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Update on Sparta

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  • Update on Sparta

    For those of you who remember, at the beginning of the summer, we added a kitten to our family. If you don't remember, well, we got a kitten and named him Sparta.

    So, a few months later, how is this little ball of fuzz doing?

    Well, him and the cat who dubbed me his human (see avatar pic) get along so well. Sparta follows CJ everywhere and has even picked up his habits! They groom each other and even play! CJ is a big cat. Scratch that. He is a miniature lion. However, he is very careful not to squish Sparta.

    Our other cat, Ella, does not like anything or anyone (besides my mother), so we didn't expect her to warm up to him. She growls at Sparta if he comes near her. To this little kitten, this means she wants to play and will chase her around. Kitten has a death wish.

    Sparta is being a normal kitten. He runs around and has a ton of energy. He doesn't really sleep at night. Poor kitty has been teething, so we have to make sure he doesn't try to nom on things he is not supposed to. He climbs on the couch and the screen, so we constantly have to get him down. He does a whole bunch of silly stuff, to which my sister and I made the joke that his mother must have done catnip when she was pregnant with him.

    His favorite places to get into are the fridge when we open it, the bathroom when we go in, the basement when we want to do laundry, and our laps. He likes to pull up random items from the basement, such as socks and wash cloths. When we are folding laundry, we have to keep an eye on him because he will ninja his way to our underwear, bras, and socks. He loves laying his head on boobs. Sparta, like our other cats, is spoiled rotten.

    Sparta has been a wonderful addition to our family, even if the most uttered phrase in the house is "Munchkin, get your kitten!"

    A little off topic:

    Munchkin is now a pesky little high school freshman. I'm old!
    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

    I belly dance with tall Goblins!