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Scary Accident...

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  • Scary Accident...

    So I was taking a customers order and two little children run in (they were about 4yrs old and 7yrs old) screaming "CALL 911", both were freaking out and crying. I looked outside the front windows and there was a man on the pavement all bloody. So I hollered towards the cooks to call 911. So here is what happened. The childrens dad was in the turning lane, trying to make a left hand turn into our parking lot and as he made the turn a motorcycle came screaming down the road at a high speed and hit his van. The motorcyle hit the front passenger side of the van and the bike became lodged under it, the biker slammed into the passenger windshield (huge hole in the window) then flew about twenty feet and landed on his stomach on the pavement!! It was awful!! The blood was gushing from his head, the kids kept looking out the window screaming that he was dead, the dad kept running outside then inside to check on the kids, very distraught! A couple of customers finally took the kids into the dining area and calmed them down and bought them some food. They cordoned off the entire front of the parking lot to do the investigation, one officer told me and my manager that it may be fatal. The dad came into the office, as I was leaving, to use the phone and his little boy walked up to me and kept saying "I'm scared", I'm scared", "there is a guy with blood all over him"...My heart just sank, the poor child!! The children are going to have such nightmares!!!

    That is not the first accident to happen in front of my building. About six or seven years ago there was a high speed chase involving a young college student. He hit the curb across the street from our store, his car became airborn and it hit our marquee, which broke and bent the pole. The car tore apart, part of it hit our building, breaking the glass in one window and putting a hole in the wall. The driver was killed instantly, he landed in the parking lot with body parts missing. The freakest thing (if that was not enough) was the shift manager on duty was in the dining room wiping some tables off and was standing directly in front of the window that was hit, luckily our windows have that filmy stuff on it so it won't come apart. She was traumatized for awhile after that.

    So as I was typing this I glanced at the calendar and suddenly got chills down my spine. Why? You may ask, because today is Saturday the 21st, it is our curse!! Seriously, the evening that the college student was killed was Saturday the 21st, one month prior, Saturday the 21st, we had a huge wind storm and a huge cottonwood tree behind our building split in half. This caused the tree to pull all the wires completely out of our building (they actually tore out of the breaker boxes located in the office) and split two power poles in half, one across the street and one behind the building. It was a mess!! We had to close for two days. Then a few months later, on Saturday the 12th (I call it the Saturday curse that has a 1 and a 2 in the date) a truck was driving down the road in front of our store and his tire came off, it flew through the air and hit the vailance in front of the drive thru, which smashed that up and barely missed a suburban sitting at the window. That same evening some kids tried to tear the paper towel dispenser off the men's room wall so it was hanging by one screw. So I go inthere and use our set of keys to unlock the dispenser so I can take it off the wall. After we were closed I was looking for the keys to lock the front doors and I could not find them!! I left the store keys in the men's room and someone stole them!!!! I had to call my manager (different one than the one we have now) at 12:30 a.m. to come in and lock the store up!! He actually laughed about it because he knew it was our curse!! The following Monday he had the locks changed and gave me my own personal set of keys, in case it ever happened again (his words).

    This is ever so freaky!!!!
    Last edited by jnd4rusty; 08-22-2010, 12:11 AM.

  • #2
    Oh, wow, those poor kids. I'd be terrified and I'm 34! And the dad...when I was 13 I was with my family on the way to my cousin's wedding reception and we hit a guy on a bicycle (his fault, he rode into the road from the sidewalk without looking). He hit his head and there was a lot of blood; my mom called the hospital the next day and found out he had been released, so at least he was OK, but we didn't have much fun at the wedding reception. My dad was so upset; I found him in the hallway at the hotel at one point trying not to cry.

    There was an accident in my area the other day that had a major road closed for several hours. Someone on a motorcycle crashed into the propane tank of an RV (that was turning, I think) and the thing exploded; rider did not survive. My boss takes that road home, and his wife works for the police department in the next town over from where it happened, so she called him to tell him about it. He showed me the pictures of the RV from the news the next day.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Another member of the "witnessed a bloody accident" crowd.

      I was grabbing lunch when I saw somebody on a motorcycle broadside a Ford Bronco (one of the larger ones, too) so hard the Bronco ended up rolling onto its side.

      Blood was pouring out of the motorcyclist's head. I left my car to check on him and see if anybody called 911. Never did get lunch that day.

      Also I never did find out if the motorcyclist survived or not.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Well, they'll never speed on a bike.
        those posts are enough to scare me, and I'm usually good in critical situations like that.
        "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
        "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


        • #5
          Update: According to the news, the young man is in critical condition. He is only 20 yrs old. They said that speed (on his end) was a factor and that he was not wearing a helmet. I could not sleep last night because I kept seeing his bloody head in my mind...very freaky for me!! I could never be a EMT or nurse!! Kudos to all emergency persons who have to see this type of stuff daily! It would give me nightmares!


          • #6
            I once saw the aftermath of an accident that occurred because a teenager decided to steal his mother's car and go joyriding. He missed a bend in the road and went right over a woman pushing her little girl in a stroller.

            Mother: Severely injured. Little girl: Dead within a couple of hours after arriving at the hospital.


            • #7
              Quoth jnd4rusty View Post
              Update: According to the news, the young man is in critical condition. He is only 20 yrs old. They said that speed (on his end) was a factor and that he was not wearing a helmet. I could not sleep last night because I kept seeing his bloody head in my mind...very freaky for me!! I could never be a EMT or nurse!! Kudos to all emergency persons who have to see this type of stuff daily! It would give me nightmares!
              Yeah, I have much respect for people who can do those kinds of jobs. I couldn't.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

