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College Roundup

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  • #46
    Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
    but I have no friends here and I'm not good at making them.
    join a club. any club. instant friends.
    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


    • #47
      Quoth Whiskey View Post
      join a club. any club. instant friends.
      Hopefully. Every group of people, unless kissed by Fortuna Bella, has douchebags and/or socially remedial people. But in general, yeah. Particularly if it's the Anime/Manga Club, Card-collecting/playing club, RP club... generally the geeky clubs are the most open, friendly and tolerating-- mostly 'cuz they all know by college that they're all freaks! (btw moi=one of these freaks several times over )
      Also, Gawd's, don't be fooled-- upper divisions, especially upper division English/language courses will take no prisoners, particularly if they aim for your ass. Just keep up with the readings and memorizing (if called for in your ways of studying, that is), and general homework and assignments. They will be on the test, no matter what the prof or TA says. ... that and you learn stuff by treating it thusly.
      EDIT: socially remedial can mean so many different things. For me? It means I talk way too much. ... and a few other things that would take a bit to explain... I mean nothing by it, just yattering. It's apparently a problem by other people's definition, but my own friends don't mind, and even find it endearing and amazing and hilarious.
      Last edited by teh_blumchenkinder; 09-15-2010, 03:57 AM.
      "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
      "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


      • #48
        Hey! Hey guys! Look what I found! This is totally relating to this!
        (Jester, Gawdzillers, take note)
        This graph from collegehumor describes orientation week parties, drunkenness, friends, and frat-related stuff/relations.
        ... It's so true. Please note, I have never vom'd in a Frat.
        EDIT because this will be read here and not in my previous post: Remind me to tell y'all how I made myself not-as-shy and socially inept at some point, k?
        Last edited by teh_blumchenkinder; 09-15-2010, 03:15 PM.
        "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
        "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


        • #49
          Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
          5) I'm excited because it's a lot easier than high school (so far), but I have no friends here and I'm not good at making them.
          Join a table in the cafeteria or join a club. Most colleges have a club for any interest. Attend any on campus social, since they are pretty much for any student and are usually free.

          Gawdzillers, what college do you go to? You can PM me the answer if not comfortable saying here.
          "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

          I belly dance with tall Goblins!


          • #50
            Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
            3) Majoring in Biology right now, but I'm probably gonna switch to Pre-Med because I didn't know Pre-Med was a major when I enrolled
            Assuming you're in the US, you can get into med school with anything from a major in biology to a major in theater. Make sure you take the classes your med school is looking for (hello minor in chemistry and/or biology at most schools) and major in something you enjoy.

            I dislike pre-professional majors, because if you change your mind or you don't do well enough to get into professional school, your options are limited. My sister wants to be a vet, and majored in animal science instead of pre-vet. She didn't have good enough grades to get into vet school, but she was able to find a job with her degree. A friend of hers also got an animal science degree. Her friend changed her mind about vet school junior year, but didn't have to change majors since she liked her major.


            • #51
              Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
              Hopefully. Every group of people, unless kissed by Fortuna Bella, has douchebags and/or socially remedial people. But in general, yeah. Particularly if it's the Anime/Manga Club,
              I was President of my Anime/Manga Club. I'm worried that when I get back someone else will be running a club and then I won't be able to have mine. Or we will fight over who gets to have a club. Whoever gets their paperwork in first for the same kind of club gets leadership. Though the VP academic likes to tell the second person to look up the first one.
              Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

              Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
              Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


