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Ode to the person driving the little yellow sports car.

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  • Ode to the person driving the little yellow sports car.

    I was going to post this in roadkill but there was no roadkill.

    Oh person driving that little yellow sports car I saw this afternoon. I was able to learn so much about you during the brief time I saw your car.

    First, it's clear that you are going though some mid-life crisis, compensating for something, and/or just are craving for attention. You got a sports car to get people's attention but you didn't want to go for the obvious red, you went for the yellow. Clearly you want everyone to notice you but you don't want to make it look obvious.

    Second, it's clear you're not smart (or at least wise). I estimated your speed at at least 85 miles per hour. How can I guess this? Traffic was heavy and as you went speeding from lane to lane and zipped passed me you passed me faster than I pass stationary objects in a school zone (15-20MpH). My guess is that you were going closer to 90.

    As I mentioned, traffic was heavy because the roads were slick and it was raining out. Clearly you don't understand that wet pavement is far slippier than dry pavement, or you don't think the laws of physics and the coefficient of friction actually rises on wet pavement with your car while it lowers for everyone else. Zipping from lane to lane quickly is a great way to make your pretty little car unpretty (and it puts other people at risk).

    I guess you didn't see the big accident a few miles back? Yeah, wet pavement has a tendency to cause these (well, people who don't remember how to drive on wet pavement cause it, you know what I mean).

    I wished I was able to see you go spinning off the highway, watching your headlights turn into tail lights, back into head lights, back into tail lights as your underwear turns a stinky shade of brown. No other cars hit, just everyone else slowing down to look at you, many of which will mutter "dumbass" under their breath. But no, that didn't happen but I know you got what you deserve.

    It is also clear that you don't look in your rear view mirror often. Not only did you come close to clipping a few cars, you failed to notice a yellow Ford Mustang with dark tint following you cautiously. They stayed back far enough so they could keep up with you but still drive safely enough not to endanger other motorists.

    Also, your blue and white license plate that says "NEW YORK" wasn't the giveaway that you don't live here, or are new to the area. Nope. There's something else that all the locals here and the surrounding counties know that you clearly do not.

    That little yellow Mustang behind you is one of the Palm Beach sheriff's unmarked police cars. Yes, you think you're sly and clever zipping between lanes in a car craving for attention in the rain. Well, you got that attention because just a mile or two down the road that Mustang caught up to you and gave you a blue (and red) light special.

    I'm sure you'll love to explain to your insurance company the list of citations you got.

    As you can tell, I don't like people who drive in such a way it puts others at a higher risk. Clearly you left little to no room for a margin of error - someone hitting their breaks unexpectedly, someone else trying to switch lanes, a piece of debris in the road, a quick increase in the amount of rain, a strong gust of wind. Traffic was already slow for a reason.

    Yes, you might have been on your way to see your dying relative but is it worth putting other lives at risk? I'll admit, I've broken traffic laws when rushing to the hospital to see my wife but I made sure every time it was safe (both were running red lights - I did stop and made sure no one was coming in any direction). You can be in a rush and still be safe about it.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2

    *standing ovation*

    Oh and WTF?! The cops got mustangs?! Lol.


    • #3
      A coworker (who now delivers in the sky ) once told me something about those cop lights: she called them sex lights, because either way, someone's getting... *cough * (hint, begins with the letter "f")
      "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
      "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


      • #4
        Quoth Amina516 View Post
        Oh and WTF?! The cops got mustangs?! Lol.
        This is an unmarked police car, it's a great one, too. Yellow Ford Mustang, very dark tint, neon lights under the car, etc.

        When they first started to use it they'd pull up next to some unsuspecting person (usually in some sports car) at a red light and rev the engine. Of course, you can guess what happened next.

        When we first moved down here, the Florida highway patrol mostly (at least down here) had Corvetts, now I think they all have Chargers.
        Quote Dalesys:
        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


        • #5
          I too love it when those idiot drivers get caught. We were driving to the beach a few years ago, on a narrow, 2-lane state highway. The idiot behind us was tailgating so close I couldn't see their hood. I don't know where we were supposed to go, since there was traffic ahead of us, and no place to pass. We were going 7-10 over the speed limit, just like the rest of the cars out there. This doofus caught an open passing area, went flying by all the cars in the lineup, and got caught by Oregon State Police troopers. People were saluting & waving at the troopers as we drove past.

          Speed Racer didn't seem to realize there was a State Patrol office in the little podunk town we'd just driven through...
          That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


          • #6
            A couple of departments in SW PA have Mustangs. There's at least one out of Washington...that's pretty damn fast. I've seen it nail people on the highways. Best part about it, is that it's so low-key. It looks like shit, but has a seriously tweaked engine.

            I've seen quite a few idiots get nailed on the long straightaways on I-79 down that way. Most of the trip towards the PA/WV state line, the cops are blatantly obvious. But, every now and then you get a show...

            Such as, I was driving down to my grandmother's one night. 79 is pretty empty, so I'm cruising somewhere between 70-75mph. Several miles behind me, a pair of bluish headlights appear, and they're gaining on me Seems someone had their dad's car out, and had something to prove. Whatever it was, it was coming on quickly! The next thing I know, there's a Porsche of some sort in the passing lane, and he's *still* accelerating! But, it wasn't to last. Right on his ass was a state trooper in a Crown Vic. The trooper didn't have his lights on...yet. As soon as the Porsche floored it, the trooper flipped his lights on, and pulled him over

            Same road, different car. I'm in my grandmother's car, taking her home after some shopping in Washington. I'm doing about 70+ on the long straightaway before the Marianna (PA) exit. Some dipshit in a beat-up Taurus passed me like I was standing still. He got a few lengths ahead of me, only to miss the police car alongside the road. No sooner does he go zipping by...the cop pulls out and lays rubber after him. Meanwhile, I haven't changed speed, but I did move into the passing lane, as I went by. Seriously, what was the point in that?
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              Quoth mae View Post
              One of those reality police shows similar to Police Women of <whatever> County had a tricked out Hummer that was emblazoned with "This car used to be owned by a drug dealer." and "DARE" logos that they used as a police car. It. Was. Awesome. I wish I could remember which show it was!!
              It wouldn't surprise me if it was Broward county. We still have a lot of drugs and hummers here and I wouldn't put it past BSO to do something like that (that's not a bad thing).
              Quote Dalesys:
              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


              • #8
                Cops around here are starting to get Chargers more and more. Mostly smaller towns with less staffing, it'd probably cost way too much to fund bigger cities with entirely Chargers.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

