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College Roundup

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  • College Roundup

    Hey, it's that season. No, not that one-- school season. True the tiny people will no longer be clogging your path and ripping things to shreds and being adorable (both are generally speaking, natch); but some of you on this board also go to college and/or technical courses or other forms of upper education. So, a few questions, all depending on if you are willing to answer any or all of them.
    1) how close is your school to where you live?
    Me? I live *this close* to campus. I can hear the football games across the street, it's intense to hear that! Parking is for shit, it's the only place in town that's like that!
    2) When did you start, and how close are you to graduating/getting any certificate or end-goal? Me-- started in 2004, I should be graduating spring 2011.
    3) What are you getting your end-goal piece of paper in? Me-- I'm getting it in English, emphasis in Linguistics.
    4) ...Books. How much did you spend this time? Any outliers or honorable mentions? One of my Latin books, by my prof, costs one hundred or so dollars. Eh, except for the fact that it's hardbound (expensive!), one hundred and two pages exactly, and exactly 25 of those pages are his reference material listings. ... I'm kinda intimidated by the amount of work that went into this! o___o It's a fascinating history book (it's about Cicero), but I'm not about to keep it, so I should get some money back. Seriously. I could read this bitch in a single sitting with some tea. Nice n' cozy like.
    5) Excited to go back, or dreading it? Other?
    Feel free to answer any, any number, or none of them. If you feel brave enough to include your place of education, feel free! Me? ... not so much with that type of bravery. There aren't many colleges in my state, and the cicero book alone would be enough to id me! (no joking. That's why I didn't tell you the full title )
    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."

  • #2

    I go to school at the univeristy I work at.

    I am taking General Biology I & lab. I also have to take General Biology II & lab, Anantomy & Physiology I & lab & Anatomy & Physiology II & lab.

    I am nervous & excited.

    I do not live near the campus. It is too expensive to do that.


    • #3
      I'll answer, even though I'm no longer in school. Cuz I'm bored like that.

      1) I went to school 3 hours from home and lived on campus (3 years in a dorm, one in senior housing townhouse complex right next to the soccer field (no is king)...which was nice that year when the homecoming game got moved to Sunday because of rain and I had to actually do homework and couldn't go sit and watch. My roommate and I opened the window and just listened to the announcer, and walked the 100 yards to the fence a couple times to watch for a few minutes here and there. Nice rear-view of the players who were standing on the bench.

      2) 1993 - 1997 (I graduated 13 years ago?! )

      3) English Literature. I work in the finance department of a bookstore distribution center. So I guess it's related...?

      4) Most expensive semester was when I took Biology. Over $300 and 1/3 of that was the Bio book. Least expensive was probably my last semester when I had mostly mass-market paperback novels, and one of my "classes" was an internship for credit that I didn't have to buy anything for (and I worked from home, editing a psychology textbook one of the profs was writing...while she was on maternity leave/sabbatical, so I only actually saw her in person a couple times). Slightly over $100.

      5) I was always excited to go back. I had more friends there than at home.

      Edit: Elizabethtown College in Lancaster County, PA. I'm a Blue Jay.
      Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 08-21-2010, 11:58 PM.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
        1) how close is your school to where you live?
        A tad over 2,500 miles. Probably a little less if I went straight over the Gulf of Mexico, but the Jestermobile is non-amphibious.

        Hey, I never said I was currently enrolled there! But it is my school, it is in Tempe, Arizona, and I am in Key West, Florida.

        Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
        2) When did you start, and how close are you to graduating/getting any certificate or end-goal?
        Started there the fall after I graduated high school. First classes were in late August, 1988. I never finished. I have only seven classes left to get my degree....but I'm never going back!

        Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
        3) What are you getting your end-goal piece of paper in?
        I was a broadcasting major, with a minor in political science. I was going to work in radio. Won't do that now because a) I don't want to and b) I couldn't afford the pay cut.

        Nowadays I get paid to get people drunk (bartender) or blow their minds (magician), and either way my job involves making people smile and laugh. How does it get any better than that?

        Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
        4) ...Books. How much did you spend this time?
        Zero. The benefit of being a former student.

        Though I may shortly enroll in a local community college either to further my knowledge of Spanish or for culinary classes.

        Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
        5) Excited to go back, or dreading it?
        Excited to NEVER be going back. To get my degree would involve a year out of my life, several thousand dollars I don't have, and convincing the department heads that this is something I really want to do....which it isn't.

        Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
        If you feel brave enough to include your place of education, feel free!
        I am proud to say I am a Sun Devil, from Arizona State University!

        GO DEVILS!!!
        Last edited by Jester; 08-21-2010, 11:53 PM.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          I forgot to mention-- I'm excited to go back. I'm finally taking Latin, which I've wanted to take since 9th grade, and ancient Greek, which I've wanted to take since 7th. Wow I'm a nerd. Maybe I should have gone straight to Linguistics instead of trying Engineering?
          Living right next to campus is actually the most expensive rent in town-- no, the major 'metro' area, aside from the ultra-fancy new lofts and stuff that just got built. Even then, y'all would scoff at it. 700 for 2/1 and a parking spot.
          "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
          "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


          • #6
            1) how close is your school to where you live?

            A few blocks, but it takes me 30 minutes to walk to where most of my classes are. It's a big campus.

            2) When did you start, and how close are you to graduating/getting any certificate or end-goal?

            I started my undergrad in 2001, at the other ASU that isn't Arizona State. (Go Red Wolves!) Finished that in 2005. Did the masters from 2006-2008. Went straight to the Ph.D. Hopefully, I'll take my comprehensive exams in the spring and be ABD (All But Dissertation). I graduate whenever I write 300 brilliant pages of stuff and other people approve it.

            3) What are you getting your end-goal piece of paper in?

            All of my degrees are/will be in Theatre. My focus is on history/dramaturgy/dramatic literature.

            4) ...Books. How much did you spend this time? Any outliers or honorable mentions?

            I'm only spending a little over $100 this time, thankfully. There have been semesters, though...sheesh. Some fancy-pants academic monographs can easily run into the $100-$120 range. I'm taking a class in German drama, and I'm pretty excited to read Faust again. I'm hoping we'll read some Lessing.

            As far as interesting books over the course of my over 8 year academic career....there isn't enough room.

            5) Excited to go back, or dreading it? Other?

            I'm excited to be in my last semester of actual classes. In the spring, I'll only be doing prep work for my comps (reading, reading, and more reading).

            Oh, and Rock Chalk, bitches.
            "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

            Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
            Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


            • #7
              Huh. I once watched a production of Faust that had the demons where the audience could see them, and Faust could, but no one on stage could. Very creepy! I loved it, there was other creepy too, like the ... going away? scene... it wasn't ever really clear whether he died or not...
              Are any of your productions on Youtube?
              "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
              "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


              • #8
                Quoth Jester View Post

                I am proud to say I am a Sun Devil, from Arizona State University!

                GO DEVILS!!!
                My apologies for what is about to happen to your Sun Devils, say, September 18.

                Anyhoo, I'm sorta dreading the kids going back to school, because that means the half days will be soon in coming and the swamp will be laden with pre-teen miscreants from the nearby junior high killing their afternoons by shoplifting and being general pains in the ass.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9

                  1) how close is your school to where you live?

                  My campus is a straight shot down the road. Maybe a mile.

                  2) When did you start, and how close are you to graduating/getting any certificate or end-goal?
                  I started in 2004, took a five year hiatus, now I'm back. Length depends on degree, but I should be transferring in 2011

                  3) What are you getting your end-goal piece of paper in
                  I have no idea.

                  4) ...Books. How much did you spend this time? Any outliers or honorable mentions?

                  Math is 111.50 because its a custom book, have to buy it new. Itd be another 350$ except i'm renting my other two books and doing without that "associated online lab" that goes with one of my classes.

                  5) Excited to go back, or dreading it? Other?

                  It'll be boring and easy like last semester. Hopefully I can manage to actually get up the gumption to DO my homework this semester. I need to kick it in gear so I can apply for honors society or something.
                  Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                  • #10

                    I just finished my internship a week ago. Once I finally finish my paper on the internship, I'll officially graduate.

                    This sucks.
                    "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                    • #11
                      Quoth Greenday View Post

                      I just finished my internship a week ago. Once I finally finish my paper on the internship, I'll officially graduate.

