devote to it, and I volunteered to do it. When you love your job so much that you are willing to do extra work off the clock for them, that is a pretty good sign. (My next volunteer project is to completely reorganized our rum storage area and our rum display case. With Little Red's help, I figure it should take me about 3-4 hours to knock that out.)

              I get to educate people about rum, and open up their eyes to new rum. Or for non-rum drinkers, sometimes I get to change their mind about rum. Also, I get to try great rums from all around the world. Did I mention that I love rum?

              I get people drunk for a living. I'd like to repeat that last one. I get paid to get people drunk. This is my job. How awesome is that?

              I live in paradise. Not a part of the job, really, merely its location, but it doesn't hurt at all. Nor do the great big picture windows we have in the front of the establishment that affords me the opportunity of watching all the lovely women in bikinis going by.

              I can be a smartass to people (within reason) and not get in trouble for it.

              I meet lots of cool people from all over everywhere, and have formed some friendships with some of the tourists, including a lovely couple that is coming into town this week.

              Sometimes customers will buy me drinks. While I'm working. Sometimes management will buy me drinks. While I'm working. While I have never gotten hammered while working, it is nice to know that I won't get fired for having a shot in the middle of my shift. Hell, every now and then a customer will buy me a shot of a really exquisite rum that I have turned them on to. That is awesome!

              I have a truly good and fun time with most of my coworkers most of my time. We bicker, disagree, argue, and fight, just like any workplace. But overall, we have fun. We rock. We kick it out. We basically get paid to make the party happen. People love us.

              Yes, I deal with idiot drunks, moronic tourists, demanding assholes, douchenozzles, fuckwads, crying babies, bratty children, miserable cusses, and humorless cocksuckers on a regular basis. But they are far outnumbered by the normal customers and the cool and awesome people that we get in there on a regular basis.

              Until I move back to Phoenix or they fire me, I'm staying there!

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                While I am a minion for the evil corporation, I'd have to say the Bestest part of my job is working with my awesome coworkers. Sure there are some that are a bit of a personality to deal with but that's okay. That's their problem, not mine. I loved my photo lab coworkers. Working with the cashiers is tons of fun. I like to send them to their room without dessert. Bad joke but it's entertaining.
                "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                • #9
                  Some of my coworkers and I do stuff outside of work, like go out to eat. It's really fun to not have to be in a work enviornment and be able to talk all we want and fool around and joke without being watched and scolded.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    for one see my post

                    I get to see things like that somewhat frequently esp this summer

                    second I get to see some awesome sunsets esp if there are light clouds in the area

                    seeing stormy weather in general roll in

                    the fact that I am outside and somewhat independant of my work place

                    I DO notice new things in the neighborhod every shift

                    most of the people I work with esp my fellow drivers are great people, though I do not really hang out with them

                    all of the stupid things we dredge up from the past that are funny

                    seeing the smiling faces of small children when I arrive at the door (now I wish the parents had that much enthusiasm) and when they say THANK YOU PIZZA MAN
                    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                    • #11
                      Quoth blas View Post
                      Some of my coworkers and I do stuff outside of work, like go out to eat. It's really fun to not have to be in a work enviornment and be able to talk all we want and fool around and joke without being watched and scolded.
                      But that's not really a part of the JOB, per se. And the question is, what makes your job enjoyable. Which for you, apparently, is not being there.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."