              • #52
                Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
                Remind me to tell y'all how I made myself not-as-shy and socially inept at some point, k?
                Do tell.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #53
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  Do tell.
                  It's awkward, but it's a lot like me in that respect!
                  So, around April or May the year I graduated high school (I was 18), I said to myself, "I want to change things in college." I might have said it out loud.
                  I thought I had a problem because I hardly ever spoke in school. I also wasn't the type to go outside and pester people, even if we didn't live in a place without a lot of neighbors. During my childhood, I had about 8 friends, all of whom moved away at some point-- or I moved away from them. The most friends I had at any given time was three. Even then, it wasn't like I could bare my soul to these people without serious embarrassment (on my end. They'd've been cool I think...). I spent most of my copious free time reading. ... I actually discovered the limit on check out materials from my local library system (100 books, 20 dvds/cds/audio media)
                  So. College. The Big School. The university I had elected to attend-- mostly because I was lazy, wanted to stay in-state for my Dad's wallet and sanity, and wanted a decent shot at a job for pocket money-- I really only had the one choice. The university I had elected to attend (sorry 'bout that long appositive...) had an orientation day (only the one day, at the time, glad I dodged that bullet-- now it's a weekend you have to pay a few hundred for, it's quite silly and redundant!) and during this orientation day you had to get an identification card, with a student number on it. Which meant a line.
                  I looked at the person in front of me, took a breath, and started a conversation.
                  ... I'll have to tell you about John later.
                  Anyway. By starting random conversations and generally getting more practice at talking in general, I quickly developed some semblance of social graces-- with some pit falls along the way... like guys wanting to marry me. Yeah... another set of stories all together.
                  I try to be honest, I try to be nice, and I try to be cool-- in about that order. Usually if the first two conflict, I have to think awhile and probably not mention it for a few days... but, trial, error, and some straightener lessons from my buds really help with it.
                  I now have a gaming group, a room-mate, and a few other friends (who I don't see that often 'cuz they aren't in school and I have midterms coming up... )-- and for the most part, they are amazing. The others are special and quirky in their own ways... some of which society at large seems to have problems with. Aaand that's yet another story! One thing leads to another, apparently. XD
                  "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
                  "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


                  • #54
                    I tried to do the whole "reinvent myself as a social person" thing in first year. I gave up in second year, because I discovered that it just wasn't me. However, it did result in me knowing half my class, which was useful (in theory. It would have been more useful as I wasn't known as "that girl who seems to understand this stuff").


                    • #55
                      I was "the girl who knows how to set up voicemail".....

                      I know the feeling.
                      SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                      SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                      • #56
                        So I'll take this a course at a time:


                        1.) I personally lived a half hour drive from campus, no residence at the campus I was on. My parents were a six hour drive away.

                        2.) I started in 1999 and finished in 2002, a four year course in three years, never doing that again.

                        3.) Diploma was Marine Engineering Technology and I got Honours and Dean's List. Yay!!!

                        4.) Books were a little expensive, I had to get one set that cost $700 just for the set, I had one book that was just a table of logarithmic numbers that was $400 for the book, all told I probably spent around $3000 on books for the time I was there. No option to rent it was such a specialized course. Of course several of the books I used again in later years. I also had to buy around $5000 worth of specialty tools.

                        5.) I loved the coursework and made many great friends but don`t mind admitting I was close to burnout when I was done.


                        1.) I live 6 provinces away, an eight hour flight or six day drive, correspondence for the win.

                        2.) Started in 2004 and have 3 more courses and then I`m done, hopefully by next spring.

                        3.) Bachelor of Marine Technology which I will probably never use now but I figure I started it I will finish it.

                        4.) Most of the books I already had from my college degree so I only had to buy a couple, set me back around $500 for them, plus shipping of course.

                        5.) Just want it over with at this point.


                        1.) I live and work 4 hours away from campus but the company pays my travel and living expenses when I have to go on course and it`s usually only a couple weeks at a time.

                        2.) Started in 2008 and should be done in 2012.

                        3.) I`ll be a red seal licensed Diesel Mechanic when I`m done.

                        4.) Books are paid for and provided by the company I work for so at least no big bills this time. Company provides most tools and a tool allowance for some of the rest but still had to buy around $3000 worth of tools on my own. Most of the tools I previously bought do not work for this field.

                        5.) Excited about it though.


                        • #57
                          Quoth TawnyMyst View Post
                          I had one book that was just a table of logarithmic numbers
                          Dating yourself here, are you?

                          And you know, when the guidance counsellor was telling you what your post-secondary options were, she probably said that your options were college, university or apprenticeship. It wasn't an and. (I'm quite impressed at your dedication, it's hard to spend that long in school, even if you're getting paid for it).


                          • #58
                            Not at all. Actually as far as I know that book is still used in the course. It was very useful for plotting courses, moreso for the navigation students, as opposed to the engineering students.