                      This sucks.
                      I will let you do my homework for me. No, really, its okay. Anything for a friend <3
                      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                      • #12
                        1) I attend BHSU, the actual campus is 50 miles away in Spearfish, but I take classes in Rapid City at the SDSM&T campus. All the schools in SD are connected to the Higher Education Center in Rapid and offer classes at SDSM&T campus and at WDT campus but they are building a new Center for all the non traditional students off of Elk Vale Road and that should be finished for next semester. So right now it is only about 4 miles to get to campus, next semester it will be about 7 miles.

                        2) I started back to school in 2005. I previously attended BHSU when I was 18 in 1983 but only went for one year. I have been taking 2 classes a semester so that I can work full time also. I am currently a junior with approximately 51 credits to go before I graduate. I am calculating that I can graduate in the spring of 2013 if I start taking 3 classes and do a couple of summers also.

                        3) I am majoring in Business with a emphasis in Management. I was going for Accounting but decided to switch because now they offer a Masters in Applied Management that I may try for. I hope to work at Ellsworth Air Force base in the Financial Services call center when I graduate or work for the school system.

                        4) Well my books were going to cost $401.00 until I heard (on this site) about renting them and now they will cost a little over $200.00. I have two classes-Business Finance and Legal Enviroment of Business. Legal Enviroment of Business requires two books, one I have to purchase new because it is a workbook. I am excited about renting them because I love saving money on books!! Plus I won't get stuck with a book if they decide not to use it again.

                        5) I am excited about going back, I look forward to classes each semester. I am also scared because I don't know how hard it will be and how drama free my life will be. The last two semesters have been filled with drama in my life that affected my studies and concentration, so hopefully this year will be better. I love school and when I first started back in 2005 I was worried that I was too old, but there are many students who are older than I am who are pursuing degrees. I enjoy meeting new classmates and talking to my professors. I only had one professor that I did not get along with, alll of the others have been very nice and helpful.


                        • #13
                          Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
                          Huh. I once watched a production of Faust that had the demons where the audience could see them, and Faust could, but no one on stage could. Very creepy! I loved it, there was other creepy too, like the ... going away? scene... it wasn't ever really clear whether he died or not...
                          Are any of your productions on Youtube?
                          You probably saw a production of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe. Goethe's Faust (the one I referred to) is broken up in two parts. Only the first part is ever staged. The second part is mostly philosophy, because that's how Goethe rolls. He "dies" in the second part. (If memory serves, he's redeemed in Goethe's version, but not in Marlowe's.)

                          I don't really do many productions, since I'm largely a historian/scholar type person. I dramaturg occasionally, and I've assistant directed twice. However, none of the productions that I've worked on are on YouTube. Or at least they better not be, since that is some serious copyright infringement.
                          "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                          Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                          Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                          • #14
                            Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
                            1) how close is your school to where you live?
                            I'm about 10 miles from school as the crow flies. Takes about 15 min to get there.

                            Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
                            2) When did you start, and how close are you to graduating/getting any certificate or end-goal? Me-- started in 2004, I should be graduating spring 2011.
                            I started 3 years ago, but won't be done until 2012 since I'm taking things slow. I'm taking minimal classes each term.

                            Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
                            3) What are you getting your end-goal piece of paper in?
                            Current goal is Bachelors degree in web media.

                            Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
                            4) ...Books. How much did you spend this time?
                            This term, around $250. That is a little higher than normal, because one of my classes has 2 books instead of just one (which I'm not certain why, since they seem to cover the same thing...)

                            Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
                            5) Excited to go back, or dreading it? Other?
                            I'm excited. I am really enjoying my classes right now, except for a certain class in the past where the person who set up said class was a moron...

                            Eric the Grey
                            In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                            • #15
                              1) My school is an hour and a half to two hours away from me. Perfect distance because I can go home whenever I want, but it’s far enough where I have to rely on myself most of the time.
                              2) I started Fall of 2009. I still have four years left to go.
                              3) I am double majoring in English and Education. So I will have both a B.A. in English and a Teaching Degree.
                              4) My school has a cool system. As a full time student, I pay about $70 a semester for renting as many textbooks as I need. I go to the Textbook Center, run my id through, they give me my list, and I go get my books. When I am done getting my books, I go to the front desk, where they scan my id and the books. The $70 is attached to my tuition bill. It’s pretty nifty for me since I do have literature classes up the ying yang.
                              5) I leave for school in five days and I couldn’t be more excited. I really miss school.

                              BTW, University of Wisconsin-Platteville!! Go Pioneers!
                              "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

                              I belly dance with tall Goblins!

